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Saint Kitts and Nevis
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Posted - 27 Nov 2001 :  04:05:56  Show Profile  Visit Admin's Homepage
Christmas is a very popular holiday. However, as is often the case, what is popular is not always right, and what is right is not always popular.

"Christmas" is short for "Christ mass", or "mass for Christ". The name of the holiday is much newer than the holiday itself. The customs associated with Christmas, in one form or another, have been celebrated for thousands of years before Christ was even born!.

"Christmas" is just a new name for an old pagan holiday. Now Christmas is supposedly a celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ…but is it really? What does Santa Clause, reindeer, and the North Pole have to do with Jesus Christ?

This entire article is located at /truth/christmas.html

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144 Posts

Posted - 21 Nov 2002 :  23:18:50  Show Profile  Visit Walter's Homepage
A small error: the Lucifer Trust changed its name to the Lucis Trust (not Lucas Trust), and have a web page here:

Also, on birthdays, somewhere I read that the birthday celebration was initiated to celebrate the birth day of a pagan "god," maybe it was Horus, maybe Mithras - I can't recall just now. So when one celebrates one's own birth day, one is making oneself a god like Horus/Mithras/whichever.
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353 Posts

Posted - 26 Nov 2002 :  23:32:51  Show Profile
Christmas can get real ugly.......Look up 'nick' in a dictionary [Oxford English} nick is a name for the devil. St Nick? christ-mass, means the dismissal of christ. Satanism is defined as the worship of satan with a travesty of 'christian form'. That is a defination of christmas.
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Posted - 29 Nov 2002 :  19:59:22  Show Profile
Rev 2:1 Unto the angel of the church of Ephesus write; These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks;

Rev 2:2 I know thy works, and thy labour, and thy patience, and how thou canst not bear them which are evil: and thou hast tried them which say they are apostles, and are not, and hast found them liars:

Rev 2:3 And hast borne, and hast patience, and for my name's sake hast laboured, and hast not fainted.

Rev 2:4 Nevertheless I have [somewhat] against thee, because thou hast left thy first love.

Rev 2:5 Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent.

Rev 2:6 But this thou hast, that thou hatest the deeds of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate.

Rev 2:7 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God.

A Dios,
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762 Posts

Posted - 09 Dec 2002 :  18:18:58  Show Profile
Greetings, In the name of Jesus, the Christ.
It is my understanding that Nicolaitans comes from Nicolaus which
was "sainted" by those powers that be, or think "they be." :)

Dios con Vosotros,
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United Kingdom
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Posted - 09 Dec 2002 :  20:35:30  Show Profile
Talk about Christian christmas spirit I bet your kids are miserable with you lot about
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Posted - 10 Dec 2002 :  14:51:24  Show Profile  Visit Walter's Homepage
"St. Nicholas:"

A pawnbroker's [shop], alluding to the three blue balls, the sign of that trade, or perhaps to its being 'two to one' [likely] that goods pledged are never redeemed. --Francis Grose's _Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue_, 1796

FEAST EVE OF ST. NICHOLAS, a fourth-century patron of pawnbrokers who of course became popularly known as Santa Claus. St. Nick's legend grew out of his benevolence toward a penniless man who, unable to afford dowries for his three daughters, felt compelled to sell them into prostitution. Nicholas was said to have tossed a pouch of gold pieces through the father's window on three consecutive nights, allowing the daughters to find suitable husbands. These bags were later transmuted into three gold, or sometimes blue, balls that were adopted as a symbol by pawnbrokers.



"A citizen of Patara had lost all his money, and had moreover to support three daughters who could not find husbands because of their poverty; so the wretched man was going to give them over to prostitution. This came to the ears of Nicholas, who thereupon took a bag of gold and, under cover of darkness threw it in at the open window of the man's house. Here was a dowry for the eldest girl and she was soon duly married. At intervals Nicholas did the same for the second and third; at the last time the father was on the watch, recognized his benefactor and overwhelmed him with his gratitude."
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Posted - 10 Dec 2002 :  15:09:18  Show Profile  Visit Walter's Homepage
Originally posted by Robert-James

... christ-mass, means the dismissal of christ. Satanism is defined as the worship of satan with a travesty of 'christian form'.

My mother told me the other day that she remembers from comparative religion classes she took that Catholics do not believe Jesus was resurrected - but online information shows otherwise. But I still wonder why their crucifix shows Christ still on the cross. Does anybody know? A "Christ Mass," a mass being a requiem for the dead, would tie in with this, it seems to me. Just wondering out loud...
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Regular Member

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Posted - 21 Dec 2002 :  11:26:30  Show Profile
Talk about Christian christmas spirit I bet your kids are miserable with you lot about

I think you missed the point. The spirit of Christmas is not Christian.

On the contrary, my children maintain a God given passion for truth. Once the satanic nature of "Christmas" was explained to them, they had little trouble leaving behind the trappings (an appropriate word) of this "holiday." The only difficulty was with my ten-year-old daughter who has not been unscathed by the rampant greed and materialism of this society. She wants "stuff." As a father I want my children to have good things. She wants a telescope. She shall have it, but it won't be "for Christmas" and she knows it - it hasn't even been ordered yet.

