T O P I C R E V I E W |
sambo1011 |
Posted - 24 Aug 2002 : 02:27:52 Does anyone have any information about which areas are Gestapo-lite?
That is, areas that don't seem to require Marriage Licences and Birth Certificates, etc. to exist?
20 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
Jay Scott |
Posted - 23 Feb 2011 : 15:27:28 quote: Originally posted by TomL
The birth certificate is a legal document.
What does that mean?
Much obliged.
Jay Scott. |
TomL |
Posted - 23 Feb 2011 : 12:17:00 The birth certificate is a legal document.
Tom |
Jay Scott |
Posted - 20 Feb 2011 : 17:45:12 How does the birth certificate prove it's your legal name?
Jay Scott. |
TomL |
Posted - 20 Feb 2011 : 15:54:00 quote: Originally posted by Jay Scott
You may be right.
But, is the name your parents called you, and the NAME on a Birth Certificate necessarily the same name/NAME? Do you think you could prove it in a "court" if your liberty depended on it?
Once upon a time my liberty was curtailed briefly. A fellow with a badge, gun, and walkie talkie asked me, 'What's your NAME?'.
'You mean what people call me?', I responded.
'NO! NAME, DOB, and SSN', followed by locking up the NAMEless one without a moment to respond.
Jay Scott.
The name on my birth certificate is not what people call me, but it is my legal name. Can I prove it beyond the birth certificate? Probably not.
Jay Scott |
Posted - 20 Feb 2011 : 09:13:20 I saw this posted elsewhere:
Digitized by JRBooksOnline.com Nov 2001
Extract from WAR RIGHTS ON LAND by J.M. Spaight (London: Macmillan & Co., 1911)
The separation of armies and peaceful inhabitants into two distinct classes is perhaps the greatest triumph of International Law.
A thought comes to mind...if one claims STATE property (including LEGAL NAME and 'titles' and documents bearing such?) does that make one appear to be a BELLIGERENT or a peaceful inhabitant?
Jay Scott. |
Jay Scott |
Posted - 20 Feb 2011 : 09:06:42 Maybe back on topic...
Is the "free-est" state, not claiming the NAME? (Or 'titles' in the NAME?)
Jay Scott. |
Jay Scott |
Posted - 20 Feb 2011 : 09:04:59 quote: Originally posted by Robert-James ...Demand ones name be spelled correctly on a bank account, Drivers License. IRS form, Property Tax bill. electric bill. Insurance bill, the whole phletoria of fictions who want to do business with ummmm, who? Whom?
For what purpose? To expedite ejection? (Let my people go?)
Love Jay. |
Robert-James |
Posted - 19 Feb 2011 : 21:45:28 [quote]Originally posted by Jay Scott
You may be right.
But, is the name your parents called you, and the NAME on a Birth Certificate necessarily the same name/NAME? Do you think you could prove it in a "court" if your liberty depended on it?
Once upon a time my liberty was curtailed briefly. A fellow with a badge, gun, and walkie talkie asked me, 'What's your NAME?'.
'You mean what people call me?', I responded.
'NO! NAME, DOB, and SSN', followed by locking up the NAMEless one without a moment to respond.
Jay Scott\\
Well said Jay, one can never know, Know, ON HERESAY EVIDENCE. Too many so called Christians can only testify on here=say evidence, which any court, fiction or lawful will dismiss. Which includes a belief in a resurrection of a man near 2,000 years ago. Yahu-shua aka Jesus means I Will Be- Salvation. First grade stuff: Teacher says, 'writ your name'. Simple right. I write ROBERT JAMES, and my teach sees IT, ans says "wrong". Spell your name!!! I write, Robert James. The teach looks and says, "good". But one can not interface with the 8th beast system, ok. Try it and find out for yourself, i.e. acquire your own testimony. It is not about dissing a traffic ticket. It is about exposing EVIL. This Christ "guy" when he returns....exposes everything evil done in secret. It is happening now. Romans 8:29 as we say Paul writes so long ago, Yahushua{Jesus} the firstborn among many brethern. He exposed the evil bankers' system and it cost him his lfe. The Secondborn sons/daughters will finish the job. Christ help the man who can't even spell his own name, and even worse, dosn't even care how it is spelled. Maybe too much flouride and govt. schooling? Plus church attendence? This should not be hard science ten years after 2001. We...have moved on. Likeht here and right now. ancient Dananites who were sent out to scout out new territories. But the NAME issue is for anyone to see, right here and right now. Just look and see. I see Spot run. Spot is a dog. I like Spot. Dogs run fast.
