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 A Corporation Sole
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Posted - 11 Dec 2003 :  23:21:57  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
If you want to be a corporation sole, I would advise you to have a church building, and hold weekly church meetings with a church membership role. To be otherwise, is going to put you into the situation that Eddie Kahn and all the people he has created corporation soles for. If you are not familiar with what I speak of, the government is taking them all to court for creating fraudulent entities to avoid paying taxes. A whole bunch of people are going to jail.

Good luck,

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Posted - 12 Dec 2003 :  11:15:25  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Some of the things I see expressed in this thresd bother me.

Do some really believe that they can get around the unjust laws of babylon by participating in schemes based not on the laws of God, or righteousness, but on deception and evasion and dishonesty and the manipulation of words and letters and definitions- is not this just as bad as what we are seeking to avoid? In such pursuits, are we not allowing Babylon to dictate our actions and words in a covert manner, rather than living the plain pure and simple and truthful existence advocated in Scripture, and characterized by our Saviours' words "Let your yea be yea, and nay, nay"?

I dont mean to be over-critical of anyone- but it seems to me that these things arise from trying to live within the confines of the system, rather than coming out of it as we should.

"Thy Word is Truth"
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Junior Member

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Posted - 16 Jan 2004 :  12:24:56  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by corporationsole
Corporation Sole does maintain exclusive juridiction as to how that it is regulated though it own Articles. When drafted correctly can place at the core of its government the law of God's Word through which it operates.

I've been hearing these kinds of claims for quite some time now. Somehow it just hasn't sat right with me. Too much of what this guy is saying here just seems bogus to me. In fact, just about everything I've seen from these corporate sole peddlers seems to be full of half-truths.

It's real clear in the Nevada state statutes (and all the other state statutes that allow you to organize a corp sole) that you cannot create any kind of corporation, sole or otherwise, without filing corporate articles, and paying a filing fee, with the Secretary of State's office. That sure sounds to me like it's seeking the state's permission, and at the very least it's also an obvious form of registration. That troubles me greatly, particularly when it comes to registering a church. I don't even own a registered gun. Why would I want to register my church?

While there are lots of corporate sole peddlers peddling their wares on the internet, there has been virtually nothing (at least that I've been able to find) to tell me the other side of the story.

Recently I found a web site that's actually giving the other side of the story. The information seems pretty objective. The URLs to check out are:

Edited by - kirkguardian on 23 May 2005 11:40:32
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Occasional Poster

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Posted - 17 Jan 2004 :  01:27:11  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

