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Posted - 09 Jun 2004 :  16:30:18  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hello everyone,

I just joined this forum and have been reading lots of posts on here. I am very glad that I was able to find this forum.

I am currently running into some problems and needed as much help as I can get from those who are very experienced with the whole "Redemption Process" or with the "law" that is being used in this country.

I have just started to learn about the "Redemption Program" last year and got the UCC-1 filed with the state, then got the paperwork filed with the Secretary of the Treasury. The main reason why I got started with this was simply because I've been battling the IRS for several years now over some alleged amount of taxes they claim that I owe and thought this might be the answer to my problems.

I have been doing the "Acceptance For Value" and the "Bill Of Exchanges" every time I would get a collection letter, but for some reason all of this seems like it was a waste of time for the following reason:

The IRS filed a "Notice Of Federal Tax Lien" at the county level which I terminated with a UCC-3 Form (Also filed at the county level) but the problem I'm having is that once I sold my house, the Title Company refused to accept the fact that the "Notice Of Federal Tax Lien" had been terminated with the UCC-3 that I filed and so they decided that all the money due to the IRS would be taken out at closing. After arguing with the title company, I was able to close on the house BUT they decided they were going to put all of the money the IRS told them that was owed in an ESCROW ACCOUNT for 6 months from the date of Closing. I now have a very limited amount of time to figure this whole thing out...

My question now is: Is there anyway possible to get that money back which is beeing held in escrow?? I'm very new to this whole UCC Proccess and don't know very much about all this.

I have read the "Redemption Companion" from the American's Bulletin which has educated me a little bit about things, but my knowledge is still very limited and do not know what to do at this point.

I was considering buying the "Cracking The Code, 3rd Edition" book (which is beeing advertised in the "Redemption Companion") but I didn't know if it would be worth the money. If anyone out there has bought the book, would you recommend I buy it??

At this point, I'm really at the end of my ropes and don't know what to do anymore. The amount of money beeing held in escrow is a very large amount and has put me in some VERY serious financial problems.

I'm trying to seek the will of God in all of this, but I don't know what to do. I just read a passage of scripture (Romans 13:1-7) and didn't know if that applied to the IRS since it is a "private" CORPORATION of the Federal Reserve (At least that is what I have read). If anyone has any insight on how that passage of scripture applies to our current environment, I would really like to hear it. My #1 Goal in all this is to do the will of God.

Should I just "give up" and let the IRS walk all over me or should I continue the "fight"??

I've also been doing lots of research on the Internet and I'm finding all these different financial "programs" or "solutions" to different problems, but I don't know what is ligitamite and what is simply a "scam".

If anyone has any insight on anyone of the following, I would really appreciate your feedback:

1. IMF Decoder - ( )

I was thinking about getting this done, but I didn't know if it would be worth the money and didn't know if this would solve my problems with the IRS. It seems very convincing... Has anyone ever used their service. What was your results. Does it REALLY work??

2. Debt Elimination - ( )

This is something else I was thinking about doing but didn't know if it was a scam or what... I'm very skeptical now of all these things out there. They seem very convincing but then again, what do I know about the law?? Does anyone have any experience with "discharging" debts (Credit Cards, Mortgages, etc...) Can this really be done?? Here is another issued that I am confused about with God's word. I just read in the bible (Romans 13:8) "Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another". Does this verse apply to the FRAUD of the bankers??

Any Feedback I can get on all these things I talked about would be really appreciate.

