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True North
Advanced Member
163 Posts |
Posted - 27 Feb 2003 : 09:28:15
Indeed this is the day that YaHuVeH has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it...Blessed are you Adonai Elohenu King of the is said..."and knowledge shall be increased" and "add to your faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge". As there are many facets of YaHuVeH, likened to the many facets of a diamond, when two ancient sage's viewpoints were diametrically opposed, it was said that neither view was incorrect, but instead another facet of the glory of YaHuVeH was exposed.
We are not likened to the ancient sages in that we have had only a short time to come to understand YaHuVeH but we are advantaged with His Right Hand and His Ruah to ..."Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me"... Many err in doctrine by not utilizing the knowledge of the sages to understand our relationship to YaHuVeH.
The knowledge of the tree is confused and complicated from the disobedience of man. This knowledge can be viewed from another perspective as a covenant issue instead of from the Christian perspective of guilt. This Christian perspective is oftentimes imperative in the doctrine of the "fall of man" (you sin because you're a sinner) and "original sin" ("born in sin" was introduced to the church by Augustine). The "original sin doctrine" has, at first glance, a scriptural foundation which indeed needs discussion but I will leave it to you Christians to defend. Suffice it to say for now that this doctrine comes from a lack of knowledge of "who you are" and "the nature of man" as well as from the "tree of knowledge".
"For the LORD thy God is a consuming fire, even a jealous God"... One covenant existed (implied superficially by "created in the image and likeness") and man made a choice to disobey G-d when tempted, in the case of Eve beguiled, by the serpent. Through this free will disobedience another covenant was made apparent or available. But as is always the case in free will and personal responsibility, disobedience to G-d, "when it is finished, bringeth forth death". Not a test but indeed free will, for the angels too appear as having choice or free will as exampled in this verse... "For if God spared not the angels that sinned...". "Another angelic being serving his Creator not out of free will, but from a type of natural instinct" (quoted from <A HREF="">The Matrix</A> ), does not go against the natural instinct of survival. But instead "the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation" did it from free will. The doctrine as to "why" is inherent in the tree of knowledge, again a topic which demands discussion.
Man is not higher than the angels but... "For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honour"..."Thou madest him a little lower than the angels; thou crownedst him with glory and honour, and didst set him over the works of thy hands: {lower...: or, while inferior to}" "But we see Yeshua, who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honour; that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man. {for the: or, by the}"... Again the "nature of man" needs to be discussed but to return to the discussion of knowledge that has been inadequately labeled "another covenant".
Cain chose the "other covenant" which indeed included "the doctrine of Balaam, who taught Balac to cast a stumblingblock before the children of Israel, to ... commit fornication". The "deeds of the Nicolaitans"..."where thou dwellest, even where Satan's seat is"...("Nicolas a proselyte of Antioch:" taught mortification of the flesh but first you must experience it before it can be done away with).
Many of the gnostic heresies borrowed from Orphic and Platonic dualism, and the Syrian conception heresies have been incorporated into Christian doctrine to occlude sex in its beauty and Persian dualism taught us that both good and evil are in G-d. A dualism does indeed exist as was discussed in <A HREF="">The Matrix</A> but it was discussed as a part of the "nature of man" and in the context of the "nature of sin" instead of in its proper context of personal responsibility as "...And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good." Leave it for now and consider the word (numbered 06175 in the Strong's Concordance) "subtle" and the word (numbered 06175 in the Strong's Concordance) "naked". Strong's lists both words as being from the root word numbered 06191. Add to your knowledge that indeed the exact same word appears in the Hebrew text. In the plural form (for both the man and the woman) and translated as "naked" and in the singular form for the serpent and translated as as "subtle".
I've put out enough for now. If you don't think it is important, blow it off. I only benefit from this if you respond, otherwise this exercise is futile for both of us. I leave you with these tidbits...
For "Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female. And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh? Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder".