For more information about the Christ-Mass"
What the remnant needs to know and do:
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Posted - 21 Dec 2002 :  20:27:00  Show Profile

I applaud you! It is so VERY IMPORTANT to teach your children not to get caught up in other people's ARTIFICIAL excitement -- WHATEVER it may be. It is the "party mentality" -- where people use ANY EXCUSE WHATSOEVER -- to "let it all hang out." This is why there is so much drinking and debauchery on this so-called "Holy-day."

I am so very glad to have SURVIVED the lies about Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy, etc. As a child, it is SUCH A SHOCK to discover that you have been LIED TO BY YOUR PARENTS. If you cannot trust them, then whom can you trust? And of course it is all for EGO GRATIFICATION on their part -- to "feel good" about getting you all EXCITED during these Holy-day occassions.

Remember -- EVERY SINGLE DAY IS A GIFT FROM OUR CREATOR. Why, then, do we make one day or another "special?" This is EGO -- pure and simple, and has ABSOLUTAELY NO PLACE in the heart and spirit of a RIGHTEOUS MAN. If we do not find joy in every day -- nay, in EVERY MOMENT -- then giving ourselves completely over to a "special day" created by some long-forgotten MAN, is truly PITIFUL behavior!

Keep up the Righteous Work.

Be Well,
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353 Posts

Posted - 22 Dec 2002 :  12:00:26  Show Profile
Walter........the dead man on a gold a veiled warning by revived Rome that............this is what happens to anyone who dares stand up.
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Posted - 25 Dec 2002 :  16:54:55  Show Profile
Brothers, what ever happened regarding:
"Thou shalt not lie," regarding SANTA CLAUS?

A Dios,

Edited by - Manuel on 25 Dec 2002 16:59:23
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Posted - 26 Dec 2002 :  03:04:10  Show Profile
When you live in a world of "make-believe" -- such as what our so-called "government" is today -- then ANY lie can be justified. After all, we are doing it "for the children."

PLEASE!!!! Do NOT make lying "OK" just to get a reaction from a child -- or worse, to trick them because they are naive in their INNOCENCE. This is cruelty beyond imagination! The eventual SHOCK to that child upon discovering that "trusted" family are LIARS, affects the child for the rest of his or her life.

Be Well,
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Advanced Member

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Posted - 30 Dec 2002 :  23:30:13  Show Profile
Eze 22:27 - Her princes in the midst thereof [are] like wolves ravening the prey, to shed blood, [and] to destroy souls, to get dishonest gain.

Brothers, these wolves are at the peak, as like the BABYLONIAN tower.
They have "invented" a monster they cannot control. Many fables they have concocted for their sole purpose of stimulating their empty souls.

As I recall all the evils they are doing, under the robes of their dark intentions, feeding their "unholy roaming empire," I have but one master,
for who can serve two, and be In Him? Where are those friends in this world,
which one knocks at their door, or gives a friendly phone call, but there is no one there. The light is on, but there is no one there, lost by the grip of the
"feel-good" whore and her mongers. That wretched heiress by no justly reward.

Romans 1:25 Who changed the truth of God's law into a lie and caused us to worship the creature instead of God.
Isa. 3:12 As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them.
Rev. 18:2 says, come out of her sin, and in Prov. 7:24-27, her house is the way to hell, and death.
Isa. 3:12-17 She causes you to err from the right path, because of her you have been made poor.
2 Thess. 2:1-8 says, The day of Christ won't come until the evil one is revealed.

God bless you, I am,
your friend,

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Posted - 29 Jul 2003 :  22:27:43  Show Profile  Visit Walter's Homepage
Originally posted by Robert-James

Walter........the dead man on a gold a veiled warning by revived Rome that............this is what happens to anyone who dares stand up.

Robert, it occurs to me that the Catholic crucifix also reveals who is behind the popish power, as it was not the Romans who instigated our Christ's murder, but the Pharisees.

I expect you know, but for anyone who doesn't - closely reading the passages dealing with the (false) arrest of Christ and His handling, one sees it was the Pharisees' band of "soldiers" and not the Roman soldiers who were handling Him. He was not in the _custody_ of Roman soldiers, except perhaps during Pilates' questioning. And it was the Pharisees who stirred the crowd to give their voices against Him. And who enticed the Roman soldiers guarding the tomb to give false testimony over the empty tomb where He was laid (by promising to protect them against the Roman death penalty for their failure in guarding it, which, if they failed, left the soldiers dead and them alive with probably no repercussions). Those Pharisees sure can make a little violence, rabble rousing, and empty promises go a long way, ehh?
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353 Posts