Your brother in Christ Jesus

"I have chosen the way of truth; I have set my heart on your laws."
PSALM 119:30

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Posted - 11 Jun 2004 :  19:08:18  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
The IRS filed a "Notice Of Federal Tax Lien" at the county level which I terminated with a UCC-3 Form (Also filed at the county level) but the problem I'm having is that once I sold my house, the Title Company refused to accept the fact that the "Notice Of Federal Tax Lien" had been terminated with the UCC-3 that I filed and so they decided that all the money due to the IRS would be taken out at closing. After arguing with the title company, I was able to close on the house BUT they decided they were going to put all of the money the IRS told them that was owed in an ESCROW ACCOUNT for 6 months from the date of Closing. I now have a very limited amount of time to figure this whole thing out...
Hi Psalm119,

I can only tell you what I would do if I were you. I would send the mortgage co a First Amendment Complaint for Redress of Grievances, and then when they failed to answer it, I would default them with a Notice Default judgment by Affidavit and record it with the county recorder. You now have proof of their FRAUD and have grounds to sue them.

Also, did you make a claim for your property on your UCC-1/Security Agreement? Did you file your UCC-1 with the county recorder's office? There are many different redemption type security agreements floating out there, many of which are worthless agreements.

Nevertheless, I would go after that mortgage co.

also, another forum you might want to check out to get more help is are good, but they are expensive. You have to buy some wealth education program first ($1,295) then you can have access to their decoding services which is another $1, 600!! . They have references to back up their claims.

Edited by - Livefree on 11 Jun 2004 19:09:05
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Posted - 13 Jun 2004 :  14:16:51  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hello Daniel,

Well, first off, I guess I should tell you that I abandoned the "Redemption" process back in december of last year. I am now doing only straight black letter law.

If you look at all the major leaders of the so-called Redemption movement, they are now more or less going down the same path I have chosen. Even Jack Smith is coming along kicking and screaming, but he does seem to finally be seeing the light. I communicate with him occassionally.

The biggest problem with Redemption, aside from the fact that the banks aren't gonna let it happen is, that you haven't established in the public record, who you are.

You have done nothing to prove to them, or cause them to change their records, that you are any thing other than a debtor who is trying to pretend to be a creditor.

You say you filed a UCC-1 with the state. I will bet you a dollar to your donut that you commited a fraud when you did it. I have seen literally thousands that are not worth the paper they are printed on. But, even supposing you have done it correctly, you still haven't rebutted the fact that you are a debtor. In what way have you given evidence in the public record that you are a bona fide creditor? Just filing a lien on a fiction corporation doesn't do that!

I don't mean to sound harsh, but these are the facts of life.

Let me point out something else to you. People keep going to court and arguing that there is no law requiring them to file income tax returns, and the courts keep sending them off to jail. Why? Well, maybe it is because the people don't know where to find the law requiring them to pay, and the courts sure aren't going to tell them, because if the courts told them, then everybody would find out, and then everyone would fix their problem, and then no one would be paying into the International Monetary Fund to feed the bankers who hold the mortgage on the U.S., Inc. Now, if you want a hint at where the law is, go look at the Insurrection and Rebellion Act. You just might find something called the Insurrection and Rebellion Tax. Once you understand what it says, then you will know why they had to pass the Trading with the Enemy Act. If you figure all of that out, then you might know how to no longer be liable for tax returns and the associated taxes.

Hope this is helpful.


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Posted - 17 Jun 2004 :  16:56:22  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
You have done nothing to prove to them, or cause them to change their records, that you are any thing other than a debtor who is trying to pretend to be a creditor.

You say you filed a UCC-1 with the state. In what way have you given evidence in the public record that you are a bona fide creditor? Just filing a lien on a fiction corporation doesn't do that!
Hi Lewis,

What do recommend to show as evidence in the public record that you are a "bonafide" creditor?
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Posted - 17 Jun 2004 :  18:49:32  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi Alisa,

You can start by entering evidence into the public record that you are a state Citizen and not a United States citizen, i.e. a 14th amendment citizen.

I just entered that evidence into the public record on monday. I now need to serve a copy on all of the agencies and parties who may effect ( not affect, do wish people would learn the difference between those two words ) any records about me, the living man. In my case, what I have done is record an Affidavit and Declaration of Citizenship, Dwelling and Sovereign Status, which shows that I am a Citizen of the orignal 1878 state of Washington. I am having certified copies of the recorded document made, so that I can serve a copy on about 10 different agencies and representatives.

