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Occasional Poster

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Posted - 22 May 2002 :  15:43:06  Show Profile  Visit corporationsole's Homepage  Reply with Quote
"Our passion is teaching people how to acquire and establish the wealth that God intended for them to have as kings and priests. Through creation of perpetual offices we can allow for the existence of property, finances and assets to be utilized by the presiding officer and their named successors from one generation to the next. In this process of being better stewards with God's manifold blessings, we are enabled to carry out the "Great Commission" of taking the gospel to the ends of the earth. And as you know...It takes resources to do this."

If you would like to learn more about Corporation Sole, please feel free to email me at and we will send you information regarding the same. In the subject line of your email, please put "Request info on Corporation Sole".

With Blessings,
IMI Chaplain's Office

Edited by - All4Him on 30 May 2002 10:52:26

Advanced Member

138 Posts

Posted - 28 May 2002 :  10:40:57  Show Profile  Visit DanielJacob's Homepage  Reply with Quote
So, as a professing "Christian" and purported "minister" for the Christ; you are advocating the joining of the Living (those that are the Christ's) with the Dead (those things not having the breath of life and no right to the Tree of Life: those things that are created by the hands of men and are therefore not of God the Father)?
I also find your description of this so-called "corporationsole" as being "eternally perpetual" most revealing; only God the Father is "eternally perpetual", therefore I must presume that you are advocating the creation of false gods.

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.
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Occasional Poster

11 Posts

Posted - 28 May 2002 :  23:21:41  Show Profile  Visit Chukwu's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Agreed, Brother Daniel. This looks, feels and smells like one of the typical "Christian Patriot for Hire" scams. When will they learn to follow His Spirit in Truth and stop trying to conform His written Word to their worldly desires?!

Biafra lives in the hearts of Christians in Nigeria.
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Forum Administrator

Saint Kitts and Nevis
114 Posts

Posted - 30 May 2002 :  14:07:45  Show Profile  Visit Admin's Homepage  Reply with Quote
While the ECC does not endorse the legal entity known as a "corporate soul", we are aware that such is used by various Catholic Diocese Bishops throughout North America to hold titles to land and property. We don't agree that this is the path for any of His ecclesia to take, but we also recognize that open discussion on this forum is essential for those seeking Truth.

We encourage all viewers of this post subject to discuss this matter here on the forum, and to bring forth what the Holy Spirit may reveal to you about this subject.

We ask that those who post replies keep the format and style in keeping with the example set in the other ECC forums.

He is not the God of the dead, but the God of the living: ye therefore do greatly err. - Mark 12:27
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Occasional Poster

5 Posts

Posted - 30 May 2002 :  15:20:08  Show Profile  Visit corporationsole's Homepage  Reply with Quote
A correction needs to be pointed out. These are not called a corporation SOUL... The are called a Corproation SOLE. They are very differnt form a "body Corporate" For they are a "body Politic"

A "body Politic" is A social compact by which the whole people covenants with each citizen, and each citizen with the whole people, that all shall be goverened by certain laws for the common good. This type of structure has it's own governament.

When a corporation sole is formed correctly what happens is that a person incorporates himself into a perpetual office so that his vision can be carrired on perpetually even after he dies, that His named successor may continue in this office.

I do not see this as being out of harmony with the scriptures, when you consider the fact that Our heavenly Father does this very thing when perpetuating the mantle of anointing He places on men. There was a perpetual office of the High Priest. There was a perpetual office of the Prophet.

I can think of Moses succeeded by Joshua. I can think of Elijah succeeded by Elisha. In all of these it was written, it was declared by the Lord, and it was done. These were perpetual offices that God had created. Additionally, when Jesus was seated at the right hand on high, who is standing in his office here on earth? The Church. "And greater things shall ye do than what I have done, because I go to my Father.

The laws of the state of Nevada recognize the right for a corporation sole to be a "Body Politic" and have its own government and laws established with in its Articles. And so we declare that the Word of God shall be the Divine law that governs the Corporation Sole.

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Forum Administrator

Saint Kitts and Nevis
114 Posts

Posted - 30 May 2002 :  15:26:43  Show Profile  Visit Admin's Homepage  Reply with Quote
While the ECC does not endorse the legal entity known as a "corporate soul"...

A typo mistake on our part. We meant to type "corporate sole".

He is not the God of the dead, but the God of the living: ye therefore do greatly err. - Mark 12:27
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Junior Member

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Posted - 30 May 2002 :  15:31:30  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
How do you separate the "body politic" from the corporate STATE where you register the "corporate sole"? Isn't this ambiguous? A true body politic doesn't ask the STATE to register it nor seek permission for the corporate STATE to give it STATUS.
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Occasional Poster

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Posted - 31 May 2002 :  09:27:53  Show Profile  Visit corporationsole's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by All4Him:
How do you separate the "body politic" from the corporate STATE where you register the "corporate sole"? Isn't this ambiguous? A true body politic doesn't ask the STATE to register it nor seek permission for the corporate STATE to give it STATUS.

