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Regular Member

38 Posts

Posted - 21 Oct 2002 :  13:54:49  Show Profile

This is for my wife and kids.

Does anyone know of Ins. Co. that will insure JUST the people and CARS you
want ?

I am fighting tickets and currently my suspended, of course the Ins co dropped my insurance policy which includes everyone. Iv'e had my wife call
other companies but the 1st words out of there mouth are married, divorced or single, since I'm part of the houseold i'm, a risk so they either won't ins. or
charge double. I told my wife to tell them to write it up anyway they wanted i.e. put specific language in the policy that says if I drive they aren't obligated
to cover damages etc, but of course they have there game plan and won't deviate.

So any Ins. companies that are a little more flexible ?
any alternatives in forcing them to ins. just certain people ?

JN 17:17

Advanced Member

198 Posts

Posted - 22 Oct 2002 :  22:02:54  Show Profile
I cannot help you in finding insurance. You probably must do the leg work yourself -- by calling every company in the yellow pages., going to WebSites, etc. GOOD LUCK!

However, you need to know that, under Common Law, you are not allowed to hire out someone else to take on your liabilities -- including liability for damage to others and their property. YOU, and YOU ALONE, are liable for any wrongdoing on your part.

It is this Satanic Commercial System that has come to "save" us from ourselves, by offering EVERY SERVICE and panacea imaginable -- at a price,
of course! In the course of becoming DEPENDENT on this system, it has ensnared us with its "rules" and "laws" -- which are nothing more than CORPORATE POLICIES. This Satanic Government, after all, is no more than a BANKRUPT CORPORATION that exacts payments for its debts from the unaware public "sheeple" at large.

The "courts" are nothing more than "revenue enhancement" departments of this Satanic Corporation -- set up SOLEY for the purpose of collecting on the War Debt (going back to Lincoln's War). Same for the IRS, Tax Assesor, Franchise Tax Board, etc., etc., etc. IF (and ONLY IF!) you accede to their "authority" by "signing on the dotted line" as SURETY, you OBLIGATE yourself to their "rules and regulations." See the excellent essay about this on this WebSite. SO LONG AS YOU DO NOT SIGN, then you are NOT OBLIGATED.

Bottom line -- you are "chasing your tale" if you abide by their "laws." IT IS ALL ABOUT MONEY. So your problem with "tickets" is really only related to COMMERCIAL ACTIVITY. Because their "courts" are merely COMMERCIAL PAYMENT CENTERS. You have fallen into their lair, and are acting as just another "good citizen" -- the kind that rolls over for ANY demand that The System makes.

So the REAL ANSWER to your dillema is to BECOME EDUCATED in the ways of this Satanic System. Understand that IT'S ALL ABOUT MONEY -- and that is ALL which it is about! There are a number of solutions to this problem, BUT ULTIMATELY you must have a GREAT DESIRE to find the ANSWER. It will come to you by a great deal of DESIRE, research and FAITH.

This WebSite offers an enormously great resource for understanding our present situation -- enmeshed in this Satanic System. You would be greatly served by taking advantage of its information.

Be Well,

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Senior Member

69 Posts

Posted - 23 Oct 2002 :  04:39:16  Show Profile

I know nothing about this foundation, however, I have heard that it is taking over where Pugent Sound Ag Society once was. With all things, research, pray and seek the council of God and Godly men.

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38 Posts

Posted - 23 Oct 2002 :  08:56:51  Show Profile
Doer, et al
I realize what you are saying and am working towards that end, but as you know, you can't do it all in a day, there are a lot of cords to cut.

Thanks for the tip.

JN 17:17
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Advanced Member

198 Posts

Posted - 23 Oct 2002 :  18:34:10  Show Profile

Yes, it is most difficult to "cut the cords," as you say.

So we can only progress as we are able. I have insurance, driver's license, registration, etc., etc. -- knowing FULL WELL that these chains support Caesar and his legions of mindless, heartless, soul-less WALKING DEAD.

However, it is REALLY GREAT to see other seekers such as yourseld, striving for the TRUE WAY. Be assured that, with DEVOTION and PATIENCE, your goal is ASSURED. The ONLY variable is TIME. NOTHING else will keep you from finding your Creator -- and returning Home again.

