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 What IS the IRS anyway?
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I. Scriabin
Senior Member

62 Posts

Posted - 06 Jul 2005 :  21:05:06  Show Profile  Send I. Scriabin a Yahoo! Message  Reply with Quote
There have been some very interesting developments in recent court cases involving IRS:

has articles describing the cases and links to download actual documents from the courts for those who desire to research.

It seems that slowly but surely the Truth is coming into the light of day.
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Posted - 06 Jul 2005 :  21:47:21  Show Profile  Visit Walter's Homepage  Reply with Quote
No one's listed (explicitly anyway) 31 USC sec. 1321; see numbers 2 and 62. Notice that one is "internal revenue" and the other is "Internal Revenue." You'll see similar distinctions in the IRC regs.

Sec. 1321. Trust funds

(a) The following are classified as trust funds:
(1) Philippine special fund (customs duties).
(2) Philippine special fund (internal revenue).
(3) Unclaimed condemnation awards, Department of the Treasury.
(4) Naval reservation, Olangapo civil fund.
(5) Armed Forces Retirement Home Trust Fund.
(6) Return to deported aliens of passage money collected from
steamship companies.
(7) Vocational rehabilitation, special fund.
(8) Library of Congress gift fund.
(9) Library of Congress trust fund, investment account.
(10) Library of Congress trust fund, income from investment
(11) Library of Congress trust fund, permanent loan.
(12) Relief and rehabilitation, Longshore and Harbor Workers'
Compensation Act.
(13) Cooperative work, Forest Service.
(14) Wages and effects of American seamen, Department of
(15) Pension money, Saint Elizabeths Hospital.
(16) Personal funds of patients, Saint Elizabeths Hospital.
(17) National Park Service, donations.
(18) Purchase of lands, national parks, donations.
(19) Extension of winter-feed facilities of game animals of
Yellowstone National Park, donations.
(20) Indian moneys, proceeds of labor, agencies, schools, and
so forth.
(21) Funds of Federal prisoners.
(22) Commissary funds, Federal prisons.
(23) Pay of the Navy, deposit funds.
(24) Pay of Marine Corps, deposit funds.
(25) Pay of the Army, deposit fund.
(26) Preservation birthplace of Abraham Lincoln.
(27) Funds contributed for flood control, Mississippi River,
its outlets and tributaries.
(28) Funds contributed for flood control, Sacramento River,
(29) Effects of deceased employees, Department of the Treasury.
(30) Money and effects of deceased patients, Public Health
(31) Effects of deceased employees, Department of Commerce.
(32) Topographic survey of the United States, contributions.
(33) National Institutes of Health, gift fund.
(34) National Institutes of Health, conditional gift fund.
(35) Patients' deposits, United States Marine Hospital,
Carville, Louisiana.
(36) Estates of deceased personnel, Department of the Army.
(37) Effects of deceased employees, Department of the Interior.
(38) Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania County Battlefields
memorial fund.
(39) Petersburg National Military Park fund.
(40) Gorgas memorial laboratory quotas.
(41) Contributions to International Boundary Commission, United
States and Mexico.
(42) Salvage proceeds, American vessels.
(43) Wages due American seamen.
(44) Federal Industrial Institution for Women, contributions
for chapel.
(45) General post fund, National Homes, Department of Veterans
(46) Repatriation of American seamen.
(47) Expenses, public survey work, general.
(48) Expenses, public survey work, Alaska.
(49) Funds contributed for improvement of roads, bridges, and
trails, Alaska.
(50) Protective works and measures, Lake of the Woods and Rainy
River, Minnesota.
(51) Washington redemption fund.
(52) Permit fund, District of Columbia.
(53) Unclaimed condemnation awards, National Capital Park and
Planning Commission, District of Columbia.
(54) Unclaimed condemnation awards, Rock Creek and Potomac
Parkway Commission, District of Columbia.
(55) Miscellaneous trust fund deposits, District of Columbia.