The "body politic" is separated from the state through its articles drafted in the corporation sole.

Status on the other hand is a matter of choice. While the Corporation Sole has no legal obligation to receive status from the state, again it is a matter of choice. Under their laws of comity the state recognize the right of Corporation Sole to be a valid entity and will so subscribe a file number in their registry on its behalf. Does this anchor the CS in their juridiction, yes? Is this a bad thing, I dont think so? It provides a way for us to navigate through this world system with out us being of it.
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Posted - 31 May 2002 :  13:08:13  Show Profile  Visit DanielJacob's Homepage  Reply with Quote
"Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of
God dwelleth in you?"

"What? know ye not that he which is joined to an harlot is one
body? for two, saith he, shall be one flesh."

Once again I find your posts most revealing. Did I miss something? Where in scripture are we told to "acquire and establish" wealth?. Are we not told to store up our treasures in Heaven? Perhaps I am wrong, but the scriptures that I read speaks to the death that wealth brings to those who wish to "acquire and establish" it.
The selection of your words still indicate to me that you do not have a good grasp of man’s law, or if you do, then somehow you believe that you can use that law for your own purposes. You cannot execute two opposing systems of law at the same time! This is what our Master spoke of when he said "You cannot serve two masters". If you execute a benefit from the worldly governments then they are your master, period. Any instrument drawn up by man’s hand is under man’s jurisdiction and authority. Those that are party, either implied or implicit, to that instrument are also under that same jurisdiction and authority.
I don’t understand your references to offices that Moses, Joshua, and the other judges held, or to the office of high priest. The Father chose who occupied those offices, which, at least for the past two thousand plus years, has been occupied by Jesus, the Christ.
Further, we, as bondmen (doo-los, a slave, servant, bond-man) of the Christ, bought and paid for with His precious blood, do not have the authority to establish "perpetual offices". Bondmen do not have the authority to do anything other than what they are directed to do by their Master; in our case, Christ Jesus. If you are acting contrary to the instructions of the Master, then you are in rebellion against the Master. This is in harmony with both the Law of the Father and the law of man. What the bondman of the Christ need to learn is how to execute the Holy Writ and Mandate that he has been given by the Father.
I know that this may be offensive to some, then so be it. If you have so much money that you need to keep it in a bank, then you have more than you need and need to do that which you have been directed to do, which is to give it to the poor, widows and orphans.
I know that you know that you don’t own anything, for the earth is the Lord’s and the fulness thereof. He gives and He takes away, to His purposes. Our Father gives us the use of various things that we may use them in the execution of our Ministerial Duty of the office of the Christ. Even the food that we eat is so that we will have the strength to do His Will. As Ministers for the Christ, we are His representatives of His government. We have his Holy Writ to execute. We are acting in His name and by His authority. What greater authority is there? Words written on a piece of paper, conceived by the mind of man, is but another of man’s vain imaginations.

Minister; In Governmental Law. An officer who is placed near the sovereign (Jesus, the Christ) , and is invested with the administration of the government (executing His Judgments). Ministers are responsible to the king (King Jesus) or other supreme magistrate (God the Father) who has appointed them. Bouvier’s Law Dictionary, 1914. Emphasis added.

Ministerial Duty: One in respect to which nothing is left to discretion (we don’t get a choice). A simple definite duty (execute the Judgments of the Father), arising under conditions admitted or proved to exist (you are breathing aren’t you?), and imposed by law (Holy Scriptures), the performance of which may, in proper cases, be required of the head of the department by judicial process (the Judgments already rendered). Bouvier’s Law Dictionary, 1914. Emphasis added.

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.

Edited by - DanielJacob on 31 May 2002 13:15:01
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Forum Administrator

Saint Kitts and Nevis
114 Posts

Posted - 04 Jun 2002 :  17:52:24  Show Profile  Visit Admin's Homepage  Reply with Quote
After studying and praying about this subject forum, we at the ECC are in unanimous agreement that no Good and Lawful Man should register and submit proof of an ecclesiastical office to any commercial STATE belonging to the heirs of Caesar. A bishop is an ecclesiastical office within His Law, but the Office of a Bishop registered to the State is no longer standing in ecclesiastic Law.

The bodies politic this day are:
One - Good and Lawful Christians on one side, and
Two - the lawless persons of proclamations, edicts, codes, rules and regulations, i.e., all commercial persons impressed with a belligerent or military character, on the other.