You might want to look at what is being done in North Carolina. They have effected the re-start of the original Republic, and have properly elected all three branches of government. I hope to get something similar started here in Washington state. The North-Carolina American Republic webpage is:

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Posted - 17 Jun 2004 :  20:30:44  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
This Is the Conclusion of a writ on that site:

"The epitome of war is the use of force to subjugate an entire body politic to the will of others. At issue is whether free government composed of free Citizens is allowed to exist in America. We need only look at modern oppressive societies to see the earmarks of the dissolution of Constitutional government and the ensuing loss of Liberty and Freedom of their people.
Although the Constitution of 1971 was voted upon by the general populace, the nature of the body politic had been changed and the subjugation of the entire nation was already completed through the unconstitutional Reconstruction Acts and the 14th Amendment. Would this "vote" upon the Constitution not be the equivalent to the people of the old Soviet Union voting upon a new Constitution, when all the world knew it was a forced union by a centralized power? Would said vote turn the Iron Curtain States into “free Republican governments?” When the Iron Curtain fell, all the free world rejoiced in the new found freedom of the former Soviet States from oppressive centralized government. In this we see the hypocrisy of our own country and the very reason for this brief:
"No judicial fetters must interfere with the defense of the State, which has to adapt itself to the strategy of the enemy. This is the task of the Gestapo, which claims the status of an army and which, like an army, cannot allow judicial regulations to thwart its initiative in the struggle." Dr. Best, high official from the Ministry of the Interior, Germany, quoted in The Gestapo, A History of Horror, by Jacques Delarue, pg. 123, 1964.

In America, the enemy are those who seek freedom and Lawful government under the auspices of the Constitutional framework set up by the founders of our country, and the struggle is the effort to maintain the overthrow of Lawful state government and the subjugation of their people. In America now, as in Germany at that time, the mantra is:
"When the Gestapo (police) gives an order one does not discuss - one obeys." Decision of the Prussian Administrative Court quoted in The Gestapo, A History of Horror, by Jacques Delarue, pg. 122, 1964.

And Justice Jackson in his concurring opinion supporting the majority opinion that the "Presidents power must stem either from an act of Congress or from the Constitution itself" warns us of the pattern:
"Germany, after the First World War, framed the Weimar Constitution, designed to secure her liberties in the Western tradition. However, the President of the Republic, without concurrence of the Reichstag, was empowered temporarily to suspend any or all individual rights if public safety and order were seriously disturbed or endangered. This proved a temptation to every government, whatever its shade of opinion, and in 13 years suspension of rights was invoked on more than 250 occasions. Finally, Hitler persuaded President Von Hindenburg to suspend all such rights, and they were never restored. Youngstown Steel v. Sawyer, 343 U.S. 579, 651 (1951).

And warns us of the clear direction America is taking,

"In view of the ease, expedition and safety with which Congress can grant and has granted large emergency powers, certainly ample to embrace this crisis, I am quite unimpressed with the argument that we should affirm possession of them without statute. Such power either has no beginning or it has no end. If it exists, it need submit to no legal restraint. I am not alarmed that it would plunge us straightway into dictatorship, but it is at least a step in that wrong direction. Youngstown Steel v. Sawyer, 343 U.S. 579, 653 (1951).

In the above principles brought to play on our own shores, we see the burgeoning growth of our "central" government beginning to experiment with these very measures. It can also be seen in the recently passed, and unnoticed, USA Patriot Act which no one seems to be able to understand, is nothing more than an outright attack on those liberties which the government and the Constitution are supposed to be dedicated to preserve. Unchecked, these powers can lead to the total destruction of our beloved country as Justice Jackson stated, to wit:
"The Executive, except for recommendation and veto, has no legislative power. The executive action we have here originates in the individual will of the President and represents an exercise of authority without law. No one, perhaps not even the President, knows the limits of the power he may seek to exert in this instance and the parties affected cannot learn the limits of their rights. ... With all its defects, delays and inconveniences, men have discovered no technique for long preserving free government except that the Executive by under the law, and that the law be made by parliamentary deliberations. Youngstown Steel v. Sawyer, 343 U.S. 579 (1951).

