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Posted - 05 Nov 2005 :  13:51:54  Show Profile  Visit difranco's Homepage  Reply with Quote

I have been a frequent reader of these forums for probably over a year or so. I believe I'd like to become a natural born man living at common law on the land. However, I cannot figure out where to begin to learn how to do this very thing. Your guidance on where to start would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

“When you set to dine with a ruler, note well what is placed before you, and put a knife to your throat if you are given to gluttony. Do not crave hisdelicacies, for that food is deceptive.”- Proverbs 23:1-3

David Merrill
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1147 Posts

Posted - 07 Nov 2005 :  09:01:39  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
capital integration;

That is what I call resolution of the identity crisis. Know the difference between true name and legal name. Typically true name is the "first" and "middle" names your parents gave you when they welcomed you into the "last name" family. They did not name you the family name.

One has to be advanced a little bit to see what Black's Fifth Edition law dictionary is saying; that "name" within context of a law (legal) dictionary is really legal name.,jpg

The key word is "and". When you append the family name onto your true name you have a legal name.

I read an interesting account just yesterday. This author is however unaware of the type of capital integration above. Just as well. The "world" you feel lost in will have nothing to do with true name anyway. They will force the commercially viable bond upon you by calling you for instance, "David Merrill Van Pelt a/k/a David Merrill". There is a bond upon the birth certificate as a bank note and the birth certificate says, "David Merrill Van Pelt".

We know of no discretion available to the judge under current code wherein he could release us on the spot. So something else is going on in the background that pushes us out of the current code into a time period of law and not code. We think it is the bond. He (the judge) knew about it when he came in the room. No one else knew but him, us, and the clerk. The bond may have taken us back into a time before the offenses under the current code existed. When in time I don't know. Maybe pre-civil war. Maybe pre-constitution to the laws of the confederation. We simply don't know but suspect this is what happened. As a paper filed with the clerk, the bond is a permanent part of the record. It isn't a pleading or a motion needing a determination from the court. It isn't an argument, opinion, or point of law. Just a bond! Who could object. It is a special bona as described in Rule E of the Supplemental Admiralty Rules at the back of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. It is the only place in the rules where bonds are applicable. As far as I can tell, any type of bond only occurs when an admiralty proceeding is underway. This includes bail bonds, general bonds, special bonds, etc. Anything that has bonding involved is admiralty or some degree of admiralty is involved.

Our attorneys were acting funny. Not their usual selves. Rick and I both noticed. it. They somehow got the signal that something wasn't right. We didn't file the bond until one hour before my hearing started so none of them would have time to circle the wagons and figure out a new approach. We think the bond played a big part in what happened. I believe it is necessary in every case. It is interesting that the words arrest, seizure aid forfeiture are all admiralty terms. Bonds apply where money is involved. Did you notice in our case that dollar amounts were the key issue? Kilos of drugs would be the same as money in their thinking and I noticed comparisons being made in our hearing to drug cases.

I suspect there have been some conversations between the attorneys following the hearing as to what happened. Under the current code, the judge had no authorization nor discretion to release us. Something took them out of the code and into law and I think it was the bond. We will know more later as time progresses. We noticed that when Jim Traficant was sentenced he was immediately arrested and taken into detention. He was then transferred to a federal prison in Allentown, Pennsylvania, where he is appealing from. I appreciate your having handed that article to me the week before. Had that not happened we would probably be in jail now awaiting transfer to a federal prison. I am glad you did it and I am glad we acted on it. We figured it couldn't make it any worse, so what the heck, why not file it.

We don't know if we will hear from the Bureau of Prisons. We have never heard of such a thing. We think they are stuck now in a holding pattern trying to figure out how to get rid of the bond...

The controversy can rage on during appeal. We don't care! We have covered every potential outcome with our good faith effort. Our guess is that this is a disappointing situation. Courts are in business to resolve controversy. In order for a controversy to exist there has to be adverse parties. The bond removes us from the arena. We agree and cover any loss/cost incurred by the USA and it's respectful citizens no matter what the outcome. What could be better ? ? ?

In the human version the property (body) has free will attached to it and the ability to take independent action. The TOYOTA and HONDA have no such power. So, you are sitting in a jail cell (body) under the control of the jailer (user) on the basis of a charge by a prosecutor (owner) making a complaint. It matters not what the complaint is as it is all eyewash to divert attention away from what is really going on. They plan on putting your name on an account (or already have) and using your body during the time of their ownership. Suddenly, you ask them for the bond that was posted that allows them to do this. No reply! Hmmm ! ! ! With your free will and intellect you prepare “the Bond” and have the jailer take it to the clerk for filing (posting.) So what happens now? In the background (on the books) your proper English name must be removed from their title. They can no longer use it because you have posted the bond for record and paid for everything with your private exemption. Either they “substitute” another name (and body) in your place or they drop their charges.

If I am right on this it would make sense and match the things they do as follows:

JOHN DOE SMITH = evidence of hidden title, and
JOHN DOE SMITH = the body (the property)
John Doe Smith = the real title and someone is holding it in the background (on their books)

One party (agency) in the system has control of JOHN DOE SMITH and another (department) has the title of John Doe Smith which is the name “John Doe Smith” They put it (the name) on their books. If you compare this with a car it works like this:

TOYOTA = the car (the property) and evidence of hidden title.
JOHN DOE SMITH is named as “owner” on the “Certificate of Title” and is responsible for all taxes, costs and misuse of the property by whoever possesses said property.
John Doe Smith is the party with possession of the TOYOTA and is often tricked into believing he is JOHN DOE SMITH and paying for the debt of JOHN DOE SMITH regarding the car.

Your name will start in the caption in all caps in the beginning. When it comes out from discharge for jail time it will be in proper English. At that point it is your body attached to that proper English name that is “the defendant.” So what happens when you go in and file the “Bond” (trust) into the case. Suddenly it is your proper English name and body that becomes the maker and trustor of the trust for the benefit of the poor complaining Beneficiary-Plaintiff. Since no party in a trust can serve in more than one capacity, it leaves the system without a trustee to hang. You have went from being “a defendant” (potentially the defendant) to become the “good-guy” maker/trustor of the trust. You have no fiduciary duty to anyone at that point.