Greetings, and many blessings! It is a pleasure to be here. I pray that my offerings will be to the highest good, and for the edification of all.
I've been following this corp. sole thread and it seems to me that there is a basic misunderstanding being experienced by most of the posters. There is a distinct difference (in law and in fact) between a "statutory" corporation sole and a "non statutory" corporation sole, although there is one thing is similar between them, they are both fictions. I will leave aside for the time being my views on the validity or "value" of the world of fictions, but I do want to address the concepts of "the world of fiction" as it pertains to the comments made so far in relation to using the "things of the world" (creations of man) and "creations of the state" (corporate entities, etc.). I will confine my comments to my fundamental understanding of things as I see them.
I make my comments based on my 40 years as a bondservant of the Christ and approx. 4 years of intensive study of the political/legal/economic system (with a primary focus on understanding the mechanics of the laws/statues/codes and the judicial/administrative court structures) in place at this time.
The fact is that we live in a world of fiction (the eastern spiritual traditions might use the word MAYA, illusion). Modern science is continually confirming what the Master, and all of the other advanced spiritual teachers have been saying, the world that we "see, touch, smell, hear, and taste" is really, in its most fundamental nature, nothing but ENERGY. Are our bodies real? 99.999% empty space. Is the earth real? 99.999% empty space. Are the things that we "know" real, or really true? Well, I thought I "knew" that if you touch fire you get burned. Then I experienced walking through a path of red hot burning coals for 15 feet and did not get burned. Whats up with that? What is real? All I know for sure is LOVE IS REAL. That is what my Master taught. And really, do I know that is true. Well, I have experienced its power, but in actuality, it is a matter of faith.
Anyway, on to fictions as they relate to the comments on the thread. People have said,the corporation sole is a creation of men (of course it is), the insuation being that that somehow indicates that they are "bad" or of no use to the servant of Christ. Well, it has already been commented on about state created fiction instruments such as social security cards, drivers licences, vehicle registrations, etc,. I would venture to say the majority of the members on this site have one or more of such instruments. Is there a judgement made that those people are not wotrthy of the status of bondservants? Rather then state created things lets consider common man made creations. Who here does not wear clothes? Does not use a knife and fork for dinner? Lets face it, we all use things of the world. To my mind what is important is being in integrity within ourselves and awake, aware as to what we choose to use and how we choose to use them. I am not going to presume what is right for my brother, even if it appears to me to be "unscriptural". I have been warned about the dangers of both making such judgements and of judging by appearances. We live in a world of fiction. The task as I see it, the work is to learn how, on an individual level, to be "in the world but not of the world".
As to the difference between the statutory and non statutory corp. sole, while it would be good to have a fundamental understanding of the distinction between general public (positive) law and the modern "revised statute" or "code" (private law) it is not essential. (I would recommend that anyone who finds themselves or their loved ones interacting with the "legal" system to get that understanding) A non statutory corp. sole is created and exists outside (without) the statutory structure (its existance is not dependant on the statute), but it can be recognized, and it existence can be authenticated by such statutory structure. There are advantages to such recognation and authentication. A statutory corp. sole is created under the rules and sanction of the statute structure. There are "benefits" to such statutory sanction, along with the "dutie and obligations" that always accompany such state granted benefits. Nevertheless, both are in fact fiction, creatures of the mind, illusions. That does not mean they can not serve us, serve us in our serving Christ. the important thing is to understand that they are such fictions, being used for a purpose, as a tool, and to never confuse the fiction for the real.
Its like the Federal Reserve Note debt instruments, the bankrupt corporate "United States", and commercial paper and the concept of commercial discharge. Its a fake, not what it pretends to be, but with an understanding of the structure, rules, and nature of that system one can navigate sucessfully within it. Can be in that world but not of it. Can know its a game and play it willingly, if they choose. Seems to me better than fighting it. Kind of like being cautious as a serpent and innocent as a dove. As a note because some have had questions regarding the current events relating to commercial discharge of debt, I will share this. To date at least two (two that I know of, and many more in process) federal prisoners have sucessfully discharged their commercial debt (sentence) for their violation of commercial crimes (all federal crimes seem to be of a commercial nature, as well as most federal courts). One of these was released from prison and was on parole with outstanding fines, and one was in prison until settlement. In both of these cases notice was given them that all obligations to the government were satisfied and all rights were returned to them. It seems that they are eligible for "voting priviledges" and to posess firearms. As you may know there are not many felons restored to that status. Sometimes truth is stranger that fiction. If anyone wants to learn more of these processes I would suggest supporting and subscribing to "The Americans Bulletin" (541-488-7769, Robert Kelly, editor)
Well, I hope it was worthwhile. SpyBoy
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Posted - 17 Jan 2004 :  02:36:10  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Well SpyBoy,

Perhaps you can enlighten this one a bit more about the two cases you refer to. I am a subscriber to Amer. Bull. and don't recall reading about either case in that paper. You would be so kind as to indicate the issues and page numbers.


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Occasional Poster

12 Posts

Posted - 17 Jan 2004 :  13:48:56  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Greetings, and many blessings!
I made a mistake on my previous post. The telephone number I posted for The Americans Bulletin is INCORRECT! That is my telephone number. Please do not call me about Americans Bulletin related information. The CORRECT telephone number for The Americans Bulletin is 541-779-7709. Sorry about that. SpyBoy
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Posted - 18 Jan 2004 :  12:09:05  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hello SpyBoy,

If you don't post which issues and page numbers the information is on, I AM gonna call you.


Edited by - Lewish on 18 Jan 2004 12:09:59
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Junior Member

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Posted - 27 Sep 2004 :  18:32:07  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by corporationsole

"Our passion is teaching people how to acquire and establish the wealth that God intended for them to have as kings and priests...".

With Blessings,
IMI Chaplain's Office

It looks to me like Brother Andrew's only real passion may be in lining his own pockets at the expense of others, even if it means setting up corporation soles for know con artists.