But "What? know ye not that he which is joined to an harlot is one body? for two, saith he, shall be one flesh." |
Advanced Member
353 Posts |
Posted - 02 Mar 2003 : 11:24:39
Me thinks this is too esoteric for this group. Most are concerned {rightly} about being joined to the harlot Rome and how to break usunder this perveted relationship! She did have so many, including the kings of the earth, commit FORNICATION with her. The soul has always been considered 'feminine' in 'nature'. The spirit masculine. Adam and Chuah {eve} were NAKED AND NOT ASHAMED. Why should they have been ashamed, they were formed this way. NAKED, in law semantics....means incomplete! YHWH knew good and well, they would NOT listen to His Voice. Yahushua was slain before the foundations of the world. A provision had already been made. The tree of knowledge, is lessons learned. The Tree of Life is awaiting those who overcome, Way down the road in Revelations. What a plan! |
True North
Advanced Member
163 Posts |
Posted - 04 Mar 2003 : 09:44:48
Yes, I suppose I must face the fact that we all want a brief, clear manuel to give us the complete directions to life and make the search easier. It is interesting that the occult is such an allure to some and eludes others, (as expressed in this quote from 'Blueprint for a Prison Planet' by Nick Sandberg. You can find it at ). It is a pretty good read for information on what a small portion of "esoteric" people are "prophesying" for the world. He misses it in not knowing that we can be..."sanctified and cleansed with the washing of water by the word"...(reprinted here for educational purposes only)
"Anyone studying the most knowledgeable and influential characters in the early history of the West, from Pythagorus (sic) to Isaac Newton, will discover that they all had a fascination with one particular subject - the occult. The word "occult" simply means "hidden," and much esoteric knowledge is hidden in the text and symbolism of many of the world's great religious works, including the Bible, accessible only to those in the know. Many of the principles are already familiar to us, albeit in a different form. But it is the ones that we are not aware of that are being used so effectively to control us".
Assuming that the bible, being a Hebrew book, should be studied from the Hebrew has evidently made me an occultist to most Christians. But, so I don't keep spinning my wheels for the uninterested, I can sum up most everything that this "esoteric" knowledge has shown me for the benefit of those seeking their freedom...Coercion is a big part of the tree of knowledge.
It is interesting, Robert James, the status of the two in the garden after submitting to "council", that they were "naked" and aware of it. They were given immediately recourse when they were "covered" again but they had effectively signed over their power of attorney. The "prosecutor" must still go to the Judge to inflict punishment but they can bring the law to bear on themselves with the power of their words and personal choices.
Thanks for helping me continue to grow.
"The psychological rule says that when an individual remains unaware of the divisions within, the world he experiences must perforce act out the conflict and be torn into opposing halves" - Carl Jung |
Advanced Member
496 Posts |
Posted - 04 Mar 2003 : 14:36:29
Hello True North,
It is interesting that you are studying Hebrew. I have a transliteration of the Hebrew of the old testament. It shows the Hebrew words and then their direction non-contextual translation. I have found this very enlightening. For example, in Genesis 1 the Creator made men and women at the same instant. This is all that can be an acceptable translation, because the Hebrew word is in plural form and means both. In Genesis 2, HE created A man and put him in the Garden of Eden. Later from that man, he created A woman. Very different words are used than the ones in Genesis 1. If one understands the Hebrew, then one doesn't have a problem understanding where Cain got his wife.
Interestingly, there are only about 10,000 total Hebrew words in use at the time the Old Testament was completed. That makes it a little easier to learn than it would be for someone trying to learn English which has about 200,000 words.
Second point. In the days when Jesus walked this earth, the people of Israel were bi-lingual. They spoke both Aramaic and Hebrew. When Jesus spoke to someone in the streets or wayside, he used Aramaic. When he spoke, in the temple, to the Pharisees or Saducees or even when he was a teacher, he used Hebrew. Aramaic was the language of the everday and Hebrew was the language of the Temple. Contrary to what most people have been taught, the New Testament was written in Aramaic. Some of the original manuscripts still exist. You can find Aramaic copies of the New Testament from several sources. And there are Aramaic transliterations on the web. The New Testament was translated from Aramaic to Greek, which introduced some errors, and then from Greek into English. More errors. So, the closer to the original you can get, the better you will be able to understand what was being put forth in the Word.