What has been proposed in this forum concerning a "Corporate Sole" or a "Corporation Sole" would be a means to join the two body politics together into a merged legal body which could not possibly have the character of Christ Jesus.

The "Corporation Sole" discussed above is a legalistic edict established in that which is dead in Law, specifically being that which is established by CODE, RULE and REGULATION. Since all three are not found within the Law of Christ or of His Kingdom, a State Registered Corporation Sole is one who is dead in Law and could no longer be a Good and Lawful Christian Man who is alive in Him.

We recommend that anyone considering spending the $3,500 "donation" asked for by "corporationsole" and his purported ministry, Impact Ministries International, understand that registering himself with the STATE OF NEVADA will be a joinder to that which is not of the Tree of Life.

He is not the God of the dead, but the God of the living: ye therefore do greatly err. - Mark 12:27
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Occasional Poster

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Posted - 04 Jun 2002 :  20:42:18  Show Profile  Visit corporationsole's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Corporation Sole is no different than you using a computer. Something we all know will be used by the beast. When you use your computer, you use software products that are licensed by corporations that create the software. And you agree to the terms in order to use their products. This is the same exacting standard that is being used to point out purported flaws of Coporation Sole.

The computer is not evil but is capable of being used for evil or good. The choice is up to the user. Corporation Sole is a viable entity for one to use in ministry. Just because it is not a person does not make it evil in and of itself. Additionally, the ministry is the person who is doing the work of the Lord, not the Corporation Sole.

God said in His Word "let every soul be subject to the higher powers. For there is no power but of God; the powers that be are ordained of God. "

Secondly, in reference to the passage as qouted in Mark 12: 27. In context... Jesus is telling us about the Life after the resusection and is dealing with family relational issues. This is twisting the scripture clearly out of context when trying to apply it to Corporation or any entity for that matter. A clear clue is given to us in verses 24 and 25 of this same chapter When Jesus says," Do ye not err, because ye know not the Scriptures, neither the power of God? For when they shall rise from the dead, they neither marry nor are they given in marriage: but are as the angels which are in heaven.
This passage is clearly talking about family related issues as it pertains to Jewish Law and family and the question of raising up seed and the death of several bretheren obligated to perform according to the law.

Corporation Sole does maintain exclusive juridiction as to how that it is regulated though it own Articles. When drafted correctly can place at the core of its government the law of God's Word through which it operates.

If one would study the History of the Corporation Sole, they would find out quickly that it is it's own body politic. Even though we file corprate status in the State of Nevada, we still are able to maintain the strength of God's law within our structures. Why? Because there still exists today for leagl separation from church and state. Other non religous Corporations are not afforded this option.

We at Impact Ministries International are not convinced that Corporation Sole is forbidden by the scriptures. We choose to eat of the Tree of Life. Corporations have no part in the Tree of Knowlege of Good and Evil nor of the Tree of Life. It is people [believers] who must decide which Tree they will eat from.
As A Minister, I choose the Tree of Life. The Tree of Life represents Jesus. And Where the spirit of the Lord is, There is Liberty.

So, I fully respect EEC perspective on this issue. I don't agree with them. But I truly appreciate the thought they have given to this issue.

There are those who unknowingly may find them selves eating from the Tree of Knowlege of Good and Evil. This Tree represents that of the Law which no one but Jesus has been able to keep. The Letter of the Law kills, but it is the Holy Spirit that giveth Life.

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Occasional Poster

11 Posts

Posted - 05 Jun 2002 :  01:26:37  Show Profile  Visit Chukwu's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by corporationsole:
God said in His Word "let every soul be subject to the higher powers. For there is no power but of God; the powers that be are ordained of God. "

CORPORATIONSOLE, you need to sit down and read your Bible, my friend. Taking His written Word out of context is more within the letter of the law than anything else you have tried to say. In the passage you quote and refer, the writer was speaking of the order and higher powers within the church, not the Roman Civil powers of the world. Try reading what the context of the passages are that exist before and after what you quoted so you will understand the true meaning.

As for your defence of your worldly position, you need to open your spiritual eyes to see that an elephant is an elephant in the same way that a legalistic incorporated entity created by man is an entity that is ruled by men and not God. Registration and Licence are not of God's Law or origin regardless of how you try to twist things. They were created by men for bondage to the world and division away from the Lord who is our Liberty through Christ Jesus, our King.

Chose you this day whom you shall serve. By what you say, you have chosen that which is of men and their rules by Rome, not the Lord God who is King of all kings. Making legalistic excuses -as the Pharisees did- as to why an incorporated person is still a man of Christ is ludicrous! Either you are of Him or you are of the world. By Whom were you created? In Whom do you exist? Why do you need to register with Rome to keep your wealth? Did not the Lord tell you that He will supply all your needs according to His riches in Glory?