There's some pretty insightful comments being posted about the man who started this thread, Andrew DeDominicis ("Brother Andrew") and his business relationship with HYIP pimps Linda Kruger and Laurel LaFerrara, who have bilked their clients for millions at and

Edited by - kirkguardian on 27 Sep 2004 18:36:53
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David Merrill
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Posted - 28 Sep 2004 :  06:44:51  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Dear Readers;

A brief glance tells me that this Topic was started by a corporation sole peddler. The same peddler has been chased off by several expose.

A thoughtful "rdm" suggested:

The sad part about this discussion by many seemingly devout Christians over this topic is the many unneedful jabs and misunderstandings. Instead of criticism, maybe some here could provide alternatives?

The foundational argument formed in the first couple pages is a contention between the kingdoms of God and Men; both being exclusively mutual ultimates, meaning these cannot be mixed - the Living as opposed to the Dead.

I have been drafting remedy for people to cure. Albeit I have no last name, (my family has a name), no Birth Certificate and no Date of Birth, no bank account, no SSN or subsequent Taxpayer ID#, I quickly understood that what people need is a method to function and own property.

The contention that chased the author of this thread seems to be a price tag of over $7K to get established as a corporation sole. "Corporationsole" or Brother Andrew, claims this is only a donation basis but it would seem careful research reveals that donation is a set standard and very expensive for the filing costs with the Secretary of State in the State of Nevada. I can relate. I charge $500 to draft a counterclaim and walk a man or woman through default. However I have done no advertizing (even here) and sometimes even get referrals from people I cannot trace back to a suitor I know of. It makes no difference to me whether I call it a "donation" or "charge" or "fee" because I have no Taxpayer ID#.

I hope you have taken the time to read the above carefully because I am developing the point slowly. I believe there is a resolution, not in trusts, corporations or corporations sole. There is a solution within the scope of the living as opposed to the dead. That is to view living as energy/wealth and the dead as debt - a representation of the living, a counterfeit estate, abracadabra or illusion of wealth.

On September 11, 2001 a bill of exchange cured that "piggybacked" and hijacked all the debt currency globally. The wording is so plain that it is difficult to believe somebody would sign and publish such public law, I know. and

Me being in the middle of the macroeconomic events I am fully confident in the action and see confirmation in your arguements about living and dead. Recently I conducted a tutorial for the suitors, growing in number all the time, about the bill.

I based the tutorial largely in the concepts of the kingdom of heaven but viewing the concept, Mark 4:10-12 by and large through the Gospel of Thomas, which I was blessed to acquire a 1957 translation that published admittedly early due to the importance of the document. Therefore it is a literal translation of the cave find only, without any collation to current known copies of much later origin. No Christian editing. So I viewed the kingdom of heaven for its origins in the perceptions of the Messianic Age when it will manifest on earth.

In this Topic, the argument about the living v. dead is eloquently expressed from the Laws of Mortmain - Dead Hand.

MORTMAIN. An unlawful alienation of lands, or tenements to any corporation, sole or aggregate, ecclesiastical or temporal. These purchases having been chiefly made by religious houses, in consequence of which lands became perpetually inherent in one dead hand, this has occasioned the general appellation of mortmain to be applied to such alienations. 2 Bl. Com. 268; Co. Litt. 2 b; Ersk. Inst. B. 2, t. 4, s. 10; Barr. on the Stat. 27, 97.
2. Mortmain is also employed to designate all prohibitory laws, which limit, restrain, or annul gifts, grants, or devises of lands and other corporeal hereditaments to charitable uses. 2 Story, Eq. Jur. _1137, note 1. See Shelf. on Mortm. 2, 3.

From 1857 Bouvier's Law Dictionary. I am quick to point out that the entity for the unlawful conveyance is not the issue. It is the unlawful conveyance. This brings us back to debt/dead currency. The MORTMAIN immediately follows MORTGAGE by the way. Death Promise - MORTGAGE. So take a moment to examine the beauty and simplicity of the bill of exchange.