First grade language, ok? Christian...the word, according to Oxfords English Dictionary {the big one} comes from the root word...cretin. A cretin basically, and in truth, is one who is stunded in his growth. They don't even know how to spell their name and so the Laws of Nature allow, even demand, correction. And the adversary satan's, lawyers, or better put, attorneys have a field good man asks, and the response is filthy lucre. John Bunyon, author of Pilgrims Progress. Need I even mention a classic? Spend 13 years in and out of prison, in England. Why? Over a licensing issue. Try and get a drivers license issued in your given name. It will not happen. Only ALL CAP FICTIONS are given the privalege. Don't believe me? Try and get any document issued with your name spelled correctly...from the gubberment. This cluster stuff is all FOR our awakening, ok. But mankind prefers sleep. It does say in Genesis 2 that yhwh put ha-Adam asleep and the rib-eve-female, yda,yada,yada. Where does it says Adam man {you} ever wakened? Masonry, the good part, tries to awaken the man within. And does in part, depending where we are in history. The second birth as per John ch.3 awakens the inner Christ Spirit. But forces try and effect a [artial abortion and it is working. A man born free from above must know the name by which he is called. The devils blaspheme that worthy name. See? Caucasions are the literal descendents from Abraham's loins. As one who can't even spell his name, how can I dare ask you why you consider yourself a Caucasion? I know, and u don't. Going to the US gulog seems to be a must anymore. THEY will not see-recognize your real name. In legal law, and lawful, a FICTION can not be harmed. Ok? Cut Bugs Bunny? Fictions arise from Law.
This whole game is allowed by the Most High ElElyon because of His Childrens disobedience. The system screwed themselves when they killrf an innocent man circa. 30 a.d. Yahushua{h} Notice in the authorised KJV that JESUS is frstly printed that way. A FICTION. The un-authorisied authorities are hard to find. David Merrill and even this very site is not authorisied by gubberment girls.
We here know that the government is upon shoulders, the very necks who dare to stand up and out and even dare them to kill Him again.
I tell you Pal, much is simply in THE NAME. You'll never know till you try...and I can promise you that. Read previous writings here, somewhere here. It is all so stupid, it really is. But so are we. And we deserve it all. Jesus is a made up name persons believe in. Boy do THEY believe in a name. Ok? That word-name has nothing to do with Truth and reality.\Never under-estimate lawyers. Paul was one of the few lawyers who 'tricked' and was made to tell the Truth, maybe not all the truth, but a good portion. Do they not blaspheme that worthy name by which you were called? {Yacob[james] the blood brother of Yahushua}. Does not this Father-Hod call us by name? Yes. Does not satan call us by another name? Yes. Who do we answer to? Do NOT enter into the fight until you sit down and count the costs. Please? I mean that in all truth. The whole name game has already been done here. Not much else to say other than one simple thing: Demand ones name be spelled correctly on a bank account, Drivers License. IRS form, Property Tax bill. electric bill. Insurance bill, the whole phletoria of fictions who want to do business with ummmm, who? Whom? The 8th beast is here....the U.S.Corp. Mark-Name-Number. The name is always ALL CAPITALIZED. The NUMBER is obviously the Social Security System number. Questions beg the answer, ok? You have the MARK? i'VE MENTIONED ENOUGH to a small but fine audience....And need not apologize that you, now, have no mor excuses, as is it NOT OBVIOUS.
Jay Scott |
Posted - 15 Feb 2011 : 12:45:56 You may be right.
But, is the name your parents called you, and the NAME on a Birth Certificate necessarily the same name/NAME? Do you think you could prove it in a "court" if your liberty depended on it?
Once upon a time my liberty was curtailed briefly. A fellow with a badge, gun, and walkie talkie asked me, 'What's your NAME?'.
'You mean what people call me?', I responded.
'NO! NAME, DOB, and SSN', followed by locking up the NAMEless one without a moment to respond.
Jay Scott.