So who does that leave as the guilty trustee (the defendant) whose body will be imprisoned under any name? Probably the attorney types and most likely the prosecutor. They may have insider deals between them to share and spread the liability in the event that one of these deals flips. If you get the document in early in the proceedings you will probably get the results the guy in Nevada got where the judge holds a hearing and tells the prosecutor “we aren’t trying this case.”
If it goes in late in the game after a jury verdict, it could spell disaster for the attorney characters.

I know that is enough to make your head swim. Mine too. You have to undergo the capital integration the author has not, or actually watch the process of bonding in action to understand. Without resolving the identity crisis between your true name and legal name, it is nearly impossible to glean from a written account what the author is speaking about.


David Merrill.

Edited by - David Merrill on 07 Nov 2005 09:10:12
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Posted - 09 Nov 2005 :  01:48:48  Show Profile  Visit difranco's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Thank you David for you kind response.

Much of this is so hard to wrap my mind around. This concept that my name in capital letters is different than my name in proper capitalization and that the courts would even recognize this difference.

So where do I go to learn about capital integration? Is there a set process for doing this?

I know I live probably within an hour's drive to Lewish based on information he has posted here.

Thanks again.

“When you set to dine with a ruler, note well what is placed before you, and put a knife to your throat if you are given to gluttony. Do not crave his delicacies, for that food is deceptive.”- Proverbs 23:1-3
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David Merrill
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Posted - 10 Nov 2005 :  07:49:26  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Dear Difranco;

You already know your name. The name your parents gave you when they welcomed you into the XXXXXX family.

Like that. Capital integration. [The head becoming one.]


David Merrill.

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Posted - 21 Nov 2005 :  04:40:15  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
i presume this is the place to post my question: i am trying to locate a report that was posted on the old website. it was entitled "Securing Your Freedom: Christian Liberty from Legal Slavery" with no author listed. it had seven parts (where part v had two parts). the parts were entitled:
Part I: Preface and Background HTML
Part II: Concepts of Modern Law HTML
Part III: Artificial Entities and the Persona HTML
Part IV: How Legalism Took Over the Law
Part V-I: Commercial Contracts and the UCC HTML
Part V-II: Commercial Contracts and the UCC (continued) HTML
Part VI: How to Secure Your Freedom HTML
Part VII: Summary and Basic Conclusions HTML

does anybody have a link to where this report is now located? i think i'm finally beginning to understand the strawman stuff, but my questions now pertain to redeeming the birth certificate. must i do something with UCC in order to "capture" it or should i file some sort of "death certificate" to negate the effects of them using my birth certificate? can anybody point me in the right direction to understand "bonding"--what it is, what is involved, different types, etc.
thanks in advance for all your help! may the Creator bless all involved abundantly! esther2
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Posted - 21 Nov 2005 :  08:43:20  Show Profile  Visit Bondservant's Homepage  Reply with Quote
The original article was archived by us from the former Lawgiver.Org site, but - after our own research - we removed it from the archives as all of Part V was based on unproven and false theories regarding the purported "UCC Redemption" process.
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David Merrill
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Posted - 21 Nov 2005 :  09:26:35  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Positive law jural society. It would seem that at some critical mass of uniformity, a body politic acquires sovereignty. This is what I am calling capital integration:$file/0070753.pdf?openelement

A. The IRS's Refusal to Disclose the Terms of Its
Closing Agreement with the Church of Scientology

We are required, for purposes of our analysis, to assume the
contents of the IRS's policy towards the Church of Scientology,
because of the IRS's refusal to reveal to the Sklars, to
this court, or even to the Department of Justice, 6 the contents
of its closing agreement, although that agreement has apparently
been reprinted in the Wall Street Journal...

The IRS is unresponsive to 9th Circuit summonses?


David Merrill.

P.S. I have never dwelled on the difference between the all-caps name and the English legal or full name. I do not believe, in agreement with the courts, there is any serious alchemy there. The alchemy is more insideous than that because people have adopted the custom of appending their family or surname onto their true name with much more force of law. It is difficult to distinguish David Merrill from David Merrill Van Pelt anymore. In fact, there are many who say I have a birth certificate and am truly David Merrill Van Pelt. I just pretend to know my own name.

Edited by - David Merrill on 21 Nov 2005 09:33:23
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Posted - 21 Nov 2005 :  21:59:29  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Greetings to all on these flaky days to come,

I think that not only bringing ones true name to light causes a dis-turbance on the fictitious records of the FICTITIOUS NAMES DEPARTMENTS throughout the many STATE AGENCIES milking the CASH COW, but, most defining is the resurection of the lineage passed on through the centuries of our true beings.

And on times such as these:

"Wherefore thus saith the Lord GOD; Woe to the bloody city, to the pot whose scum [is] therein, and whose scum is not gone out of it! bring it out piece by piece; let no lot fall upon it."

"Then set it empty upon the coals thereof, that the brass of it may be hot, and may burn, and [that] the filthiness of it may be molten in it, [that] the scum of it may be consumed."

"She hath wearied [herself] with lies, and her great scum went not forth out of her: her scum [shall be] in the fire."

It is ever more revealing as to the "nature & cause" of "HER CRIMES."

I am,
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Posted - 22 Nov 2005 :  06:03:20  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
thank you, bondservant for your reply regarding the report. however, is it possible to read the sections not including section five? i.e. is there any "sub-report" similar to section four: "how legalism took over the Law"? i am also interested in the section "securing your freedom" as long as it doesn't pertain to the UCC. thanks again--in Him, esther2
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David Merrill
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Posted - 22 Nov 2005 :  06:23:26  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Dear Manuel;

Thank you for that reminder. It is very revealing the tendency for misnomer. So many people are fighting so hard to protect the harlotry.


David Merrill.

Edited by - David Merrill on 22 Nov 2005 06:24:38
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Posted - 22 Nov 2005 :  14:38:03  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

Read all pages on the topic you provided above, and I found very revealing. Not just as a "chat group" quarrantined within its own cyber-space, but simply as a broader scale phenomenom[sp?], sorting out mysteries between the DEAD, and the Living.

One way or another, the Truth will stand out.

I am,
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David Merrill
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Posted - 22 Nov 2005 :  17:41:04  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

That is the essence of the probe. Over 500 Readers per day are viewing the same phenomenon. I am pleased to share it with you all.


David Merrill.

P.S. You gotta get a look at that Poll! The mentality there is just sick. Demosthenes added the "Don't care. Just fry the guy..." option and now they are showing their true colors.