The bill recently accompanied my refusal for cause on the final rule published in the Federal Register by the Treasury from the OCC (Office of the Comptroller of the [debt] Currency). Within days John Snow (Secretary) was announcing the 'departure' of John D. Hawke, Jr. It looks like this international treaty coming to fruition was so important that Hawke's career was 'assassinated' over it. and
METRO 1313 published in three parts in The American's Bulletin - 1995 was a very good (albeit paranoid) article about curing 'law' through the international combinatorial mathematics of international treaty home rule municipality on a global scale:

This is a prime example of the modus operandi of how this shell game is conducted. All of the aforementioned Executive Orders were printed in the Federal Register. Once printed in the Federal Register, if not challenged within 30 days, it becomes law. The names of these "Councils" change, but their functions are ever increasing. This Council absolutely dictates the conditions of foreign aid as exhibited below. Subsection (b) states in part;

from Chapter 2

So maybe some perspective needs to be shed. There is a lot of Roman/Greco pagan editing and application of the New Testament just becomes so hypocritical in light that we all have to eat. We need to be sheltered from a blizzard and it is good to have flush toilets and admit it, cell phones too. So the extreme idealism of being a bird with no place to rest its head is a little harsh, even to chase off a corporation sole peddler. Understanding the methodology of application; the activation of the debt/life annuity through METRO is a much better standard to evaluate whether or not you are engaged in spiritual adultery (serving two masters) or idolatry (kneeling before false gods) in your personal life.

Just in case you are wondering where I stand about corporate sole; I would not touch this kind of artificial entity with a ten foot pole: But then again, understanding why this is on display in my clerk's lobby vastly simplifies the usage of the bill of exchange.

So here is some Crosstalk from my tutorials about the bill:

Dear Suitors;

Obviously I see some wonderful correlations in the Holy Bible with history, in particular macroeconomics. The bill of exchange is oriented around a claim of men and women to the original estate that has been appropriated (properly) over the ages by an appointed custodian - through the tribe of Judah (Genesis 49:10) [and that commission was (past tense) "sublet" to the Khazarian Elite - The Thirteenth Tribe]:

Ge 49:10 The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him shall the gathering of the people be.
"Shiloh", of course agreed, even in the Babylonian Talmud revered by the Jews to be a Messianic reference.

But there is a much plainer confirmation found in the profane, the secular world of commerce. I have no birth certificate or even a DOB, however I remember seeing one and the only upper case name on the face of the document was the legal name of the baby. This codification is done in contemplation of the death of the baby, that being contemplated at birth. Remember the METRO article talks about the global municipality wagering a tontine, a life annuity on every birth certificate entry? Lorenzo Tonti was the first banker to really capitalize on tontines in the insurance sense and thus the name is given. It is a variation of a Ponzi scheme - a suppositional wagering scheme that allows for the Bank and Fund to capitalize* on the future prospect of the insured's death. All the insured has to do is admit to death beforehand by "being" the all upper case entity even by legal name (First Middle Last).

The all upper case entity is also called Nom de Guerre; Name of War in French. Which is probably the ancient form of Tontine, before Lorenzo gave it a name. Imagine several soldiers all pitching in to buy an expensive jug of liquer and stashing it where only they knew to find it. Of course after the upcoming battle, the jug was to be enjoyed by the survivors in the group - a "life annuity" that came to term after the battle. If you really want to confirm the artificial entity is dead, just look at gravestones and other memorials. All upper case.


David Merrill.

* Futures - Speculation. Capitalist formal property systems depend on evaluating and lending upon a value that will not materialize until the asset is brought to market.

P.S. I should have this rare transcript of the Gospel of Thomas broadcast in full in the next couple days.

Edited by - David Merrill on 28 Sep 2004 07:43:57
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Posted - 10 Dec 2004 :  23:55:11  Show Profile  Visit legalbear's Homepage  Send legalbear a Yahoo! Message  Reply with Quote
Repent of your old life and start to do the things that are right in the eyes of our Lord and Master. These are just a few that I can think of:

As I read what this brother wrote above I was reminded about some things the Father showed me about coming out of Babylon; Rev. 18 says

4 And I heard another voice of heaven, saying, My people, go ye out of it, and be ye not partners of the trespasses of it, and ye shall not receive of the wounds of it [and ye shall not receive of the plagues of it].

