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Regular Member
25 Posts |
Posted - 05 Jul 2008 : 21:05:38
First, there is no sovereign individuals on this planet. Sovereign has been used by individuals, kings, etc. There are only two entities on this planet, those of this world and those in this world. Citizens (persona grata) and human beings ie...children of God. Persons are created by man and human beings are created by God. Whether you agree with that or not, it's how it is because some believe in creationism and some believe in their Heavenly Father. When Jesus was asked if he was the messiah...king of the jews.... he replied "so you say" ...he didn't acquiesse like we're taught to when a police officer please...what's your name? answer: which one are you looking for ..the one with the little hands and feet on the first birth certificate? or the one given to me by the state in all CAPS?...what does the record show? In Commercial Law...first in time is first in line... all those licenses and permissions given to us are instruments in commerce...that's all...problem is...they never told us clearly that we had a choice of using them or using our Father's law and the law of commerce... Believe it or not, there are nations in the world that don't use all those permissions of earthly reasons, including theft and deceit... of course, the powers that be wish to change or destroy them and rebuild their way... one God against many gods...always been that way....but there is a time for all seasons...and His is coming....again... Their codes, rules and regulations are built for their own ...not for's for their protection....from us....with them it's always burn the records and and rebuild their way...not His... for us it's simple....choose...take a stand for Him...or take a stand for them. There is no traversing... even our ministers have been licensed so as not to talk about the abominations that lead to desolation.... they skip over Leviticus 25:13 and Deut 25...every jot and tittle... Did they sell out ? yep...can they come back to their Father ? yep... but first they have to clear it with their congregation and offer them the signature page to sign, seal and put on the record. "when 144,000 come out of her, the whore of Babylon" He shall set the record straight... He created everything in heaven and earth....NO CHARGE! What's wrong with this picture..?? They're even killing our children in never ending wars...that they create... and learn ...then make your's that easy. |
Regular Member
48 Posts |
Posted - 06 Jul 2008 : 10:18:16
I think our difference regarding sovereign, is simply a matter of conflicting understanding of the word sovereign, ron. I am using it as it is used in the Scripture, and as it pertains to God’s people, while you are using it as it is used by those of the world who wish to have total dominion over God's creation. Rev 1:6 And hath made us kings (sovereigns) and priests unto God and his Father; to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen. Rev 5:10 And hast made us unto our God kings (sovereigns) and priests: and we shall reign on the earth. The key there, ron, is that we are made sovereigns UNTO OUR GOD, which means that He is the SUPREME SOVEREIGN who makes each of his adopted children, i.e. those who voluntarily choose to be OF HIS JURISDICTION, sovereign, AS PERTAINS TO OTHER MEN, ron. As long as we remain obedient to Him, then we are under the dominion of no man, or group of men, UNLESS WE VOLUNTARILY CHOOSE TO BE. But, aside from that, my question was, What does "interpreting" mean to you, ron? And now, from your most recent response, I have yet another question, ron. Are you saying that, in your opinion, in order for me to return to my Creator I must “clear it with their congregation” and sign their “signature page”, apparently without even “interpreting” it to be sure that it is the “Truth” before doing so? Doesn’t the scripture say to “prove (test) ALL THINGS”, ron? “ and learn ...then make your's that easy.” By that it appears that you are assuming that I have not read and learned and made a choice, and you know what can happen when we assume something, ron; our assumption could be dead wrong. 
The "journey" of life has many possible roads. The sovereign individual chooses the one less traveled. |
Edited by - Mary on 06 Jul 2008 10:23:08 |
New Member
New Zealand
1 Posts |
Posted - 11 Dec 2009 : 01:17:00
I am new to this sovereign stuff, and am having to take a crash course. I am going through foreclosure from the banks on my property. I would like to get a copy of the Commercial Affidavit of Truth. How can I? Can anyone advise me on the steps to take to stop the bank. I am from New Zealand, so things a little different over here apparently. |
Thomas Jeffrey
New Member
3 Posts |
Posted - 29 Dec 2009 : 01:13:16
Mary is correct in what she says. It is foolish to blindly follow what others say is good or harmless without fully understanding what they are getting themselves into. This is exactly what got Christians into this convoluted mess in the first place.
All actions or pleas by servants of Christ should be done in a Non-Statutory manner. Brethren, be very careful of ALL processes that cite statutes and codes as they are private law and of the world. Christ never cited any Roman codes or statutes. Neither should we. Our Law comes from the Heavenly Father as contained in Scripture. It is so sad that the modern heretical doctrines of dispensationalism and antinomianism have stripped the teaching of Law from the Church.
On another note...I could not help but notice all of the bantering about "territories", land, and the Constitution. The simplicity of the matter is that all land belongs to God.
The not-so-simple matters to understand are:
1) Since March 28, 1861 the Constitution has not existed, and if it did, unless you signed it you would not be a party to it. You would be an interloper to a contract between aristocrats of that day. The Constitution was a reorganizational document written as compromise after the war. And, although it was a document whose form was based on Christian common law, it was far from being a Godly document. Contrary to all state Constitutions at the time, it did not even mention God or Jesus once. ("In the Year of our Lord..." at the closing statement does not count)
2) Since Lincoln's army won the war against the Southern states, all of the states (North and South) have re-written their Constitutions and have become sub-corporations of the District of Columbia which gives them certain special rights and privileges to govern their incorporated land.
3) All land in America has been "claimed" by the government whose seat is the District of Columbia. This "claimed" land is a territory of D.C. In order for the government "claiming" ownership to make a profit on this land, it issues land patents which gives the possesor of the land rights to the land for a fee (property tax).
4) Yes, this claimed land has been divided in to districts here and there. But it is only for administrative purposes of the provisional worldly government which should not affect or concern modern bondmen of Christ. Whatever post-bellum "overlays" there may be in districts, states, or "territories" are inconsequential. The only things that should matter to Christians are the names given to the land areas by our Christian forefathers, with their proper spelling, and the Lawful offices that were set up in those areas.
As servants of Christ, and heirs with Him, we can stand on our Father's land with clear allodial title in His name. His title is superior to any worldly government's and they know it. That is why, when presenting evidence to any court or legal entity to your standing in Law as a servant of and heir with Christ, that you use Scripture as your Law. To preserve your primary evidence that He is in you and you in Him.
It does not matter what purported case or action is brought against you by any provisional governmental agent. A traffic ticket, foreclosure, or property tax, etc. can all be abated by a plea out of bar using Non-Statutory abatements as a bondservant of Christ using scripture and maxims of law as your source.
The key is to know what constitutes commercial activity and to stay out of it. Learn your standing in Law as a bondman of Christ and stay away from any benefits, privileges, and opportunities granted by the provisional governments.
May the Lord richly Bless you all,
Thomas Jeffrey, suae potestate esse |
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