Edited by - David Merrill on 22 Nov 2005 18:27:59
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Posted - 23 Nov 2005 :  22:56:45  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Boy, oh boy David,
Reading most of those quatloos replies over there is a wake-up call to IGNORANCE, ARROGANCE and DECEPTIVE "PRACTICES!" I guess "attorn-ey like dishonesties" run rampant and is the real BIRD-FLEW-PANDEMIC gone wild. What a shame!

After reading many other DPBD's (Deceptive Practice Behavioral Disorder) statements there, the meaning of "It is not what comes in to the mouth, but what comes out of the mouth" is clearly understood. And no wonder the following quote stood out so vibrantly from some other poster:
"By stealthy encroachment our oppressive government and its pig employees have stolen our rights and sold them back to us as licenses and permits." Heck... if "the power to license is the power to destroy," then what I read over there is either a nightmare, or worse... (I,m pinching myself)... COGNATIVE DISSONANCE GONE WILD!

I am,
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Posted - 23 Nov 2005 :  23:18:07  Show Profile  Visit RevokeTheTrust's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Greetings and blessings brother David!

I think you are an inspiration to all, and I don't mean that in the wicked sense as those people over in that QUATLOOS forum. I can see their waining for ill will to Him and His.

P.S. I have never dwelled on the difference between the all-caps name and the English legal or full name. I do not believe, in agreement with the courts, there is any serious alchemy there. The alchemy is more insideous than that because people have adopted the custom of appending their family or surname onto their true name with much more force of law. It is difficult to distinguish David Merrill from David Merrill Van Pelt anymore. In fact, there are many who say I have a birth certificate and am truly David Merrill Van Pelt. I just pretend to know my own name.

As always in the Way, the Truth, but what of the life over the Life? I've no intent to riddle your mind too much, brother David. You surely know what of to conduct your spirited hauntings on people that seik to your hurt, tarry we know Van Pelt is a wooden sea-farring vessel. We agree Van Pelt can't conduct with any other, and so VAN PELT is vessel built of steel/stolen alloy and perprestured through the echo chamber that it had imploded. I'll cover this in a moment, after my thoughts on assembly language and the instrumentalities packaged and sealed by them...

I've always thought the difference between instrumentalites; was not "David Merrill Van Pelt" an instrumentality exercised from stewards chosen on behalf of David and Van Pelt by a displaced husband's wicked servants? The intricacies of the assembly language of a foreign custom are presented to you. The adversary comes by ship, quietly fastens its bow cords to your aft, and then commences to exchange cargo and passengers. Yet, there was a disturbance; a man rebuking the water and walking on the water, preventing that illusion of that ghost ship from rising from the deep under his feet to carry him into the nightmare. I've a small question on your perception: does David count "Van Pelt" adjective to "David Merrill" or vis versa? Good kings ings need to know, that there customs not tresspass on there neighbors and freinds, or to the king's own hurt.

Are there not certifications for the living and the dead? From sources that I've prodded, it is ascertained that any subconcious (id) mingling among foreigners can induce their customs to displace yours; a transmittal having lesser power to theirs could not have garbled or imposed a competent transmittal, and incompetance causes a vaccuum effect to displace your liberties and burdens (whichever religious application you choose to adhere). Seeking forth to His law, an instrumentality is created, and there "I am" instrumentalizing them; breathing life into them. I don't move, only an "am" moves the I. Third-person perspective witness can clear one's servile propositions from his principle preeminence. David always speaks of a true name, with David Merrill having little mention of a living name, neither the banner on the sails of the vessel in the Way. Why have not a try at a more recreational pursuit for the competition with that alien and its wailing whaling vessel? You chose a friend, him being of sound mind and competent, to stablish a truth, but thus far that friend was a foreign process server. Existance of a true name implies there existant a false name, and a living name to an existant dead name; when a servant asserts to reprove the name, would it not divide the name adjectively? The servant is only allowed to sea Van Pelt (flesh of my flesh, bone of my bone; insulation of the mind), and Heads above (David and Merrill); not a Godhead, or his seeking out the living and stablishing witness (David and Merrill) to the way (Van Pelt). How many husbandmen can there be to catch a blessing of God, or was it reverse-negotiated from an unnamable ship starboard and not larboard?

Before David and Merrill, there I am (with David) and there are You/Jew (Van Pelt). Without Van Pelt, it's an outer-body experience, haunting another vessel. They can't see you until you attach a competing court! David Merrill is a prefatory instrumentality from supra-natural presence, to an instrumentality conferred by the certificate of birth (not that one issued by STATE). As many have said before: Two is a witness, three is a court! Was not Van Pelt assembled to peacably walk on solid ground (firmament) created by God? Yet, it is dormant to no use, or is some of Van Pelt sent with the mail (like index finger paintings, and religious interpretation of color, weight, dating, and the like)?

Security/citizenship to that United States of the District of Columbia appears to apply salvage rites by libel and slander, and all it needs is two false witness to claim a solid ground existant to qualify for its Security/citizenship. For every hand-full of moistened dirt raised from the sea, he is isolated into a baskette; sent under the direction of governors and tutors for a time, and thenceforth ship envelope is taxed for the privilege of being raised and the soil improved. The application is worse than Talmud; not amature, but unhindered by even the blasphemy of the Talmud to (child inter-course/congress under three-years-old) to coerce a weary sole into a peacable assembly and further into a ship and further... There is a vessel, Van Pelt; a captain of a larger vessel VAN PELT swallowed Van Pelt, then a longer-range vessel DAVID MERRILL VAN PELT swallowed VAN PELT; His "David" lector didn't object to an appointment of a steward over David Merrill Van Pelt, because this all happened on the eigth day of a week (outside the biblical creation of six days). I am thinking the certificate is forgiveness for your tresspass into the world ruled by the idols of men; look, a footprint, proving you appeared.

It was said a long time ago; diversed citizenship among Citizenship. Any approach by that United States of the District of Columbia is recreation, a speedy trial with a turring regenesis with libel after libel. It's the likeness of a satanicly applied bhudism; DAVID MERRILL VAN PELT is everywhere; he is in the trees, in the birds, in your socks; David Merrill Van Pelt needs to accompany that United States on its site-seaing voyage to interpret and speak on behalf of all the DAVID MERRILL VAN PELT it finds in the garden. I believe a proper solution is the same composed of Armageddon; a well-proportioned Faraday cage.