Here is what I know about Rev. 18:4. Jahuwah’s people are in Babylon; they do not know they are in Babylon. They have to be told by Jahuwah that they are in Babylon and that they need to come out of it. To come out they must discover how they are in Babylon. This scripture gives clues as to how they are in Babylon; they are partnering with it by participating in Babylon’s sins. 1 John 3:4 tells us how to recognize the sins of Babylon:

...for [that is what] sin is, lawlessness (the breaking, violating of Jahuwah's law by transgression or neglect--being unrestrained and unregulated by His commands and His will).

So, wherever there is transgression of Jahuwah’s law is, there is Babylon. Wherever transgression of Jahuwah’s law occurs, it is there that the plague will come; and the plagues will even come upon Jahuwah’s people if they partner with or participate in that sin! The way to leave Babylon then is to stop participating or partnering with her in sin.

What I think we all have to stay focused on in our quest to be free from Babylon is spoken by Jahshuwah in John 8:31-32:

31So Jahshuwah said to those Jews who had believed in Him, If you abide in My word [hold fast to My teachings and live in accordance with them], you are truly My disciples. 32And you will know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free.

Here are a couple examples I’ve noticed where Jahuwah’s people partner or participate with the sins of Babylon:

1) In Isaiah 39 I learned a lesson about tax returns:

Isaiah 39 1AT THAT time Merodach-baladan son of Baladan king of Babylon sent [messengers with] letters and a present to Hezekiah, for he had heard that he had been sick and had recovered. 2And Hezekiah was glad and welcomed them and showed them the house of his spices and precious things--the silver, the gold, the spices, the precious ointment, all the house of his armor and his jewels, and all that was found in his treasuries. There was nothing in his house nor in all his dominion that Hezekiah did not show them.
3Then came Isaiah the prophet to King Hezekiah and said to him, What did these men say? From where did they come to you? And Hezekiah said, They came to me from a far country, even from Babylon. 4 Then Isaiah said, What have they seen in your house? And Hezekiah answered, They have seen all that is in my house; there is nothing among my treasures that I have not shown them. 5Then said Isaiah to Hezekiah, Hear the word of Jahuwah the Mighty Creator: 6Behold, the days are coming when all that is in your house, and that which your predecessors have stored up till this day, shall be carried to Babylon. Nothing shall be left, says Jahuwah.

I had occasion to sit in on financial planning training. The trainer was teaching, “If you can get the tax return you can tell everything about their financial lives.” If you fill out and file a tax return you have told Babylon everything they need to know about everything you have; and just like Isaiah foretold to Hezekiah; eventually, they will come and take everything you have. It is much better to be in the position described by Jahshuwah in J.B. Phillips translation of Matthew 5:5:

Happy are those who claim nothing, for the whole world will belong to them.

There are some that this will be a new concept to; you don’t want to own anything in your name. In fact, I was shown that having things in your name is part of the “pride of life” which is not of the Father but is of the world. See 1 John 2:16.

2) Withholding of taxes from private employees paycheck:
James 5:1 COME NOW, you rich people, weep aloud and lament over the miseries (the woes) that are surely coming upon you. [The plagues predicted to come upon the participants of sin in Babylon.] 2Your abundant wealth has rotted and is ruined, and your many garments have become moth-eaten. 3Your gold and silver are completely rusted through, and their rust will be testimony against you and it will devour your flesh as if it were fire. You have heaped together treasure for the last days. [I don’t think anyone will dispute we are in the last days.] 4 But look! Here are the wages that you have withheld by fraud from the laborers who have reaped your fields, crying out [for vengeance]; and the cries of the harvesters have come to the ears of Jahuwah the Mighty Ruler.

It is my position, that as we “abide,” meditate upon, or continue in this word it would become clear to us that:
1) in the latter days;
2) the rich men
3) are going to withhold the workmen’s wages
4) by fraud
5) misery will come upon them for this
6) because Jahuwah is not pleased with what they have done because what they do in that regard is a sin.

Based upon Revelation 18:4, I am saying that the true believer that wants to obey the command to stop partnering and participating in Babylon’s sin, will refuse to work for any employer that is participating in the withholding fraud. For those of you who haven’t studied this issue and don’t understand where the fraud is, the withholding statutes provide that withholding applies to government workers only. This is also a trick to get you to file a tax return because you are promised a refund if you will file one.