Peace to all in Jesus,
Advanced Member
353 Posts |
Posted - 04 Mar 2003 : 14:43:22
Oh yes, christians are trained to run from the "occult" teachings. Simply secret teachings. Yahushua even stated, "I have many things to say to you, but you can not bear them....yet". Carl Jung's concept of the interegration of self, has great similarities with Paul's revelation of the "new man". As do a few sayings from the Gospel of Thomas. That We may all Be one.The Van Allen's belt{s} provide ample evidence that the earth is a prison camp, YHWH's Plan will be worked out here, no escape. Physicists have configured 9 feet of lead is suficient to protect space travellers when they pass through the belts. Anyone really think man walked on the moon? Alchemists were supposidly involved in the transmutation of lead into gold. In the natural this is fractional banking; taking paper and making it worth gold. In the spiritual world, true men gathered in secret to discuss scripture and ancient truths, without loosing their heads to the Jesuit inquisitors. Also, lead to gold is occultish for us to become the "new man" promised in scripture. We seem to have real proof One did it....Yahushua...aka Jesus. He did lay out specific instructions and expounded upon by John, James, Paul, Peter, And it is foolishness to the materialist man, and the beast knows this. Who would dare leave the benefits of materialism for a walk in the wilderness? Unless he knew the destination is Zion, The City of the Great King. Oh, yes, something about eternal Life. |
True North
Advanced Member
163 Posts |
Posted - 05 Mar 2003 : 10:49:57
Being all together a family in ignorance, (we are all ignorant just in different areas), it is refreshing and encouraging to find one that has studied outside the "traditional" teachings and still is able to "... keep himself unspotted from the world...". To know haShem "...that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy...". And that He "...will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth...". Somewhat naively I don't question that He "hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him".
I had no knowledge of the Van Allen's belt(s). Without the knowledge of those around us we "...both shall fall into the ditch...". Even in my ignorance I know that "9 feet of lead" is not economically feasible to send 5,511 miles (1680 kilometers) into space. Many things you offer cause alarm bells to sound in my head but I attribute much to my own ignorance and some to my almost unreal concern for the ecclesia concerning "...the hour of temptation..".
Lewish there has been much work done on the understanding of the original language of the "new" testament. The late Dr. Robert Lindsay made great strides by assuming a Hebrew identity of the writers. Dr. David Fluesser and David Biven of the Jerusalem School for Study of the Synoptic Gospels have found evidence to back up Hebrew as more than just the language of the temple. I won't go into their evidences here (unless you really want them) because I have documented a substantial amount of their effort into this work. I will say that the evidence that the word Hebrew in John 19:20 ... and it was written in Hebrew, and Greek, and Latin.... and Acts 21:40 ...he spake unto them in the Hebrew tongue... and Acts 22:2 ...And when they heard that he spake in the Hebrew tongue to them... Acts 26:14 ...I heard a voice speaking unto me, and saying in the Hebrew tongue... means Hebrew and not Aramaic as has been traditionally taught.
To me, this only takes on real significance if you start to consider that Yeshua only introduced one new concept to the Jews of His day. In the writings of all the "new" testament the only new command to the Jews was to "...Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature...". I have found that all of the doctrinal concepts of the "new" testament, when kept in their historical context, have an "old" testament foundation and indeed can only be interpreted arightly from that foundation.
I, like you, don't say these things litely. I introduce ideas hoping someone will challenge some particular area. Not for coercion or some sort of perceived status but because it makes me study things that have formed my foundation and makes me rethink my views with the benefit of criticism from other minds towards the advancement of "...the knowledge of him...".
Concerning Adam and Eve and looking at Genesis 5:2 Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created.
Marcus Jastrow (1829-1903) was a Polish born rabbi and lexicographer and a leader of the historical school in the States. He expounded on the Hebrew words of the creation of Adam. I have taken his studies and some of the studies of others into this area and compared them to known science. It is (almost) surprizing the paralells between a document, handed down orally originally, written centuries ago is now being confirmed through our research into genetics.
I still would like to make available the study of Adam to this group mainly because it directly relates to status and standing at law. At least as far as having the background as to what man's status is. But alas, it is very esoteric and flies right in the face of traditional English translation and doctrine and I've not found much of an audience for interpretation of words from the Hebrew. Some of the study is dry and boring and not many find it pertinent to the struggle of freedom. It is in the form of an e-book but I am too lazy to design my own web page and put it out. Oh well, if there is any interest, I can reproduce parts of it on this forum but it is really a study that should not be separated from the whole as all the parts fit together like a puzzle to eventually point to the symbols that make up the whole.