In fact:
"The current law, which has thus accreted over a period of 50 years, gives the President a wide range of powers, but only in time of war or declared national emergency. . . . The President, with the approval of Congress, has thus used as authority for extraordinary actions laws which have no real relationship whatsoever to existing circumstances. As a consequence, a "national emergency" is now a practical necessity in order to carry out what has become the regular and normal method of governmental action. What were intended by congress as delegations of power to be used only in the most extreme situations and for the most limited duration have become everyday powers; and a state of "emergency" has become a permanent condition." Department of Justice, May 21, 1973.

If this was the prevailing condition nearly 30 years ago, it is not hard to imagine just where the "government" is positioning itself at this very moment. Too much government, constantly infringing itself on our Liberties and Freedoms has diminished those Freedoms until they are unrecognizable and nearly non-existent. It is fairly safe to say that we are conditional bond servants to the prevailing exigencies of government and at their mercy in all our Liberties and properties. Should this state of affairs be allowed to continue we will wake up slaves on the continent our forefathers shed their blood to free.
Much has already transpired to effect the tightening of the chains and the loss of our Liberties, we are taxed in every thing and we do nothing, including work, without "permission" from some agency of government either federal, state, or local;
"The octopus extended its tentacles. Permits were necessary in order to exercise certain commercial businesses,... The Gestapo saw in this a new field for control. It contested the validity of these commercial licenses and took the matter up with the Court of Saxony. The judgment was a masterpiece of servility. "Since tradesmen can carry out their business in a manner which might permit the development of subversive activities, the trade authority is duty-bound to consult the Gestapo before issuing permits." Thus the Gestapo was able to exercise pressures of all kinds on tradesmen who were politically suspect." The Gestapo, A History of Horror, by Jacques Delarue, pg. 122, 1964.

Not only has the United States government and its satellite State governments created hundreds of new offices and officers to regulate tradesmen, it has created offices to regulate virtually every aspect of human behavior and activity (see declaration of causes, Declaration of Independence). Nothing is left to the citizen to do freely and unabated without some over riding government regulation or agency.
Although this brief may seem to have taken a turn to philosophy and lamenting the problems facing this country today, it is not without purpose. From viewing the principles laid down in the body of this brief and considering the concluding remarks, John Charles Ainsworth once again returns to one overriding truth; that all legislation has proper subjects and affects only those proper subjects who fall under its purview. Not all legislation applies to all people, though some would have this believed. It applies only to the "proper subjects of legislation." This being the case, John Charles Ainsworth reiterates that he is not the "proper subject" of the legislation that the State attempts to foist upon him. He is outside the venue claimed and assumed by the State to apply to him. He is a Free Christian Man unfettered by the chains of the "citizen" who is "subject" to the jurisdiction asserted. He is a Citizen of the de jure state of North Carolina with full political rights and who exercises all the rights of sovereignty.
It is clear from the Statement of the case that North Carolina Constitution (1971), Article I Section 18 and N.C.G.S. § 15A-952 (d) carry no force in Mecklenburg County Courts, both District and Superior. The Court of Jerome Leonard, without any protest from the Assistant District Attorneys present or from the Bailiff, refused to allow any recording of the proceedings (See Notice of Filing Documents refused by the Court... page 3 of the record.), refused John Ainsworth’s motion to challenge jurisdiction to be entered into the record in violation of N.C.G.S. § 15A-952 (d) thus denying John Ainsworth the supposed Constitutional Right of “remedy by due course of law; and right and justice shall be administered without favor, denial or delay” Article I Section 18 supra (emphasis added).
It is equally clear that both Judge Leonard and Boner along with the several Assist. Dist. Attorneys present in those courtrooms beleive that they have authority to use the Courts as tools of intimidation and coercion. In referencing the tactics of the Gestapo and America’s evolution of elimination of guaranteed freedoms and rights through our “perpetual state of emergency,” it is easy to draw the conclusion that Mecklenburg County Courts along with the District Attorneys Office have crossed the line from being administrators of rights and justice seeking the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, to being administrators of the overthrow of fundamental rights and fundamental laws and have ceased being worthy of holding the publics trust.
The Appellate Court has a duty to step in and restore the confidence of the people in the Courts and severely reprimand both of the lower courts of Mecklenburg County along with the Mecklenburg County District Attorneys Office.
John Ainsworth is asking is that the Jurisdiction Challenge be, debated and rebutted in a fair, impartial and thorough manner in the District Court of Meck. County. To deny this would affirm that the District Court process is not bound by the parameters of due process."