I will give you a bonus of one more just so you have a good track to run on; paying workers anything other than daily.
Leviticus 19:13 says,

You shall not defraud or oppress your neighbor or rob him; the wages of a hired servant shall not remain with you all night until morning.

Again, the true believer that wants to obey the command to stop partnering and participating in Babylon’s sin will refuse to work for any employer that is paying the workmen anything other than daily.

NO!! YOU cannot waive this requirement! This is the Ruler of all of the universes law. If you try to say that you are waiving this commandment you are partnering and participating in Babylon’s sin; you are not obeying the command to come out of Babylon; and I most solemnly assure you that the plagues that are coming upon Babylon will come upon you!

I asked the Father, when I was being shown this, “How can we live free from Babylon when it seems that Babylon provides necessities that touch us in so many areas of our lives?” He responded that that was what the Exodus from Egypt was all about. He was proving to any of the Israelites that would pay attention, and there weren’t many in the first bunch, and to anyone that reads the story today, that He was quite capable of providing every necessity, in the desert, for forty years, to 3 million men, their wives, children and livestock. Since Jahuwah can do that, he is certainly capable, without any problem, of providing for you and your family outside of Babylon.

I’ve come out of Babylon in many ways at the Father’s instruction since 1990. I want to tell you that there is a whole other world over here; come and join me in obedience to the Father’s Command.

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Posted - 11 Dec 2004 :  05:00:09  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Well put, legalbear! And "world" in that last paragraph is the perfect choice for in the Scripture it means, "arrangement"; the constitution we live under.

fellowcitizen of the commonwealth of Yisra'el, NOT the STATE OF ISRAEL.

Edited by - Oneisraelite on 11 Dec 2004 05:02:38
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Posted - 11 Dec 2004 :  11:19:12  Show Profile  Visit legalbear's Homepage  Send legalbear a Yahoo! Message  Reply with Quote
What I think we all have to stay focused on in our quest to be free from Babylon is spoken by Jahshuwah in John 8:31-32:

31So Jahshuwah said to those Jews who had believed in Him, If you abide in My word [hold fast to My teachings and live in accordance with them], you are truly My disciples. 32And you will know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free.

Here are a couple examples I’ve noticed where Jahuwah’s people partner or participate with the sins of Babylon:

I was reading here: and I came across another example of how abiding/continuing in Jahshuwah’s Word could deliver us:

Most people do not realize that the strange practice called yoga is witchcraft of a very powerful kind, and that it opens the way for evil spirits to bring people into mind bondage. Yoga is becoming increasingly popular in so-called “Christian” churches. Yoga has its roots in Hinduism and is highly dangerous in any form. I recently discovered that yoga classes are now being held for toddlers, and in some places they include infants as young as three weeks old. (27) As these little ones grow, their minds will harmonize with the spirit of antichrist in the new Aquarian age.

Isaiah 2:6 says:

Surely Jahuwah You have rejected and forsaken your people, the house of Jacob, because they are filled [with customs] from the east and with soothsayers [who foretell] like the Philistines; also they strike hands and make pledges and agreements with the children of aliens. [Deut 18:9-12 ]

And verse 9 in that same chapter says about the people who do this:

--therefore forgive them not O Jahuwah.

[b]If we are abiding in, continuing in, and muttering Jah’s Word we would see that Yoga is a custom from the East and RUN from it because of the judgment that has been pronounced upon Jahuwah’s people who adopt customs from the East. We would recognize a sin in Babylon and avoid partnering with or participating in that sin. We need to be like Joseph who while dealing with Potiphar’s wife said, “9He is not greater in this house than I am; nor has he kept anything from me except you, for you are his wife. How then can I do this great evil and sin against Jahuwah?” Gen. 39:9. Or like Daniel and his friends when Daniel determined in his heart that he would not defile himself by [eating his portion of] the king's rich and dainty food or by [drinking] the wine which he drank; therefore he requested of the chief of the eunuchs that he might [be allowed] not to defile
himself. Daniel 1:8. We should not need a website to warn us about Yoga specifically; we should on an ongoing basis ask ourselves, is this a custom of the East; and decide, this is not for me, I’d like to be forgiven.