With all the metamorphosis crap and polarizing shift of the poles you can find on the web these days, it is obvious that even the world knows that something is taking place. Most interpret it as the evolution of collective conscious but I believe the whole of it is right there in Genesis the first six chapters. You just can't get to it very easily without some knowledge of Hebrew. The trend towards the ancient Sanskrit writings and "channeling" really bothers my sensibilities. |
Advanced Member
496 Posts |
Posted - 05 Mar 2003 : 14:48:17
Hi True North,
Regarding your second paragraph in your most recent post, you have been mis-informed. Perhaps you would like to look at this NASA website regarding the amount of radiation in the Van Allen Belt.
Being an engineer, who has designed circuits that are flying on satelites circling this earth, I can tell you for certain that if it took "9 feet of lead" to protect a man from the radiation in the Van Allen Belt, that you would not have satellite TV. That much radiation would destroy any electronic component passing thru it. JPL just lost contact with one of the projects I worked on. It was called Pioneer. I have also done circuits for a number of military spy satellites.
Just a point of reference, offered in a humble way. Please check your facts.
Peace to all,
True North
Advanced Member
163 Posts |
Posted - 05 Mar 2003 : 18:22:01
Hey Lewish
Like I said, I think it takes all of us to keep from error, thanks for the effort on the web-link. I use GPS all the time and knew that the kind of radiation referred to would make it next to impossible to pass those type of electronics into an 11,000 mile orbit.
Its good to know you have a background for this. I think the deception that has been taught that we are "not quite good enough" as we are, has caused many to seek "revelation" that would be better sought in the "original" texts.
No disrespect intended Robert-James but some of your theories are a bit too esoteric even for this ol' grizzled Hebrew researcher. |
Advanced Member
198 Posts |
Posted - 05 Mar 2003 : 20:06:30
True North writes: "The trend towards the ancient Sanskrit writings and "channeling" really bothers my sensibilities."
Whenever I hear the word, "channeling," I first cringe, then want to throw up. The implication of the term is that there is a "direct channel" to a Higher Source, otherwise termed a "Higher Plane." Sometimes "aliens" are involved, at other times, the "dearly departed," or some "Ascended Master" named "Valcon." Of course this is nothing more than “psychic” experimentation, and the desire to develop "psychic powers" for the advancement of one's EGO. The "channelers" have this wonderful power! WOW! -- Aren't they "special!"
So it is all an EGO trip. Since the EGO comes from the Lower Realms, then pursuing that path can only end there.
As for the Sanskrit writings -- they have survived for thousands of years. That fact alone validates them for me, as only Truth can survive the test of time. Not to say that they even come close to the whole Truth. And not to say that they are any more clear than any other Spiritual writings. Only that EVERY ancient teaching has validity in that the original authors perceived Truth and attempted to communicate it from their limited capabilities. Then, of course, the priestcraft got hold of it to subjugate the masses via "doctrine," and turned the original teachings into RELIGIONS.
It is all allegorical and symbolic to me. As The Master tried to communicate 2,000 years ago, the next life is an ENTIRELY DIFFERENT REALITY. There are not even adequate words to describe that REALITY, so “parables” -- allegory, metaphor and symbolism -- had to be used in an attempt to communicate it. And with the caveat, “He who has ears to hear, let him hear.” So very few were even CONSCIOUS enough to understand what He was getting at. The vast majority were “asleep.” So it has remained unchanged to this day.
All the major religions have an “Adam and Eve” allegory. In ancient Egypt it was Isis and Osiris. In Hindu mythology it is Shakti and Shiva, etc. Joseph Campbell points out these facts in his many writings on mythology. He is considered the pre-eminent mythologist of the last century. One of his great works is, “The Hero with a Thousand Faces.” You can read reviews about it on
What he discovered was that, EVERY culture throughout the world has these myths and symbols -- WITHOUT EXCEPTION. And his startling conclusion was that there is some secret REALITY within every human Soul that seeks expression. That we all came from a very distant, wonderful past -- about which we have all but forgotten. However, that past is always with us. We dream about it. We have occasional, albeit indistinct, flashbacks. We write about it in poetry, stories and myth. We express it in our goals. We all are searching, searching for that missing “something” in our lives -- that, were we to find it, would complete our Life, and our Happiness.