This general post must accept any THIRD-PARTY INTERFERENCE, including interference that may cause undesired results in the affects and effects of propoganda.


"I Conditionally Agree to Accept For Face Value Your Offer; but upon Proof of Claim:
/s/ Without Prejudice"

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David Merrill
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Posted - 24 Nov 2005 :  00:19:04  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Like I said before:

I like your poetic style; almost like walking through a lucid dream. I think I can comprehend a snippet:

I have yet to acquire the key. It seems a pattern of reversing clauses; maybe with a biblical innuendo in about every other sentence. Like before it makes me wonder just what it is like to hold a telephone conversation with you.

The admiralty and commercial inferences are a wonder to behold. There is a verse in Revelation about that the sea will be no more - probably the death of Leviathan. I have often considered "David Merrill" the white stone that acquits. But that would be in the spirit of the Gospel of Thomas that we find the kingdom of heaven on earth. Like the convolution; the Pharasees supposedly believed in life after death and the Saducees were reluctant. So it would seem Jesus of Nazareth a lower class Pharasee, and Ebionite would have been more prone to life after death. But not according to the Gospel of Thomas.

My favorite version begins:

And He said: Whoever finds the explanation of these words will not taste death. Jesus said: Let him who seeks, not cease seeking until he finds, and when he finds, he will be troubled, and when he has been troubled, he will marvel and he will reign over the All. "Jesus said: If those who lead you say to you: "See, the Kingdom is in heaven", then the birds of the heaven will precede you. If they say to you: "It is in the sea", then the fish will precede you. But the Kingdom is within you and it is without you. If you will know yourselves, then you will be known and you will know that you are the sons of the Living Father. But if you do not know yourselves, then you are in poverty and you are poverty. Jesus said: The man old in days will not hesitate to ask a little child of seven days about the place of Life, and he will live. For many who are first shall become last and they shall become a single one. Jesus said: Know what is in thy sight, and what is hidden from thee will be revealed to thee. For there is nothing hidden which will not be manifest. His disciples asked Him, they said to Him: Wouldst thou that we fast and how should we pray and should we give alms,...

But at the end of the day, the name my parents gave me is "David Merrill". Nothing more, nothing less. "Van Pelt" belongs to my entire family. My parents did not even consider it.

The birth certificate as a bank note certainly suggested I grow up and become responsible fiduciary for "David Merrill Van Pelt" even to the point that registering that name became "DAVID MERRILL VAN PELT" for the State of Colorado corporation. For my use in commerce. I suppose so that the cash registers printing the name would be confirmed correct.


David Merrill.

Edited by - David Merrill on 24 Nov 2005 00:22:54
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Posted - 24 Nov 2005 :  02:58:05  Show Profile  Visit RevokeTheTrust's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Greetings and blessings brother David!

I didn't look thereafter for an immediate response, so maybe you'll catch this before his head hits the hay.

I have yet to acquire the key. It seems a pattern of reversing clauses; maybe with a biblical innuendo in about every other sentence. Like before it makes me wonder just what it is like to hold a telephone conversation with you.

Surely, you have the key! Also, 'am Gregory, I is you "Mundt". Someone keeps the lock with a broken-off key inserted. It is done, but the Idolatry continues without. Perhaps this is a safe way to prevent an free spirit from incurring damage. I hear "devil's root" can be used to unthread the inserted portion of an broken light-source, and true to that word with His beautiful bride locked in the box there is the Spirit outside at the lock trying to coax it to unsecure and unhand and dissolve the prize. The moment it occurs would be the reveling of a permaculture in a desert; accelerated return of the blossoms, fruited, excess, an overjoyous blessing of God that none can hold.

I'll build on your words "lucid dream" ...again. David carried witness, it is true; Gregory is a pale-face, not a white man. Learn from an 'ebrew near America; I am always speaking on behalf of Gregory; him big heap of pale face can't answer well, so I am puting words in his mouth. White doesn't occur naturally in the wilderness, just as blaze-orange, and any interpretation of color is to a filter of the environment; white is the fullness of light. Think that a computer constructs 0xF (or 0xFFF) with the three primary colors? I'm not a fan of that trinity outfit, but I'll conditionally agree wit' them; that is the artifice; idolatry in motion, of the world; elements of codified artificial life acting in circuit. Prove me wrong? In that environment, color can only be measured by the reflection on the texture of matter. Ponder this, what others try to convice is a colored-black man or a colored-white man, they are neither and have more similar texture in their eyes and teeth and nails than would any conveyance of the pigment in their husk can exhibit; yet those neither are distinguishing color; light can only be measured, as reflected to darkness. I have found more evidence of a white man plastered on His vessel because it was beaten out of him by his adversary; and it could verry well be fiction is the qualified way to carry the truth enclosed in the subjective Truth; to Cross both realities and spurn the adversarial Truth with a universal-truth bled into water.

The moment there suffice an err, the birthright is lost to That human. What of man, to partake in human rights? I can prove a black-man is White and a White man is dark. I can prove a femalecan attain the appearance of a woman for 9-months of the year, and this cause prove a female is the one with an ovipositor and births New light into the world; this includes the New ideas gestating in one's mind and uttered through the canal leading into the world, or those fig-leif apron-wearing women. What I can't do is carry a false appearanance of a living will into various divisions Of the world, because it is certified by them as to their origin.