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William Donald
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Posted - 11 Dec 2004 :  22:06:55  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I have been reading the posts for a year now and learning much. I cannot imagine life without some of the information on this site.
Today I re-registered with my true name to respond to the quote below with a question. Legalbear! We are in the last days of ?what?

Originally posted by legalbear

[I don’t think anyone will dispute we are in the last days.][

If you mean that we are in the last days of the first covenant, I think that some would dispute that. But if you mean that we are in the last days of THIS BABYLON , I hope so!
Thank you all for the education.
William Donald

* "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."

Edited by - William Donald on 11 Dec 2004 22:40:23
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Posted - 12 Dec 2004 :  00:53:58  Show Profile  Click to see halbertson's MSN Messenger address  Reply with Quote
I have an opportunity to take a share in profits from an IBC (International Business Corporation) as a donation, so I am about to form a Nevada Corp Sole to pass the money stream to many needy Kingdom entities which are helping people recover their lives and learn to live within the Kingdom of GOD.

The Nevada Corp Sole is a simple one page form, and it assumes that there is a Nevada registered agent. One I have talked with is LorettCo - - who will take the one page from the Nevada Sec of State - - and two checks for $50 each, one to LorettCo and one to Secretary of State of Nevada.

That is the sum-total of the process. A total of $100 and your simple statement of what the object of your efforts are to be.

I have no intention to accumulate anything ... only pass the flow to needs in the Kingdom. It seems that this is a good use for a Corp Sole.


Never let a Minimum-Wage Person upset your day!!
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David Merrill
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Posted - 12 Dec 2004 :  08:52:37  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Dear Readers;

Over the last year I have been curing a returned bill of indictment against John Snow into judgment. The testimony from the chief judges revealed an adherence to Rule 2 of the F.R.C.P. That is to say, the clerks of the district courts are falsely branding anyone who files in admiralty pro se and never opening the Article III forum. The chief judges agree and the whole deal is backed by blending law with equity in the 'federal common law'. The result has been that when somebody like an employer, broker or banker; even a client can be coerced by IRS agents on the phone, when they divert funds to the Treasury, they are subject to arrest by the US Marshal via Rule C(3)(a)(ii)(B) of the Supplemental Rules for Certain Admiralty and Maritime Claims. The diversity of citizenship is clearly that men and women on the land are different than the agents of a foreign principal. You can acquire a certified copy of the judgment from the district court in Denver (303) 844-3433 for about $15. It is in Article III case 04-X-06:

The document certified by the district court clerk is actually 13 pages of the three documents filed on November 19, 2004. [For a moment I thought it might effect John Snow's termination. It still might.]

That is related only to corporation sole because one creative suitor has requested I help him with an irrevocable trust. I do not agree with the concept of trusts the way most people use them. In almost all instances the trustee is pretty much a patsy for the formation of an alter ego. That is to say, the 'owner' of the property to begin with is pretty much still 'owner' of the property supposedly owned by the dead thing, the trust. The objective is never to manage the wealth inherent in the property. The objective is always to evade the 'tax liability' presumed by the Treasury.

I told this suitor the terms of the only trust I was comfortable with and that was the general public trust in place. Authority by Constitution is found in Clause 1, of Article I, §10, "obligations of contract" but primarily at Article VI "...public trust". I have The Public Papers and Addresses of Franklin D. Roosevelt, Random House 1938 and that concisely outlines the foundation of the current general public trust, a/k/a New Deal. This instrument has replaced title with warranty deed and Certificate of Title; effectively placing everything including our bodies through a Birth Certificate bond in custody of the State (United States being bankrupt pledges all the assets collateral). So we can register and create and destroy all sorts of relationships (contracts) and it never gets out from under the general public trust anyway. I think of it as playing around with a bunch of abracadabra illusions of ownership. [Title 26, IRS Codes stipulates any recognizable trust must have a citizen of the United States (subject to the code) for a trustee. And I would suppose even a Corporation Sole registered in Nevada can eventually be proven a 'daughter' corporation. After all, it goes into effect through registration and that in the State of Nevada.]

The beauty of this innovative approach is that by simply describing the original intent of the current public trust that is in place, one removes probably 90% of the 'constructive' trusts that have formed, like the "Income Tax" and (mandatory) Social Security etc. In other words, the trust indenture is an express trust based in the exact same foundation Roosevelt intended.