In all the myths, a certain Hero goes on a Quest to find the Lost Treasure. This is the story line for countless novels, films, plays, poems, songs and other artistic expressions. The REALITY behind the ancient Myth, is what continues to fascinate us about such stories. In the end, the Hero finds the Lost Treasure. That is the promise in the Gospels.
Be Well, Doer
Advanced Member
353 Posts |
Posted - 05 Mar 2003 : 22:11:35
Perhaps someone would contact the Russian space program and ask them why they never went to the moon? N.A.S.A. lies within the martix of confusion. Ask why all moon-walkers {besides Michael Jackson} were all high degree masons. {able to keep a secret]. True North, no problem here. i have not reached the point of saying, "how long must I suffer you" {people}, as Yahushua did. He even stated He was the missing capstone the builders rejected. Think Giza, as in pyramid. At one time it shone as the sun, and was called "The great Light". Golgotha means skull, right? And this is where our crucifixion takes place. The giza pyramid was never built to specifications, the 4 sockets were not used as the foundations. When the chief cornerstone will be built from top down, to the 4 sockets as intended. Refaced with {new} casing stones the Arabs {flesh man} used {the old ones} to build their mosques. He that overcometh will I {Yahushua] grant to sit on My Throne. Now that, is sharing His Glory. What an older Brother! |
Advanced Member
496 Posts |
Posted - 05 Mar 2003 : 23:01:46
So, Robert-James, we never went to the moon, huh? Well, would you be so kind as to explain something to me then. On the second mission, the astronauts placed a special mirror on the surface of the moon. This mirror is used to reflect back a laser beam originating in Arizona. This laser beam is used for the purpose of measuring the distance between the earth and the moon. If the astronauts, didn't place it there, how did it get there and get properly positioned so that it could be used for measuring the distance? And, by the way, what makes you think the Russians didn't go to the moon? Do you have any idea of how many Russian cosmonauts have died in space? |
True North
Advanced Member
163 Posts |
Posted - 06 Mar 2003 : 08:04:10
"...the curse causeless shall not come"... and I apologise to the admin of this forum for dragging out subjects of controversy.
Robert-James, I am glad that you suffer the children. I, as one, could see that you hold beliefs that are spiritually discerned and I am interested in the views of others as to the nature of these things that we are discussing. I do apologise for any discomfort I may have caused for dragging them out in the light. Lest "... the wicked bend their bow, they make ready their arrow upon the string, that they may privily shoot at the upright in heart..." I hear many of the things you speak albeit with a veiled ear.
Doer evidently sees much of this discussion being defined as mere parable and allegory. Lewish would seem to enjoy the discussion but not overtly suffer the abstract. I see part of the tree of knowledge as a Hebrew concept and view it as knowledge of coercion and witchcraft which should be discussed but only from the Hebrew. Robert-James aligns his faith with his mouth in action.
I've been uplifted and advanced from all who participate. Shalom and thank you all for suffering my abstractions. |
Advanced Member
353 Posts |
Posted - 06 Mar 2003 : 19:41:46
True North; would You share with us the concepts you have seen respecting status and Standing at Law. The whole of the ALL CAP fiction status at first seems so abstract, till One has eyes to see the Court in 'Heaven' vs. the court on earth. and the D.A. being an actual satan {advarsary]. And the Spirit of Truth being our advocate, and the Word being spoken in Power and creativity. Yahushua is the Word made flesh {second Adam} and We are to be in His likeness. Religion usually means going in a circle. Let Us at least be on a spiral. Abrahams promised 'seed' was first...dust... then sand...then much is locked up with the meanings of these words in hebrew. If YHWH is Our Judge, King and Lawgiver, His children act accordingly. Messiah {christ} is a verb...act-ion. |
True North
Advanced Member
163 Posts |
Posted - 07 Mar 2003 : 07:42:26
Okay, my heart is broke from reading the articles on Stephen Ames. I will not give many references just some of the words and concepts from Genesis that I see concerning standing and status. This group has allowed a lot of these ideas to coalesce for me. There is foundation in the Hebrew for these ideas and others have tried to share them with the ecclesia (they are not original) but I had to pay for them in the past because "the truth is not so obvious that it doesn't have to be sold".