TomL |
Posted - 15 Feb 2011 : 11:25:28 quote: Originally posted by Jay Scott
I s'pose that depends on how you perceive them and, therefore, how you use them.
Who owns those documents? Who owns the NAME on those documents? Is it "your" NAME? What evidence do you have it's your NAME? The Birth Certificate? Who owns that document?
So, if you don't own any of that stuff, why do you carry someone else's property? I'm not implying not to, but asking why.
If it's not your NAME, what is it "good" for?
Love Jay.
"Like a pine tree lining the winding road, I got a name, I got a name. And I carry it with me like my daddy did..."
My name is my name. It was given me my parents, not by the government. Since it was given to me and no one else, I guess I own it. Governental documents simply register the name.
I have an owner's card to show I own the car, which means I have financial responsibility. I also have financial responsibility for the only one who bares my name, which is me. That gives me ownership. However, in Christ I have no ownership for He has purchased me with his blood. My name is written in the book of life, which shows Jesus Christ has ownership of me, therefore, He owns everything I own, including my name.
Manuel |
Posted - 15 Feb 2011 : 04:36:04 Hi Robert-James, good to read from you again. Been a while. That "confound interest" is not that hard to figure out now-a-days.
Keep the Faith, Manuel |
Robert-James |
Posted - 14 Feb 2011 : 18:11:26 Greetings, the ALL CAP name marks where a dead body is. Tombstone. Where the body is, the vultures will gather. But, to not use nor answer to the NAME is one difficult path. So I amen Manuel. Mortgage means death pledge in French. It means the same worldwide. Usury {interest} is unlawfull yet legal, ok? The LEGAL man can access the legal. The lawful man stays away from usury. Muslims in certain countries must become LEGAL FICTIONS in order to purchase liquor companys' stock...and receive the benefits.
{manuel, great to see you are here and standing} Robert
quote: Originally posted by Jay Scott
I s'pose that depends on how you perceive them and, therefore, how you use them.
Who owns those documents? Who owns the NAME on those documents? Is it "your" NAME? What evidence do you have it's your NAME? The Birth Certificate? Who owns that document?
So, if you don't own any of that stuff, why do you carry someone else's property? I'm not implying not to, but asking why.
If it's not your NAME, what is it "good" for?
Love Jay.
Absoutely nothin', in the long run [/quote] |
Manuel |
Posted - 14 Feb 2011 : 08:00:52 quote: Originally posted by Jay Scott
I s'pose that depends on how you perceive them and, therefore, how you use them.
Who owns those documents? Who owns the NAME on those documents? Is it "your" NAME? What evidence do you have it's your NAME? The Birth Certificate? Who owns that document?
So, if you don't own any of that stuff, why do you carry someone else's property? I'm not implying not to, but asking why.
If it's not your NAME, what is it "good" for?
Love Jay.
Absoutely nothin', in the long run |
Jay Scott |
Posted - 14 Feb 2011 : 06:59:56 I s'pose that depends on how you perceive them and, therefore, how you use them.
Who owns those documents? Who owns the NAME on those documents? Is it "your" NAME? What evidence do you have it's your NAME? The Birth Certificate? Who owns that document?
So, if you don't own any of that stuff, why do you carry someone else's property? I'm not implying not to, but asking why.
If it's not your NAME, what is it "good" for?
Love Jay. |
TomL |
Posted - 14 Feb 2011 : 00:01:40 Sorry, but I don't understand the big deal. What is wrong with having a driver's license, a marriage license, social security number, etc.?
Here in the United States, we get the government we deserve because we vote for the government we get.
Pastor Brian |
Posted - 21 Aug 2009 : 12:56:45 Dear "sambo1011":
There exists no "Gestapo" activity in Christ's state, the Kingdom of Heaven.
The Omniscience of the Good Lord already knows the life one lives; therefore, no paperwork is necessary.
However, on one's journey of being in the world but not of-the-world, one may find some paperwork ministerially helpful; if so, that one is welcomed to visit the Embassy of Heaven (.com), for assistance.