The largest hurt to the United States, was it split into that United States and this United States, by religious content. I am finding it difficult to reach the stones when they immediatly harden at my fleshy appearance. For the Christ's assembly, I acknowledged mail matter to be sent to Gregory | Thomas (That "|" is logical or, not Xor; you know, a coprocessor). Ever since either of those birth certificates appeared, it is difficult to bleed into the false-white divisions In or Of the world when there exist a controversey over the origin of the certification. I know this is not the place or the time, or the hour, but what of a similar train of thought applied to certify fiction, to express a French count's strategy;

Monty Python - The French Castle Scene
Soldier: This is the castle of my master, Guy de Lombard.
Arthur: Go and tell your master that we have been charged by God with a sacred quest. If he will give us food and shelter for the night, he can join us in our quest for the Holy Grail.
Soldier: Well, I'll ask 'im, but I don't think 'e'll be very keen-- 'e's already got one, you see?
Arthur: What?
Lancelot: He says they've already *got* one!
Arthur: (confused) Are you *sure* he's got one?
Soldier: Oh yes, it's ver' naahs. (to the other soldiers:) I told 'em we've already *got* one! (they snicker)
Arthur: (taken a bit off balance) Well... ah, um... Can we come up and have a look?
Soldier: Of course not! You are English types.
Arthur: Well, what are you then?
Soldier: (Indignant) Ah'm French! Why do you think I have this out-rrrageous accent, you silly king?!
Arthur: What are you doing in *England*?
Soldier: Mind your own business!
Arthur: If you will not show us the Grail, we shall take your castle by force!
Soldier: You don't frighten us, English pig-dogs! Go and boil your bottoms, son of a silly person! Ah blow my nose at you, so-called "Arthur Keeeng"! You and all your silly English Knnnnnnnn-ighuts!!!
Lancelot: What a strange person.
Arthur: (getting mad) Now look here, my good ma--
Soldier: Ah don' wanna talk to you no more, you empty-headed animal food-trough wiper! Ah fart in your general direction! Your mother was a hamster, and your father smelt of elderberries!
Galahad: Is there someone else up there we can talk to? (<----Enter the fiction)
Soldier: No!! Now go away, or I shall taunt you a second time! (<----bond the fiction, then strum a joyful noise at 728KHz)

Do you stand over or under? Be honest, you Van Pelt understands David Merrill by marriage. According to the Talmud, it is being equally mis-applied even as does USCODE and UCC onto the living. Ask any Talmudic You: if your own sheep or horse, or pig, or dog fall into a pit will You VAN PELT help out Van Pelt? His Truth, Yeshuah bleeds evenly into the Talmud and the light shines to show what is transparent and what is solid; the power discharges to the soil by the lesser resistance, and the origin of that power is evinced in the aura of the charges sent to You VAN PELT to the hurt of him.

[quote][i]But at the end of the day, the name my parents gave me is "David Merrill". Nothing more, nothing less. "Van Pelt" belongs to my entire family. My parents did not even consider it.

Which/witch/switch parents? Show me a man on earth claiming to be my father, and I'll give him His hell; Call no man on earth your father, because one is your father; I've no parents other than the truth, a thing is my parent, not that codified THING. On the Holy Bible held, the spine scraped where Gregory am restricted by the Christ to strike and spell MUNDT. Figure it out. I've the agents of the PS trained well that sufficient ID sent to Him, necessary to claim certain qualities of improved mail matter, can be sent to Him and need not open the package of ID just to re-present that I am not that I am in the box. Who is worthy to break the seal and make a determination not theirs to be made? PIRACY.

With love,

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"I Conditionally Agree to Accept For Face Value Your Offer; but upon Proof of Claim:
/s/ Without Prejudice"

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David Merrill
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Posted - 24 Nov 2005 :  09:45:42  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Dear Gregory Thomas;

I am talking about the key to understand your prose.

Especially appreciated is your reference to the French:
The delegation of the Federal Republic of Nigeria was headed by Dr (Mrs) Ngozi OKONJO-IWEALA, Minister of Finance. The meeting was chaired by Mr. Xavier MUSCA, Director General of the Treasury and Economic Policy Department of the Ministry of Economy, Finance and Industry, Chairman of the Paris Club. Technical notes 1.
Like I said, at the end of the day you are Gregory Thomas MUNDT (of the Mundt family). You have been since you were born into this world. "Gregory Thomas" is that new name; the white stone that acquits, that you were given when accepting your spiritual Father. Try it out - without the hyphen. It will of course blend in well with the pagan commercial processes because "Thomas" is a common family name. And though there may be many securities floating on birth certificates for the "Gregory THOMAS's" all over the world, none of them can be traced by any paper trail to that physical vessel called you.


David Merrill.
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Posted - 24 Nov 2005 :  15:45:04  Show Profile  Visit RevokeTheTrust's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Like I said, at the end of the day you are Gregory Thomas MUNDT (of the Mundt family). You have been since you were born into this world. "Gregory Thomas" is that new name; the white stone that acquits, that you were given when accepting your spiritual Father. Try it out - without the hyphen. It will of course blend in well with the pagan commercial processes because "Thomas" is a common family name. And though there may be many securities floating on birth certificates for the "Gregory THOMAS's" all over the world, none of them can be traced by any paper trail to that physical vessel called you.
The day doesn't end; the son doesn't set; a corpse can acknowledge that the son shines 24hours because that testimony animates the world of that revenant; but wants to only see it from dawn to dusk, somewhat like the corporate banks, and unlike the non-corporate banks. Woah there, friend. "Gregory Thomas" was already cured a long time ago, and there is no need to revise that stablished will and strike it to Gregory T(HOMAS). There wants to be a white stone, but that was coerced by a foreigner's religious application; is this not why Yeshuah sends out his disciples into the world, composed by two or three, that one can speak by coverture and vis versa to limit libel to the accused? I wasn't born white, but birthed White; am but an empty molten vessel, transparent, that slowly is ready to expel the wine (not whine or swine/family Suidae). What were the objections of being birthed (not born)? The seal of the Lord's vessel was broken in the Hospital, the goods appraised for value and cast into the ground of an unfilled grave to walk upon and pour all matter of debt onto it; not white light, but White Light such as Freedom(TM) and Liberty(TM) and Justice(TM), irrelevant to the free, the liber, and the frozen/firm water.

"Gregory Thomas" was an instrumentality beaten out of a coerced congregational confession. I have the baby pictures to prove it; the perditious sMothership kept accurate records and credit Cards. GREGORY THOMAS MUNDT is an human corpse that only exists to carry a fixture. No bishop(primate) was honestly present to declare a family Mucoraceae, ordered by a saprophytic councelor spawned of Satan; Mundt is not a family, and neither does it preface to "family"; is a chair to a corpse MUNDT. Study the taxonomy. Or, perhaps you could exhibit evidence that hospital room was NOT a security deposit-box? Yet who causes the estoppel? To go with the world, it needs to be forgiven of its quick movement to wickedness, to keep it orderly under authority; forgiveness by the Christ is verry effective to attenuate this Mundt standing on MUNDT. Effectively, forgiveness can only be worked by a foreigner, and it is already a controversey that their echo chamber cancels forgiveness by eliminating the known principle; a foreign principle, however One that can't be seen, can achieve this. Just as you say, not this you, but that You is certificatied to birth, and not him that haunts the foreigner whatever chemosh swallows the Lord's vessel.