The Hebrew word Nephylim or Nephal is to fail, to fall away, to rot. The ones who fell away from law, they fell away from G-d and were wicked. They learned this from nachash, from the knowledge of good and evil.
Briefly, nachash means whisperer and all the "magic" of coercion and the confusion of the etymology of words and the words used in law as well as all the other forms of coercion that were introduced by the "serpent" or nachash.
Man and woman have status before G-d (the judge) as an exact duplication in kind because Life is in the blood. The man's choice that he willfully makes to learn from nachash creates a nexus or potential to alter that status. Anytime one willfully goes against the law of life, either knowingly or ignorantly, he becomes at odds to law (defendant) and an affidavit of accusation can be brought to the judge by the accuser (prosecutor).
There is always remedy and recourse in law. The remedy to relieve the affidavit is an affirmation by Yeshua (councilor or advocate for defense) that the words of the defendant were either aligned with law or indeed against law but the actions of the defendant show a willfulness to follow law or not follow law.
Two remedies...either the words line with law or the action lines with law. The one who has both the words and the action of law needs no defense just a dismissal for lack of venue (jurisdiction) with an appearance before the judge (blood, body and praise in communion).
If there are no words (testimony to the blood of the lamb) for defense, the actions are examined and the case is either dismissed or the prosecution is allowed to proceed with charges to make a case.
I don't think this is all you were referring to and this is too brief but maybe we can flesh it out. |
Edited by - True North on 07 Mar 2003 10:32:28 |
Advanced Member
198 Posts |
Posted - 11 Mar 2003 : 02:36:15
True North writes, "Doer evidently sees much of this discussion being defined as mere parable and allegory."
"mere parable and allegory?"
"MERE parable and allegory?"
Parable and allegory and symbolism are all around us. Parable and allegory and symbolism touch us every moment of every day. Parable and allegory and symbolism DEFINE OUR LIVES!
EVERY BREATH that we take, is symbolic of the GREAT BREATH that gives life and movement to every thing in the Universe -- the tides of the sea, the currents of the air, even the journeys of the planets and the stars. We are the Microcosm within the Macrocosm. Every system in our body has a symbolic correspondence to the manifested Universe.
The correspondences and connections are too numerous and too obvious to require going into any detail. The Occult Studies are based on the symbols found in science, religion, philosophy and life itself.
Stephen Ames expresses my thoughts very closely --
“Words only represent (re-present) something else. Words are not real things. In an illusory reality everything is a symbol. The reality of symbols is illusory. . . . . One must understand that governments are brought into your mind through symbols such as flags, codes, constitutions and statutes which are the will of your Master being imposed on you. . . .
. . . . Undifferentiated reality can not be expressed. Symbols cannot be used to describe it. Enlightenment is a state of being and it is not describable. People seem to want to make the description of the state of being, the state itself. A state of being is an experience. A description of a state of being is a symbol. Symbols and experiences are not governed by the same rules.
. . . . People exist by symbols. Everything in this fictional world symbolizes something else.”
Be Well, Doer
True North
Advanced Member
163 Posts |
Posted - 11 Mar 2003 : 06:36:07
Easy man, go easy on me, I already know that I shall give account for every idle word I speak and you just made it that much clearer.
Levitical Priesthood Symbols in the present day commerce system
The Policeman is the High priest's Servant
Crime is Sin
Going to jail is being put in the ward
The Courthouse is the Temple
The Courtroom is the Holy Place
The Judge is the High Priest
The Bench is the Altar
The Bar is the Veil
The Lawyer is the Intercessor
The Plea is the Prayer
Being guilty of crime is being guilty of sin
A Criminal is a Sinner
The Fine is the Sin Offering
The Court Costs are the Heave Offering
The Supreme Court is the Holy of Holies
Civil Service (Judicial System) is the Levitical Priesthood
AKA:...The Crown Temple Society and Bar Association
The Barrister acting as the Prosecuting Attorney, is the accuser of the brethren or a satan |
Edited by - True North on 11 Mar 2003 07:02:53 |
Advanced Member
198 Posts |
Posted - 11 Mar 2003 : 10:38:32
True North,
This is excellent! So you knew about it all the time -- you rascal, you!