And isn't this WebSite a wonderful resource for exchanging ideas and motivating each other to seek The Right Way?

Be Well,

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Regular Member

38 Posts

Posted - 24 Oct 2002 :  13:00:34  Show Profile
p.s. anyone heard of a group called "New Life Christian Care Society"

haven't been able to find a web site though.

JN 17:17
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38 Posts

Posted - 25 Oct 2002 :  06:57:19  Show Profile
To answer my own question, "New life" is a spin of of Puget sound although I've been told tht they have been shut down as well.

I have contacted "Americus liability foundation" and they seem to be the real thing, looks like a good plan.

JN 17:17
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353 Posts

Posted - 26 Oct 2002 :  10:25:15  Show Profile
Greetings in the name of YaHuWeH. Are We not here to bear witness to the Truth? "Even the very hairs on your head are numbered". To believe this as a truthful statement, is the start. To know this statement is truth, is Life from the dead. An insurance salesman {also a Mason} told me, "Robert, we provide cradle to resurrection insurance". Cradle insurance, being hospital insurance, resurrection insurance is the Baptist dogma that when you die, if you have 'professed' Jesus, you will fly away to heaven. We have assurance that that our Messiah is telling Us the Truth. Others, hedge their 'bet', with man's insurance. If persons do not like our outlook, let them load up with uninsured motorists insurance. Car insurance is demanded for those engaged in commerce, driving motor vehicles. Which is fair. You will either serve YaHuWeH or mammon. May the brethern have patience, knowing messiah is being formed in Us.

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Regular Member

38 Posts

Posted - 28 Oct 2002 :  09:04:57  Show Profile
Well Robert why don't you continue your tutorial, how do you handle the situation, when the police oficer asks for DL, Reg. and Proof of Ins. ?

JN 17:17

p.s. Back to the subject, anyone have any info. on "Americus liability foundation" ?
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Advanced Member

353 Posts

Posted - 28 Oct 2002 :  21:56:52  Show Profile
Well Cowboy, I do not "drive", nor am I in a "motor vehicle", nor is My automobile registered in commerce with the STATE. The last time a STATE trooper and I talked, he was a born againer, and when I asked under what authority he came......he stared at his shoes. Again I asked who he represents and he was mute. He gave Me no ticket for lack of insurance, as I said, "the 91st psalm is My assurance". He did write citations for no license or tag-registration. We served non-statuary abatements on him, the D.A. and the judge. I have never heard back, and they surely know I move about almost daily. I am not so certain as you that this is off subject. Go ahead and light that stick of incense and ceasar will not throw you into the lion's den. But as for Me and My the Way, My Wfe also does as I do, and My older daughters have the courage to trust their Creator also. Cowboy, want to solve the situation, get you a horse. A white horse.

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Occasional Poster

7 Posts

Posted - 30 Oct 2002 :  00:49:45  Show Profile  Visit jamesedwin's Homepage
Praise the Lord!
I commend you for your faith Robert-James.
I went without a license and insurance for one year but my wife was a nervous wreck whenever one of our national terrorist were nearby so I have conceded for now.
We have four children at home and in the interest of their safety and by my lack of truth I will continue to be a slave (citizen) for now learning and waiting until He says I am ready.
Bless you and your house.
James Edwin

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Regular Member

38 Posts

Posted - 30 Oct 2002 :  07:30:06  Show Profile
Amen, and hope all go as well as that one did, of course him being "born again" didn't hurt the situation.

Any other situations to share, I assume all weren't that easy.

Since he gave you a ticket for no DL I assume he didn't let you drive (proceed in your conveyance) away.

JN 17:17
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Advanced Member

353 Posts

Posted - 30 Oct 2002 :  19:40:07  Show Profile
I would care to thank the previous two men who commented so generously! The STATE trooper gave me two 'tickets', which I accepted without signing. And I started up the van and moved on to My destination. I did serve him Lawfully with a non-statuary abatement. Also, I wrote him a letter explaining briefly My witness of a Living Saviour. And a book, copied off the Paul....1900 years ago....wrote that he travailed with the children of faith until Messiah be formed in them. What a pregnant statement. I conceived to the Spirit in what is called 1976. So naturally I should be walking before a younger brother does. Each man in his own order. Yahushua {Jesus-if you must} stands surety for the little brethern coming. Similar to you standing surety for the CAPITAL lettered name, until the appointed season. This whole thing on planet earth is our Father's plan. We have raised seven children with no health insurance, so it is very normal for Us to trust Him while in an auto traveling about without the world's insurance. We will not see YaHuWeH face to face, till We have a face. A hypocrit wears a mask. Be what you are looking for.