I want to peacably assemble white stones onto another, with the living with me, in the Now; I've divided the truth that Thomas is not always perfect for the part, and among all others present for the honor he was only in the middle amonth others and chosen for his prominent silence, and usually struck first by libel. As far as I know, he's tending somwhere at Kentucky. He was originally in California and a Mormon (for whatever value that holds), and I'm said to be a Monster. Surely, you know what it's like when an agent asks around for to "see the whereabouts of This man" and all is pointed to him that carries the body of that man? We are looking for "Gregorya{logical and}Thomas. Mundt" Accurate response to the brothers in black, is 'am Gregory and carry one living will, and was said to bear witness wit' another. "No, you are Gregory Thomas~Mundt, not Mundtsss; bring him to my black-and-white mobil negotiation chamber." It was just the other day you were speaking of the same determinations being made to coerce from you a white stone censored to Van Pelt, and the same occurs at a time convenient for a HOSPITAL to begin the slow process to offset and set sail.

I am with this little brother, his hair is gray, and lord willing, yet by the hardness of Their hearts in the world around his; We are hindered to any further honor. Yeshuah began assembling stones upon stones only when they were resonant, not when the babe (adolt) was ejected from the southern door(reserved for theieves.) Lighten up, brother David! Just as there are wicked husbandmen, there are wicked ship builders -- looking to yield a ship under your feet to prevent you from walking deeper into the original estate or peacably above it. I am then a minor, that I dig deeper or le chanteur on a pirate transmission? You've said it before; the gamble is through commerce. Without separation of powers, the wind blows as false witness with every strike of the pen exercising drawing rights not in general.

That about concludes this transmission. I hope you well, water-walker. Be careful of Turkey is meant to lower the calcium content from your flesh by inductive bonding to the phosphate plagued into the false-meat; rejected as calcium phosphate on its way to the pearly-white Federal Reserve Deposit seet. Only two creatures can't produce calcium in their body; human, and guinea-pig.

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"I Conditionally Agree to Accept For Face Value Your Offer; but upon Proof of Claim:
/s/ Without Prejudice"

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David Merrill
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Posted - 25 Nov 2005 :  09:28:50  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
You inserted:
Lighten up, brother David!
And I assure you I think of Internet Yarn to be quite entertaining. Your posts are in a manner soothing and quite thought-provoking to me. Thank you.

Of course you may use Gregory T. Mundt as you please. It is the general trust of Article VI formed by Creator Franklin Delano ROOSEVELT. However you initiate the specific Special Drawing Rights by striking that mark. Admittedly, most people have no choice. In applying for a license one has to produce the initial bank note/birth certificate or a Valid ID that in only first-hand source from it.

The objective is to undergo capital integration. Which you refuse to do. Your name is Gregory Thomas, according to your testimony here. Van Pelt is not a white stone. The dark stones were for convicting; the white ones for acquittal.

The confusion is amplified:
This general post must accept any THIRD-PARTY INTERFERENCE, including interference that may cause undesired results in the affects and effects of propoganda.


"I Conditionally Agree to Accept For Face Value Your Offer; but upon Proof of Claim:
/s/ Without Prejudice"

Garbage in; garbage out. If you feel that way about Admin why jockey your mouse here anyway?


David Merrill.
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Posted - 25 Nov 2005 :  15:15:48  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
You know, during a time as this, it is good to read such words:


November 24, 2005
Is There An Eternal Hell Fire?
This subject is strangely amusing as one considers it. I am pleasantly surprised at the simplicity of life and its wonderful hell fire that never goes away. It is a curious thing to observe.

I know there are some furious terrorists that would just love to see Mr. Bush come to his end by some unfortunate accident or by some car bomb. But why? If I were a terrorist, I would only send Mr. Bush a host of body guards so that he could be assured a long life. Then Mr. Bush would have to face his Michael Moores, and Cindy Sheehans day after day forever. If Mr. Bush died, then he would rest from his miseries. If I were a terrorist, I would want Mr. Bush to be tortured in his miseries forever, and that would mean I would have to insure his safety, and make sure he stays alive to suffer the effects of his causes.

We have heard that Mr. Bush has killed over 30,000 civilians, including women and children in his war against the Iraqi defenders. I look and say, "Oh, 30,000 people have gone to their rest to suffer no more at the hands of the invaders, while 26 million souls must suffer on in their hell fire of American torture, duplicity, lies, self interest, and greed." They must watch their families be divided, watch the religious sects be pitted against each other, and their infrastructure be ruined. They must suffer thirst, hunger and disease, and no existence in hell would be any more hellish than what Iraqis must now suffer.

On the other hand, the 2,100 soldiers who have been killed, have gone to their rest; they suffer no more, but the 150,000 remaining must eat dust, come under the gun, and fear the eternal car bombs day after day, year after year, in Mr. Bush's eternal hell. They will come home with diseases that no one knows the name of, and emotional trauma that they never imagined. They will have nightmares, headaches, flashbacks and sorrows for the rest of their lives, just as the Vietnam veterans did. The light will go out of their eyes, and the hope out of their lives forever, and they will seek death, but not find it.

Mr. Bush says that he would like to kill Saddam Hussein. Well, if he does, he will only put the man out of his misery, while the killer, Mr. Bush, will get to live on in his own misery. What justice! The righteous don't have to suffer on any longer, while the unrighteous can have a long life of misery and torture, brought on by their own selfish, self interested, egomania. They will have to take drugs, drink alcohol, and take pills just to stand their present conscious state, but suffer on they must in a world of debt, sorrow, offense and hatred. They will have to live on in their misery until they give it up, and that is very unlikely for the self righteous and sinful.

The world looks at things backwards. It thinks that one must stay alive and look into all of the medical advancements to try and keep their poor sinful bodies from checking out. They take vitamins and minerals and see their doctor every year for a checkup, just to insure that they can live just a little longer in their vain lives. They want to suffer on in their agony, while the wise rest from their labors. They conclude their sojourn here, realizing that this life, in this dark world, is nothing to extend. One should reach his resolution and be prepared for the next life where these sorrows and agonies do not exist. Only righteousness and truth live there, and one can be certain there will be no Mr. Bush, or Osama bin Ladins to spoil the peace. There will be no theft, homosexuality, abortions, war or murder in the next life, and there will be no people who practiced those things in this one.