Be Well, Doer |
True North
Advanced Member
163 Posts |
Posted - 12 Mar 2003 : 07:09:30
There exists a whole e-book that is continually being added to based on the symbols. Many of them that are explored, come from Joseph Campbell's works.
The book of Genesis is the only place you can find the foundation for the so - called "virgin birth". She was not a virgin after her matrix was breached by the babies head, so "virgin birth" is semantics but many of the symbols are occluded from their original setting through semantics. Resulting in a confusion as to where to look for the basis of the symbol. The virgin birth is a valid symbol and one that is crucial for the Ecclesia to understand the signifigance of blood.
There are so many things being taught, though, the e-book will just set on a computer for now. The Eccelsia must be forced to search, much like the early church had to be driven out of Jerusalem after nine years of complacency. The e-book will just set until one of the Ecclesia with the gift of ruling or giving (Romans 12:8) sees the value and necessity of knowing the symbols from their Hebrew originality and perspective and publishes it or puts it on a web page.
It is extremely difficult to bring the symbols from the Hebrew to the Ecclesia. Note what a row introducing the word "yom" brought. We all have such different levels of knowledge that it is too easy to be misunderstood when introducing things that seem to contradict doctrine.
Lest one accuse of G-d shall supply all my need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus...I contribute to this forum out of a desire to learn, not to sell more snake oil to the Ecclesia.
Advanced Member
496 Posts |
Posted - 12 Mar 2003 : 21:41:15
free-man. Quite a post. Looks like I have some research to do. But, I will disagree in one way. We have satellites which orbit above the Van-Allen Belt. Man can survive anywhere a satellite can survive the radiation. If we didn't have satellites up there, you would have no TV with 18 inch dishes.
Another point just for consideration, in 1993 I worked on an electric generator controller for a spy satellite. The generator was a Stirling Engine. Free piston, free displacer type. For those who may not know what a Stirling Engine is, it runs on heat alone. The greater the difference in heat, the more power for a given size. Well, on this satellite, there was a panel which extended above the satellite and captured the sun's heat. It stayed at about 250ºC. There was a second panel which extended below the satellite and into its shadow. Its temperature stayed about -200ºC. So, there was a temperature difference of about 450ºC available to run the engine. Many satellites were built with this power source. I am guessing that a similar arrangement could be made to work for a spacesuit.
Another point, the astronauts who float around outside the shuttle are facing the same heat conditions as someone on the moon would. Their suits seem to work just fine. Or, do you think that is fake also?
I will allow for the possibility that man has not set foot on the moon, but I will argue very strongly against the idea that it was because of radiation in space. I have worked on too many vehicles that have survived for many years in that supposed high radiation environment.
Advanced Member
198 Posts |
Posted - 12 Mar 2003 : 22:58:20
All this "Moon Conspiracy" stuff is just another blind alley -- sucking our focus and our energy from the REAL PROBLEM -- the ABOMINATION called "government." If they want to create an incredibly complex ruse, then let them! We already have enough conspiracies concerning our property, our money, our freedoms, and especially our SOVEREIGNTY.
I sure would like to know how TENS OF THOUSANDS of people working on such a project can keep a secret -- when only TWO INDIVIDUALS CANNOT! So I would rather focus my energy on finding solutions to extricate ourselves from the clutches of HELL -- our "government."
Be Well, Doer |
Advanced Member
353 Posts |
Posted - 13 Mar 2003 : 07:12:56
For there shall arise false messiah's {govt.} and shall shew great signs and wonders; in so much that IF IT WERE POSSIBLE, THEY SHALL DECEIVE THE VERY ELECT. Good golly, Miss Molly, the govt. can walk on the moon! Enought said, I agree. If anything, We must be careful as to what tree We eat from. Doer...multi-millions "believe" frn's are money. This does not make them right. Those living within the ...system, do not have the Right to eat of the Tree of Life. The strange thing is, that Father calls His Own out of Egypt, and chooses Himself, just who will continue. |
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