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 The Southern Cross Awakens the Living Light...
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762 Posts

Posted - 27 Nov 2003 :  13:50:12  Show Profile
The Southern Cross Awakens the Living Light...

Do not follow the false images in the sky, the illusions of the shadows. Do not seek refuge in the caves below nor in the caves of the high mountains: It is better to stand fast in your field when the earth transits. Welcome the wandering beasts and fowl when they come to you, as they surely will. They will seek those who have the Light Image Spirit coming from the Soul.

The awakening of the Light Soul will kindle a fire that cannot be quenched or extinguished. To the shadows of the Watchers, this is a threat to their continued rule over humanity. There is a unique Light of Life in each of us that cannot be duplicated or imitated. At the C-enter of our Being... at the C-enter of our genetics... at the C-enter of our internal LifeCross... is a seed planted from the very Sound and Light of Creation. It cannot be taken from mankind, nor can it be removed from even a single person. Each of us has the indwelling Chrio-Logos within our physical bodies. It is the very key to all Creation and Life and, as was set to its course from the beginning, this Light is now to be set afire and birthed as the luminaries reveal their set courses.

The seeds, water, and air are being manipulated by the shadows to stop the LifeCross from awakening. But their plans have already failed as the fire is now being kindled, as seen through the mirror of the luminaries. While there will be great changes effecting all the earth, those who place their faith in the shadows will suffer, but those who have the Knowing of Creation alight within them will heal the wounds of the earth.

In Its Entirety at:
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