I am,

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Posted - 18 Jun 2004 :  16:24:04  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

Have you ever used the IMF Decoder service??

"I have chosen the way of truth; I have set my heart on your laws."
PSALM 119:30
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Posted - 18 Jun 2004 :  20:15:18  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by psalm119


Have you ever used the IMF Decoder service??
No, I haven't. I've listened to a few of their conference calls though. You can decode yourself. I've heard it takes 6 hours to decode one year. I don't know why it takes that long, but there are a lot of codes on one IMF. Of course, the only drawback to doing it yourself is that you have no support. The decode service provides the letters to the District Director and IRS agent to back up their report.

Listen to few of their conference calls. Have your questions ready.
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Posted - 21 Jun 2004 :  14:29:46  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I just received a call from Nick of IMFdecoders.

If you want to know more about their decoding services, call (618) 355-1604 Option #1 for a 45 minute overview.

If you are interested in learning more you can call Nick Angell at
(206) 575-1109 He will do a three-way-call in to the main office at IMFdecoders and you can ask your questions then.

He is claiming that after the decoding process, you are tax exempt "for life". I've heard that before. I also asked him what they do about the W-4, and he said that they fill out Line 7 on the W-4 "exempt".

The best thing to do is to ask questions... lots of them.
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Posted - 21 Jun 2004 :  19:23:26  Show Profile  Visit DanielJacob's Homepage  Reply with Quote
You may want to check out the below link:

They have a decoder program that generates FOIA letters in addition to decoding your IMF.

Peace to all.
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Posted - 23 Jun 2004 :  12:40:53  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi Manual,

John has some good material on his website:

But, make sure you understand the implications that are associated with what John has done. Don't go into it blindly. Think about what it will do to your life, and then act on it. Too many people jump on the latest bandwagon without first educating themselves about what happens when they do. Here in Washington State, many of us are doing something similar to what they are doing in North-Carolina.

To Daniel,

One of the things that the IMF Decoder people are doing is sueing the IRS in State Small Claims courts to force the IRS to validate the debt the IRS claims the person owes. This seems to be very effect at making the IRS go away.

Peace to you all,

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Posted - 23 Jun 2004 :  17:11:37  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Very informative docs on the ncrepublic site. A few weeks ago I read a Writ for default (Nihil Dicit) deep from the heart of Texas.

Peace to you and yours also,
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Posted - 23 Jun 2004 :  18:13:06  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
One of the things that the IMF Decoder people are doing is sueing the IRS in State Small Claims courts to force the IRS to validate the debt the IRS claims the person owes. This seems to be very effect at making the IRS go away.
Hi Lewis,

I didn't know you could bring the IRS into small claims court. I'd like to see an IRS brought into small claims to VERIFY he has authority to send out a Notice of Levy.