(56) Surplus fund, District of Columbia.
(57) Relief and rehabilitation, District of Columbia Workmen's
Compensation Act.
(58) Inmates' fund, workhouse and reformatory, District of
((59) Repealed. Pub. L. 101-510, div. A, title XV, Sec.
1533(c)(1)(A)(ii), Nov. 5, 1990, 104 Stat. 1735.)
(60) Chamber Music Auditorium, Library of Congress.
(61) Bequest of Gertrude Hubbard.
(62) Puerto Rico special fund (Internal Revenue).
(63) Miscellaneous trust funds, Department of State.
(64) Funds contributed for improvement of (name of river or
(65) Funds advanced for improvement of (name of river or
(66) Funds contributed for Indian projects.
(67) Miscellaneous trust funds of Indian tribes.
(68) Ship's stores profits, Navy.
(69) Completing Surveys within Railroad Land Grants.
(70) Memorial to Women of World War, contributions.
(71) Funds contributed for Memorial to John Ericsson.
(72) American National Red Cross Building, contributions.
(73) Estate of decedents, Department of State, Trust Fund.
(74) Funds due Incompetent Beneficiaries, Department of
Veterans Affairs.
(75) To promote the Education of the Blind (principal).
(76) Paving Government Road across Fort Sill Military
Reservation, Okla.
(77) Bequest of William F. Edgar, Museum and Library, office of
Surgeon General of the Army.
(78) Funds Contributed for Flood Control (name of river,
harbor, or project).
(79) Matured obligations of the District of Columbia.
(80) To promote the education of the blind (interest).
((81) Repealed. Pub. L. 101-510, div. A, title XV, Sec.
1533(c)(1)(A)(ii), Nov. 5, 1990, 104 Stat. 1735.)
(82) Post-Vietnam Era Veterans Education Account, Department of
Veterans Affairs.
(83) United States Government life insurance fund, Department
of Veterans Affairs.
(84) Estates of deceased soldiers, United States Army.
(85) Teachers Retirement Fund Deductions, District of Columbia.
(86) Teachers Retirement Fund, Government Reserves, District of
(87) Expenses of Smithsonian Institution Trust Fund
(88) Civil Service Retirement and Disability Fund.
(89) Canal Zone Retirement and Disability Fund.
(90) Foreign Service Retirement and Disability Fund.
(91) Violent Crime Reduction Trust Fund.
(b)(1) Amounts (except amounts received by the Comptroller of the
Currency and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation) that are
analogous to the funds named in subsection (a) of this section and
are received by the United States Government as trustee shall be
deposited in an appropriate trust fund account in the Treasury.
Except as provided in paragraph (2), amounts accruing to these
funds are appropriated to be disbursed in compliance with the terms
of the trust.
(2) Expenditures from the following trust funds may be made only
under annual appropriations and only if the appropriations are
specifically authorized by law:
(A) Armed Forces Retirement Home Trust Fund.
(B) Fisher House Trust Fund, Department of the Army.
(C) Fisher House Trust Fund, Department of the Air Force.
(D) Fisher House Trust Fund, Department of the Navy.
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Posted - 07 Jul 2005 :  12:00:21  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

The INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE, which wants you to file 1040 returns for tax on income each year is a corporation, incorporated in Puerto Rico, which acts as a collection agency for the INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND, who is the creditor to the debts of the UNITED STATES. The Anderson brothers and Richard Marks introduced all the supporting evidence to show this in their case in the UNITED STATES DISCTRICT COURT FOR THE WESTERN DIVISION OF WASHINGTON in December of 2004. The jury was not allowed to see this evidence, and that portion of the court record is sealed. There were also over 70 expert witnesses who confirmed the validity of the evidence.

But, that was too much truth and the court cannot allow the sheeple of the land to know it, so it is under seal. I have a few pieces of the evidence that they were able to transfer to me.

Live in Peace in the Lord,

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