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Regular Member

38 Posts

Posted - 31 Oct 2002 :  08:11:45  Show Profile
The situation you describe seems to be unique in that most times they
will not let you 'drive' away since in their eyes you don't have permission.

I tried your link and it didn't work.

JN 17:17
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Junior Member

23 Posts

Posted - 06 Jan 2003 :  20:13:55  Show Profile
Hello Everyone!

Cowboy,...Back to your original questions about Insurance. Commerical Insurance ( Home,Life,Auto whatever) is a maritime contract under Admiralty jurisdiction. When you pay for their service, you place yourself voluntarily under admiralty jurisdiction. Obviously, the All-State agent isn't there twisting your arm to get you to sign the papers.

I'm sure that you all are aware that there are three classes of jurisdiction in Our Union. Common Law, Equity, and Admiralty (Military Law).

As for New Life Society, their website is :
Their contact address is:

Their Phone number is 530-333-0569

I have not heard anything about them being shut down. Since it is a private memebership group (Corporation Sole), it's not governed under Statutory Law like a regular corp.

My DL expired back in Oct. of last year. I didn't bother to renew it. So the State of Indiana being so frinedly and kind sent me a notice, Reminding me that I needed to come give them some money to get a new one. I sent them a NOTICE OF CANCELLATION. I explained that I don't drive anyway, and unless I am somehow mistaken, they cannot compell me to perform to a contract that I am no longer a part to. I got a auto-response form letter back tell me that if I wish to "drive" again, I need to re-apply for their license. (permission)

I wasn't lying to them about driving. Under their law a "driver" is someone who uses the public roadways to transport cargo or passengers for a fare. I am not a driver. I do not drive. I travel. I do not own a motor vehicle, I use a pickup truck, in which I travel.

As for your circumstance, Cancel your DL. Get an IDP if you think you need permission to travel. Just remember that your IDP cannot be issued in the country where you live. I can give you a good source for this:

That's all I have to say on this matter. THANKS.
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Advanced Member

198 Posts

Posted - 06 Jan 2003 :  20:57:36  Show Profile
Jeffrey-Glenn, thanks for the information. It is possible to live without ANY license, but it is a convoluted process to become free from The System, requiring much research and commitment.

The link you gave for the IDP is not valid. Perhaps you know of another, as I have friends who could use the service. As for me -- I will pay the extortion for the time being, until other aspects of my situation are settled. Just making a living requires so much time, that there is not enough left to do justice to this legat aspect of survival.

What we all really need is a "Survival Manual" that simply, concisely spells out everything to enable the Common Man to extricate himself from this abomination called "government." Sure, many of us understand that this "government" is a private corporation set up for the repayment of war debt going back centuries. But it has been entrenched for so long, and has become so accepted as The Only System There Is, that escaping it is nigh unto impossible. An army of bureaucrats (paid for by us) keeps us "in line" (literally!) at every turn.

So we all desperately need a MAP to guide us out of these dark woods. This is a project I could support with vigor.

Be Well,
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Junior Member

23 Posts

Posted - 09 Jan 2003 :  21:40:07  Show Profile
Thanks for pointing out the link error Doer, I stand corrected. The link should have been:

They are located "offshore" but have a mail forwarding address in the states.

As for the survival manual. The best book I have ever read was written by Brent-Emory..Johnson. It's called the American Sovereign, -How to live free from government regulation. It deals with taxes, SS, juridiction, the (il)legal system, etc. It's $65. and worth every penny. I have used many of the ideas to free myself from the "ties that bind" so to speak.
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Advanced Member

198 Posts

Posted - 10 Jan 2003 :  02:28:21  Show Profile

Your recommendation of "the American Sovereign" was searched for at without success. Where did you get it?

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