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David Merrill Posted - 26 Jun 2012 : 08:49:07
This image reminds me of reading Tragedy and Hope; The History of the World in Our Time by Carroll QUIGLEY.
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Manuel Posted - 28 Jun 2012 : 22:05:30
You are welcome David. Today I was looking for my
glasses for about ten minutes, only to realize I had
them on. I need to trust my brain too

David Merrill Posted - 28 Jun 2012 : 16:04:31
Thanks for that video clip. That was fun.

I am author of a brain trust and so people send me things. I had that chart/map printed out on a poster so I can put a ruler down and trace the lines more easily.

Hi GhostWalter;

Great to have a new poster here.
ghostwalter Posted - 27 Jun 2012 : 21:52:39
I am so very grateful for your opening this window of opportuniy to everybody. Why, tell me we are not giving the surge of money to those that are the true workers for society and still giving to the dead. Please keep up the work you have thus far in your endeavor.
Manuel Posted - 27 Jun 2012 : 18:46:29
This has alot to do with it, don't you think?

Supression Of Technological Evolution, The Evidence

Bondservant Posted - 26 Jun 2012 : 17:44:45
David, where do you find this stuff?

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