The next component is that 'citizen of the United States' and 'federal employee' are synonymous. See the de jure 13th Amendment. Therefore the trust indenture appoints any foreign agent who wishes to retain citizenship of the United States as a fiduciary/trustee fully authorized to adjust the offset and zero out the alleged debt; as an act beneficial to the specific beneficiary of the public trust in question [from whom the credit was drawn originally - see Credit River Money Decision]. Failure to correct the record becomes explicitly a wanton act of malfeasance as a federal employee (Citizen of the United States) and as a trustee/fiduciary of the New Deal. All three titles are synonyms.

Now this is a 'stop-gap' measure until people understand how to use the judgment to regain our right to take responsibility for arrests. I still have hope in the proper way to do this. The suitor and I are hashing out the final verbiage of the express general public trust but I am under the impression he has no trouble with sharing it openly for everyone's benefit. I think he may be as pleased with the near-final draft as I am. So you may read a template/copy here soon.


David Merrill.

Edited by - David Merrill on 12 Dec 2004 09:21:22
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Posted - 12 Dec 2004 :  11:19:50  Show Profile  Visit legalbear's Homepage  Send legalbear a Yahoo! Message  Reply with Quote
Legalbear! We are in the last days of ?what?
I am of the opinion that we are in the last days of the latter days. I think the "last days" started when Jahshuwah came on the scene as a man and have continued for the last 2000 or so years. In Acts 2:
14But Peter, standing with the eleven, raised his voice and addressed them: You Jews and all you residents of Jerusalem, let this be [explained] to you so that you will know and understand; listen closely to what I have to say.

15For these men are not drunk, as you imagine, for it is [only] the third hour (about 9:00 a.m.) of the day;

16But [instead] this is [the beginning of] what was spoken through the prophet Joel:

17And it shall come to pass in the last days, Jahuwah declares, that I will pour out of My Spirit upon all mankind, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy [telling forth the divine counsels] and your young men shall see visions (divinely granted appearances), and your old men shall dream [divinely suggested] dreams.
I am also of the opinion that the latter days also have to do with the scattering of Judah and what remained of Israel in 70 AD based on Deut. 4:
27And Jahuwah will scatter you among the peoples, and you will be left few in number among the nations to which Jahuwah will drive you.

28There you will serve gods, the work of men's hands, wood and stone, which neither see nor hear nor eat nor smell.

29But if from there you will seek (inquire for and require as necessity) Jahuwah your Mighty Creator, you will find Him if you [truly] seek Him with all your heart [and mind] and soul and life.

30When you are in tribulation and all these things come upon you, in the latter days you will turn to Jahuwah your Mighty Creator and be obedient to His voice.
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Posted - 23 May 2005 :  13:41:36  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by n/a
Would the corporate sole be an umbrella corporation, so to speak, over sub-corporations or divisions, in order for me to market my books? Please check this site link:
before answering, because when I found created more questions, and from what I see on this site...businesses can be a corporate's just not that clear, and I want to do what's right. Thanks for your assistance.

Could it? Yes. It could just like any other corporation, and just like any other corporation, the corporation sole is deep in the system. If your goal is to operate outside the system, you don't want a corporation sole.
A lot of people are getting seriously hurt by using these things in ways in which they were never legally intended (

The corporation sole is intended to incorporate the office of a church or denominational head (that's a real church, not a pretend church). If that's you, you're entitled to form one. If that's not you, and you organize one for some alleged tax advantages, asset protection, estate planning, etc., then you run the risk of being criminally indicted for tax fraud.

Even if your corporation sole isn't just a sham, any sales (such as book sales) must be "substantially related to the legal purpose of the organization," and 100% of the proceeds must be captured and retained by the corporation sole. In other words, you can't get any of it. If the sale of the books aren't directly related to religious purpose of the corporation sole, then the IRS will assess taxes under what they term "unrelated business income."

Lastly, the case you cited has nothing at all to do with a religious corporation sole. It deals with a commercial business single-shareholder corporation. Most states used to ban single-shareholder corporations or single officer corporations. However, many states now permit them. These are not the same thing, nor do they come under the same statutory provisions, as religious corporation soles. Don't confuse the two.

Edited by - kirkguardian on 23 May 2005 13:45:26
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