Posted - 05 Aug 2003 :  21:21:53  Show Profile
Well said Walter. Being a "christmas"-santa-satan post area, Irving Berlin wrote "I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas". Irving was Jewish. While the goy {nations of lost Israel} look for a white x-mas, Jew shop keepers are dreaming of a green {frn} holiday. Washington was not a christmas worshiper, {being a Catholic holiday], he gained the advantage and attacked the drunk German hired soldiers, December 25th, and attained Americans' first victory. Does it not show just how powerful Jesuit-Cainanite-Jews {pick your favorite label} have become since the UN civil war? Poor ol Pilate washed his hands of the matter in 30 a.d. Hope Mel Gibson's movie does a good job exposing the pharisee's involvement! I truely know it is important to keep in mind Cain has a seedline also, always at war with the BirthRight sons of Elohim. Most everything has come full circle now...we again have the "traditions of the elders" leading the people. In early America, only the Popish ones celebrated christmas. Hey, same thing today! 98% of the Israelites in 30 a.d. were in northern Europe. Yahushua {aka Jesus] went back down to Palestine to make an open show of the pharasee's sin, and 1900 + years later, christians still haven't seen the Truth. They will this their very own shame. "Come out of Babylon" was not a request, but a command! "If Ye love Me, keep My commands", and He spoke for the Father.
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True North
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Posted - 06 Aug 2003 :  22:19:12  Show Profile

They were Roman soldiers employed by Herod to patrol the temple. The Jewish elite were sold out to mammon. They were the whited walls but the rest of the church was all Jewish right up until He scattered them 9 years after Yeshua's resurrection for not going unto all the world. (subjective comment)

Then they that gladly received his word were baptized: and the same day there were added unto them about three thousand souls. (scripture)

These are all Jews. It is estimated that there were over 50,000 believers in Jerusalem by 50 AD. All of them were Jews.

But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel.

Robert, get your facts straight, they were all Jews. All who followed Yeshua were Jews until Paul and Peter went to the goy. Oh, by the way, know that you can't learn agape from Protestant 20th century churches.

Edited by - True North on 07 Aug 2003 05:24:22
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Posted - 08 Aug 2003 :  13:10:56  Show Profile  Visit Walter's Homepage

I don't know about whether the Roman soldiers were "hiring out" in their "off hours," if they had such, but it doesn't change the fact that the Pharisees - who hated Jesus - were the movers in having Him executed. If certain ones of the Pharisees believed, repented and were baptized into Jesus, then wonderful for them. But I believe (though I can't yet prove) that their twisted religion - which Jesus condemned - still carries on under the papacy, that crucifix being a tell-tale sign. Does not the pope claim to be Christ's representative on earth? But Jesus said he would be with us always, until the end of the age. So what does anyone need a "pope" for? The man in that false office is attempting to be a replacement for Christ: the anti-Christ. Sounds just like the Pharisses to me. And the popish power is the source of the "Christ Mass," with atendant "Santa Claus," and the other trappings.

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762 Posts

Posted - 08 Aug 2003 :  17:01:17  Show Profile
Martin Luther against the DOGMA

A Dios,
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Posted - 13 Aug 2003 :  17:29:24  Show Profile
Greetings In His name, Jesus, The Christ.

The Plot To Destroy Christianity!
by Lt. Col. Gordon "Jack" Mohr, A.U.S. Ret.,
Honorary Brig. Gen.
Citizen's Emergency Defense System
"And he shall speak great words against the Most High and shall wear out the saints of the Most High . . . and they shall be given into his hand . . ." - Daniel 7:25

It is the proclaimed aim of world Communism and its traitors within the ranks of Christendom, to demoralize the Christian world, and thus destroy all opposition to communism.

The conspiracy against the Christian World comes direct from the Communist camp, but was initiated in the "Synagogue of Satan" (Rev. 2:9), we know as International Zionism.

This plan is to so cripple the fighting spirit of North-American Christian anti-communists in particular, that they can bring this nation of ours within the sphere of their Satanic influence. In other words, it is intended to cripple the defensive power of the Israel nations we call Christendom, so as to pave the way for the ultimate triumph of anti-God Talmudic Communism.

Of all the reactionary systems which have been developed during the 6,000 years of written history for the destruction of moral values, Talmudic communism ranks first. It is without doubt the most perfected, the most efficient and the most merciless system the world has ever seen and the most successful. Already, in a matter of some 70 years, it has subdued over 1/3 of the earth and subjected over 2-billion people to the most merciless dictatorship in the annals of history.

In its entirety at:

Dios con vosotros,
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Advanced Member

762 Posts

Posted - 17 Aug 2003 :  02:20:13  Show Profile
Greetings, In the name of Jesus, The Christ.

This article was originally written for The WINDS (World Internet News, Distributary Source) in November of 2001, shortly after the terrorist attacks on the New York World Trade Center. Its purpose was primarily to illustrate the biblical and historical connection in prophecy between modern Israel and the current direction of world affairs. Since its publication much has occurred that emphasizes its currency and historical relevence.

Gog, Magog, and the Kingom of the Khazars

In its entirety at:

Dios con vosotros,
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