I have watched people who stay in hell by keeping secrets and by hiding their perversions from others, always trying to make others think they are righteous or holy. They live in eternal hell fire, for they cannot find peace in their guilt and trouble. They will not let go of their self righteous efforts at making others believe that they are good, when actually they are evil. I have seen those who thought to impress me with their religious piety, but they did not know I could see right through their vain pretense. I know more about them than they know about themselves. They are as easy to see as a dark piece of coal on the new fallen snow.

There is only one place of peace, and that is in transparency and honesty. The sons of God stand on a transparent sea, resolved with this world's constant warfare and trouble. These souls are not constantly trying to bring their spiritually dead relatives back to life, when they have made their decision, and expressed their true desires as plain as day. So it is with this wicked world also. The monsters who rule this world with their banks and their money, have already set their course against God, and they love to have it that way. I am resolved to leave them in their hell, for this is what they have loved and worked for. There will be no more intercession for those who know very well that they hate God, and love the world just the way that it is. They love their complaints, and their drugs and booze that cover their pains slightly. This is the eternal hell that they have chosen, and this is the eternal hell I am satisfied to leave them in.

But the Father in heaven does not delight in eternal hell, and before long He will take the world out of its punishment and cause the world to rest from its labors. The wicked will be destroyed, and this will bring them peace at last. Eternal hell will be no more.

Oh, happy Thanksgiving.

Posted by Michael at 10:40 AM

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Posted - 25 Nov 2005 :  22:43:28  Show Profile  Visit RevokeTheTrust's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Greetings and blessings brothers David+Manuel
And I assure you I think of Internet Yarn to be quite entertaining. Your posts are in a manner soothing and quite thought-provoking to me. Thank you.

Of course you may use Gregory T. Mundt as you please. It is the general trust of Article VI formed by Creator Franklin Delano ROOSEVELT. However you initiate the specific Special Drawing Rights by striking that mark. Admittedly, most people have no choice. In applying for a license one has to produce the initial bank note/birth certificate or a Valid ID that in only first-hand source from it.

The objective is to undergo capital integration. Which you refuse to do. Your name is Gregory Thomas, according to your testimony here. Van Pelt is not a white stone. The dark stones were for convicting; the white ones for acquittal.

Gregory already has integrated two I's; Haven't you ever strung a hook (J) on both ends of the line, baited both hooks, and thrown them to two vultures? What of the priest, fearing the LORD, entering His tabernacle with a cord attached to his first mate outside the door? Surely, even as assembled, the white stone is flies as Gregory-Thomas, and that is the first thought to be thrown Last, because none wanted a white stone but more cannon fodder for their depressing War. Why appraise for value a servant of God, to seize the Source of the fruits that are for sale, when all control is wanted on the genera closest to the species? Him that knocks is not looking for drink, but only to poison the fountain; that none can grow up, but grow old.

Garbage in; garbage out. If you feel that way about Admin why jockey your mouse here anyway?

I only wanted a forgiveness to his press all the way, in transit and to his order. Honestly though, in reply this way there wasn't allowing a reticle command available to silence that signature. If the Holder of "Admin" think it interferes in any way, then Admin can remove or edit it a-way that it is pleasing. :-) And I'll stand on my words not his, and reflect my words into this exhibit. Those words aren't to his hurt, or to challenge him; but to subject to him and his judgment.
That's too bad sister Deborah didn't have her papers ready to deny ID being re-appraised for value. My heart is with her, but her lips are far from me. Where was the tick-ette to counter the po-lice in her hair? Arachnids can be Countered and Preyed upon by Insects, if you don't know how to quash them... I've only seen the police acting as equal a louse as Deborah. Bring your own seat, and don't sit on it; stand over, not under; hear and comprehend, but not listen; the bus is carrying weighty cargo, a tick-ette carrying its weight in gold (a name). Was it endorsed or indorsed, or was there an err (passeng-err/human) to renegotiate the value of the tickette because it was missing its legs of standing? No details found on that webpage. I guess Deborah's Davis wasn't SUITED for the occassion to passenge. God I love His Job (and that's my job, to sea the love onto this, This, his, and His assembly). Underneath that "Private Investigator", there are similar exploits of the dark White side ( All we can do is (p)reach to them.

A long time ago, I tried the work of directing a glass cutt(er), only to discern that it cuts all by itself. I'm too dull to cut glass, so I employ an err/human to sea it correct. A fellow workman, overflowing with blessing, his presence always delivered on a (two-wheel) BMX bicycle to the work, would speak of puting his money in his socks before entering an corrupt City abundant of po-lice plaguing the hosting town; Tijuana, near Mexico. Could it be that sister Debrah was thinking that any aboard a bus implies to having purchased a tickette and already sealed of a Second-hand search, and thereby is disputing that Second search (to prevent breaking the seal to the first search)? Surely, the tickette is certificated by the first search; but this is their bankruptcy sister Deborah is challenging. Once the door is closed/sealed shut, the Day is done for the world, but not for the day of the world trying to feign incomplete instruments to renegotiate the dating; such is the Salon door to the Bar, swinging outside to the inside and ford never its closing as a derelict valve. Surely the first name chosen is the last that will be used, and the last name to be asked for will be the white stone carried by the rebore first blood to prevent the New Light religion of Revisionism. The controversey is in the middle; "Gregory T. Mundt" is not general, Mundt is; there is a canon-shot aimed towards the transmitter with intent to manipulate the record of the first bank-note! Haven't you ever seen the fiat scribe create a Wanted Poster riddled with bullets, arrows, and all manner of damage that the allegation is skewed to know the full name to the controversey? I thought it piracy in motion! Surely, the Lord's vessel was chosen a second to serve the anatomical median of the dispute; and the first is the One corner-stone perfected in good faith all alone. Surely, am You MUNDT carrying the witness stablished by Gregory and Thomas, seated Mundts, because it was all forgiven into the world; there it is a limp white stone that is food for His worms faithfully working in His garden.

Is There An Eternal Hell Fire?
This subject is strangely amusing as one considers it. I am pleasantly surprised at the simplicity of life and its wonderful hell fire that never goes away. It is a curious thing to observe.