Sincerely, Pastor Brian |
Av09 |
Posted - 04 Aug 2009 : 05:11:54 Hey OneIsraelite,
So I read up a bit about Commonwealth of Yisrael, and I was wondering if there are any communities that belong to this commonwealth, currently available to live at? I understand for security purposes we can't say exactly where and who but I would just like to know if there is anywhere I could go and survive outside of this secular government. Thanks, Av09 Australia
* |
Av09 |
Posted - 04 Aug 2009 : 03:12:27 Owen Brittont,
I do not know of any communities other than family groups who are of the Embassy of Heaven church, Oregon, and Texas.
But, Im also on the search as I am a single lady from Australia who cannot see anyway of being free on mine own other than being homeless, jobless, foodless and unsafe on the streets.
I think to survive we have to be mostly self sufficient, otherwise we have to rely on the beast system.
Let me know how you go trying to find a community, I will continue my search.
* |
Greg |
Posted - 29 Sep 2007 : 11:53:41 At midyear 2005, 10 States exceeded the national rate led by Louisiana with 824 sentenced prisoners per 100,000 State residents, Texas with 703, and Mississippi with 682. Nine States had rates that were less than half of the national rate including Maine (153), Minnesota and Rhode Island (both 179), and New Hampshire (196).
The rate of incarceration in prison and jail in 2005 was 738 inmates per 100,000 U.S. residents--up from 725 at midyear 2004. At midyear 2005, 1 in every 136 U.S. residents were in prison or jail.
"The Tax Foundation, a policy research group, estimated the average taxpayer's total state and local tax burden for 2005 in each of the 50 states and the District of Columbia. That burden reflects what residents pay in state and local income taxes, property taxes, sales taxes, luxury taxes and fuel taxes, among others. States below are ranked from least to most tax friendly." CNN Money
State-Local Tax Burdens, Calendar Year 2005 Rank State State/Local taxes as % of per capita income U.S. average 10.10% 1 Maine 13.00% 2 New York 12.00% 3 Hawaii 11.50% 4 Rhode Island 11.40% 5 Wisconsin 11.40% 6 Vermont 11.10% 7 Ohio 11.00% 8 Nebraska 10.90% 9 Utah 10.90% 10 Minnesota 10.70% 11 Arkansas 10.50% 12 Connecticut 10.50% 13 West Virginia 10.50% 14 New Jersey 10.40% 15 Kansas 10.40% 16 Louisiana 10.40% 17 Maryland 10.30% 18 Indiana 10.30% 19 Kentucky 10.30% 20 California 10.30% 21 Arizona 10.20% 22 Michigan 10.10% 23 Wyoming 10.10% 24 Washington 10.00% 25 Iowa 10.00% 26 Mississippi 10.00% 27 Idaho 10.00% 28 North Carolina 10.00% 29 New Mexico 9.90% 30 Illinois 9.80% 31 Georgia 9.80% 32 Massachusetts 9.80% 33 South Carolina 9.70% 34 Virginia 9.70% 35 Pennsylvania 9.70% 36 Oregon 9.60% 37 Colorado 9.50% 38 Nevada 9.50% 39 Montana 9.50% 40 Oklahoma 9.40% 41 Missouri 9.40% 42 North Dakota 9.40% 43 Texas 9.30% 44 Florida 9.20% 45 South Dakota 8.80% 46 Alabama 8.70% 47 Tennessee 8.30% 48 Delaware 8.00% 49 New Hampshire 7.40% 50 Alaska 6.40% District of Columbia 12.20% Source: Tax Foundation, 2005
These of course are likely to be indicative as to which STATES are the least restrictive and oppresive of the people thereon. While certainly merely a rudimentary compilation of figures for an initial gleem into an areas conditions, I feel a more thorough compilation of such data, in addition to similar information tailored to ones personal preferences could prove invaluable in the decision making process of relocating.
FYI, North Carolina (opps NORTH CAROLINA) has issued the first DL with the NAU insignia on the back, and an image which creates a close face scan image recognizeable by facial identification technology. The NAU insignia is embeded with scannable personal data.
The three leading corporations in the private prison business in the U.S. are the Corrections Corporation of America, the GEO Group, and Cornell Companies.
Be Blessed, Stay educated!
In Christ, Greg.
artsfree |
Posted - 04 Mar 2006 : 00:05:42 Aha! Be you doers of the word or hearers only. Having been entrusted with knowledge do we use it? Is that why we are here? To make eternal decisions? What is your decision? |