Edited by - Livefree on 23 Jun 2004 18:13:46
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Posted - 24 Jun 2004 :  12:36:58  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi Manuel,

I have recorded an Affidavit and Declaration of Citizenship, Dwelling and Sovereign Status here in the Washington State. I am now going about getting copies served on all the appropriate agencies and peoples. Once I have done that, if anyone wants to attempt to move against me in anyway, let's say the state for property taxes, then I will start a Title 5 cci investigation against them to ensure that their records are correct, and they will then have no argument that I am in their jurisdiction or that they in anyway have authority over me a living man. I also set forth in that document, that I am not an enemy of the state as that term is defined in the Trading with the Enemy Act, and in the War Powers Act. BTW, I claimed Citizenship in the original 1878 State of Washington, not the 1889 corporate fiction state. I will soon have a copy of this recorded document on the webserver that I am putting on line.

Hi Alisa,

What you said is the whole point. They won't come into the court, and so you get a default, and then a writ of execution barring them from any actions against your fiction. I know of one judge who supposedly got threaten by the IRS if he signed the writ. The IRS simply agreed to go away and not bother the person again.


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Posted - 24 Jun 2004 :  15:15:02  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
What you said is the whole point. They won't come into the court, and so you get a default, and then a writ of execution barring them from any actions against your fiction. I know of one judge who supposedly got threaten by the IRS if he signed the writ. The IRS simply agreed to go away and not bother the person again.


Hi Lewis,

I don't just want them to leave me alone, or a default judgment, or a writ of execution. I want a "Release of Lien". I want them to "Extinguished" the lien. If you go to small claims and get your default then you have to terminate the lien with the county recorder, then you have to send your paperwork to the credit bureaus, then you have to..

But thanks for info.. it's good know, what you said. :)

Edited by - Livefree on 24 Jun 2004 15:16:54
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Posted - 24 Jun 2004 :  23:19:51  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi Alisa,

First off, they have never entered a lien. They only have a notice of lien. That is just part of their fraud. I understand what you are saying and agree.

I now have the first 62 pages of the book "Are you lost at 'C'?" in word format. The rest will have to be scanned in. Once I get that done, I will be making it available on CD or anyone interested. This book lays out the course for getting your remedy against the IRS and getting them to leave you alone, and all those other things you want. I hope to have it completed in a few weeks.


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Posted - 28 Jun 2004 :  22:24:46  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi Lewis,

What did you mean when you said:

"You say you filed a UCC-1 with the state. I will bet you a dollar to your donut that you commited a fraud when you did it. I have seen literally thousands that are not worth the paper they are printed on.

What do you mean by, "you committed fraud"?
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Posted - 29 Jun 2004 :  00:05:56  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi Alisa,

Did you record a "Claim of Lien" in the county, along with a Contract or Affidavit supporting the Claim of Lien before you filed a UCC-1 with the state? Did both parties sign the Contract? Was consideration passed to bind the contract?

If you answered no to any of the above questions, then your UCC-1 was done in fraud.

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Posted - 29 Jun 2004 :  14:34:41  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Lewish

Hi Alisa,

Did you record a "Claim of Lien" in the county, along with a Contract or Affidavit supporting the Claim of Lien before you filed a UCC-1 with the state? Did both parties sign the Contract? Was consideration passed to bind the contract?

If you answered no to any of the above questions, then your UCC-1 was done in fraud.


hmmm... Anyone that has filed a UCC-1 has committed fraud... I wonder if the Secretary of State is aware of that.
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Posted - 30 Jun 2004 :  00:59:33  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Yep, the SoS is very much aware of it. That is why most of the UCC-1 filings being done by individuals are being purged from the records. It is taking them a while to get it done, but I know of several people who filings no longer come up in the state records.

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Posted - 30 Jun 2004 :  22:54:01  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Lewish

Yep, the SoS is very much aware of it. That is why most of the UCC-1 filings being done by individuals are being purged from the records. It is taking them a while to get it done, but I know of several people who filings no longer come up in the state records.

The SoS is purging records without notifying the individual? I didn't know he had the authority to do that, without at least notifying you first, so as to give you time to correct it. That would be the decent thing to do.

Edited by - Livefree on 30 Jun 2004 22:56:16
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