I've seen Is There An Eternal Hell Fire. I have a Watchtower Society magazine of no Charge given at no charge, full of blank munition. If ever there Was, it would be in a pile of ash because it wasn't built confidently to the expectations of withstanding a Consuming Fire. Every page of that magazine blows like the wind, and we know what new wind does to a Fire in the Light of that Dry Parchment.

As far as I know, Bush is no different the Moores and the Sheehans. All the chastening I've seen is directed by a poorly-constructed prismed jewel of a cloudy substance. Just as brother David and Gregory, what to wait for the curtain to rent away to see the light unhindered and what of its source. I've evenly thought of the unethical Gasoline prices being the cause of the uncorrectly declared War on Terror, but I can straighten that branch no matter what way it tries to evade; there only needs a small slice of the branch neck and some spacers set in place.before the dead at the intersections. The Bush is dead, so it tries to speak of Intelligent Design to drag more uninterested bistanders with its implosion. I asked a sister if there was ever any warning of terrorism, that if we should not arrest him that gives the warning; and I fear no evil. Judgment can't be given until the act is committed; there is no killing until the body is delivered, even so the habeas corpus animated. I've always thought if evil ever suffered, and then I think they are all masochists of religion; I know them well, because there side of the fence is parallel to mine; they're like me traveling on the right side of the road and they are on the Right side of the road; as I look into a mirror, raising my right hand, it lies by raising its left but that is Right. Harrr....silver on glass, so use a wet-saw to see the truth hidden by that Truth, or quickly erect your mirror to their mirror and walk away from the Light in between them as does the attempt to say "Gregory T. Mundt". As far as I can not determine, the signature is cured with power of attorney over "Gregory T Mundt"; Gregory-Thomas dba "GREGORY T MUNDT", this is the better of the lord's count insofar to competently supress that third reality.
Mr. Bush says that he would like to kill Saddam Hussein. Well, if he does, he will only put the man out of his misery, while the killer, Mr. Bush, will get to live on in his own misery. What justice! The righteous don't have to suffer on any longer, while the unrighteous can have a long life of misery and torture, brought on by their own selfish, self interested, egomania. They will have to take drugs, drink alcohol, and take pills just to stand their present conscious state, but suffer on they must in a world of debt, sorrow, offense and hatred. They will have to live on in their misery until they give it up, and that is very unlikely for the self righteous and sinful.
I know a brother stationed at Germany by the UNITED STATES ARMY. He serves to employ his Royal driver for a tank. I hope his concious restores to be less accurate to evil, despite his team making the top of the appraised five-hundred tank crews. God help Christopher not hide His conscience, and engage "With Extreme Prejudice" or drop any hammers of the like other than MC HAMMER. It is all judged, and I can't say what of his rest; I am restless Now. Poor Saddam, wealthy of investing wickedness; if ever there was an equal adversary, it wouldn't be that Bush because they are both in agreement to disagree for their better. Can't kill that which is already dead to Him and living of the world.
The world looks at things backwards. It thinks that one must stay alive and look into all of the medical advancements to try and keep their poor sinful bodies from checking out. They take vitamins and minerals and see their doctor every year for a checkup, just to insure that they can live just a little longer in their vain lives. They want to suffer on in their agony, while the wise rest from their labors. They conclude their sojourn here, realizing that this life, in this dark world, is nothing to extend. One should reach his resolution and be prepared for the next life where these sorrows and agonies do not exist. Only righteousness and truth live there, and one can be certain there will be no Mr. Bush, or Osama bin Ladins to spoil the peace. There will be no theft, homosexuality, abortions, war or murder in the next life, and there will be no people who practiced those things in this one.
Soon, I will include the FDA in serving agents of that foreign principle for their trying to use drugs in curing quiet title ( on the cosmetic/carnal houses made of His good hands. Until then, I'll suffer some more with my daily dose of I am and Jesus, and maybe of non-glutonous compliments to Herb. What of this world to Involuntary security, fig-leif homosexualty, 9-month survived abortions, martyrs of love returned to the crypt, and all that matters is when the all-seeing eye beams-down the terraformers from that spikey obelisk soul-stealer on the Moon, or their mirrored competitors on the Sun? Pirates, brother Manuel! Give them the future, and they'll know and kneed that past; all there is to survive is the Now; keep to the herd, with a Grand assembly of witnesses, and maybe we'll sea some of them quick enough to stave away from their New World Order domination raquette. It's difficult for timed travellers to catch time-travellers without a metaling detector.
I have watched people who stay in hell by keeping secrets and by hiding their perversions from others, always trying to make others think they are righteous or holy. They live in eternal hell fire, for they cannot find peace in their guilt and trouble. They will not let go of their self righteous efforts at making others believe that they are good, when actually they are evil. I have seen those who thought to impress me with their religious piety, but they did not know I could see right through their vain pretense. I know more about them than they know about themselves. They are as easy to see as a dark piece of coal on the new fallen snow.
Fire on the stove, brother Manuel with the coal! Har! Would hell not be for those stiff-necked people; calcinations of the liver? If hellfire is slowly fanned, it'll grow, but will cease when he quickly repukes of dead water. Christ is the only sailship known where men think it sails in reverse by design, yet it only moves forward by its own winde. Booze is the pain Of the world; it exists to rail your senses from mending the bad liquoring jokes cut into the flesh near the mind, when all that needs is a little pain at the source to notice and prepare the crowd to vacating of the rent. I hear Holy Ghosts were too dry to the Spirit, the fabric of ashes and dust to beware the holes evil men tricked suffering men into. I'm not transparent and learned my lesson. The glass only wants to let me see what its filter allows; glass is verry solid, often mistaken for shining white light but actually is the White Light (false-white). I should know it is a lite Freedom to carry glass; when I was old and lame, I moved some of the fixtures claimed by the CRYSTAL CATHEDRAL at Orange CA(some pronounce ka-ka).

Great speaking with both of you! If you are lawfully considered to testify of your actions, and the manner is mis-Lead (Preach/Breach) to an inequal covalence, hope that when you are Loaded into another man's Car(riage) that the discharge doesn't land you in Tombstone prison.

This general post must accept any THIRD-PARTY INTERFERENCE, including interference that may cause undesired results in the affects and effects of propoganda.

Edited by - RevokeTheTrust on 25 Nov 2005 23:43:53
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