You need to come to my land and live as we do in His Love and REAL Prosperity so you can dismount that pridefull legal donkey you sit so proudly on. Why are there more Scribes and Pharisees -Bondsman Attorneys and legal Solicitors- in America than anywhere else in the entire world? Because you of the corporation Churches compromise His Living Word to be nothing less than legalistic heresy.

We can see how you have been blinded by the American prosperity of the world message and we choose not to be lead down the same wide path of worldly desires for worldly riches you have chosen. 3500.00 USD is far more than the annual wages for the majority of my Brothers throughout the world, yet you expect American Christian sheep to donate this to your ministry so you can tie them to the Civil Authorities of the Roman Civil Rules with legal bonds?

I pray the Lord will open your eyes to see what apostacy you have been lead into.

Biafra lives in the hearts of Christians in Nigeria.
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Posted - 07 Jun 2002 :  10:15:30  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I am new here and chose to post on this topic only because it appears to be the most recent (not a lot of activity here, compared to other forums, hope things pick up).

This is a facinating discussion, but I'm not up on this issues enough to make comment, just an introduction.

JN 17:17
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198 Posts

Posted - 07 Jun 2002 :  15:52:42  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
The asking fee for incorporating as Corporation Sole is $7500.00!

My regular accountant in Nevada can do this for $300 -- INCLUDING ALL FILING FEES. What does this tell you about their "ministry?"

God Bless,

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Occasional Poster

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Posted - 07 Jun 2002 :  17:32:16  Show Profile  Visit corporationsole's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by doer:
The asking fee for incorporating as Corporation Sole is $7500.00!

My regular accountant in Nevada can do this for $300 -- INCLUDING ALL FILING FEES. What does this tell you about their "ministry?"

God Bless,

I do this by donation and I don't charge a fee. I have yet to request such an amount.

With Blessings,


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Posted - 20 Jun 2002 :  04:34:59  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by corporationsole:
"God said in His Word "let every soul be subject to the higher powers. For there is no power but of God; the powers that be are ordained of God. "

I encourage you to read the following news articles on posted on the web. The "Higher Powers" will tell everyman that they need to get the Mark to buy or sell. God states in Revelations that no one who receives the Mark of the beast will ever enter into Heaven. By the verse quoted above one could make a case that I should take the mark (even though it means I would be cast into the lake of fire) because I would "just being subject" as told.

Daniel was not subject and was cast to lions. The 3 men were not subject and were cast into the furnace. Each of these case could be used to state that they were acting in sin... however, who is the Higher Power?


Each man must be subject to the Higher Power that is ordained for them. If you are in living to please God, then you would subject yourself to his rules first (including "swear no oaths" James 5 and Matthew 5 a contract with the govenment is a oath sworn normally under penalites of purjury). If your god is government that you will hold your subject to the rules of government over the rules of God. No man can have two masters.

If you are playing games with the system you are of the system. If you are removing yourself from the system you are in the system (soon to be out). Imagine you are standing one foot in the ocean (government) one on dry land (Bible teachings/ God's word and system). Now you can step out to become dry or you can step in and become fully wet. These are the only options that work. The method you suggest would leave you standing one foot on land and one in the water... however this does not mean you dry... this means you are only half wet. Wet is wet however, besides while you stand firm both in and out the waves are coming in on you and soon you are all wet. This is why I too must agree that this method is not a good plan.

No disrespect, but I would rather die (of the flesh) to/for God than to live teetering between the two worlds. The love of the world is hatred of God!

All my life I had been looking for the easy way. The get quick scam and the chance to have it easy. Now I am learning to "rest" in the Lord is not easy, but very worth it. Those who try to save their lives will lose it, but those who are prepared to lose their lives for the Gospel and Jesus (Yeshua) shall gain it.

If someone wants everything I have why should I not give them up freely? Are they mine? No, for the Earth and everything in it is the Lords. Do I not believe that God could give me back 10 fold (or for that matter 10 times 10?)
I guess this is all a matter of who I trust more... myself and the Governments willingness to live up to it's part of the contracts or My God who can not lie?

As for me and my house we shall serve the Lord.

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Posted - 05 Jul 2002 :  11:26:38  Show Profile  Visit rdm's Homepage  Send rdm a Yahoo! Message  Reply with Quote
The sad part about this discussion by many seemingly devout Christians over this topic is the many unneedful jabs and misunderstandings. Instead of criticism, maybe some here could provide alternatives?

There are two realities everyone must face while in this world. Commerce is a neccessary activity if we hope to be productive in this world and provide for ourselves and families. And there is a system in place which desires to regulate all commercial activity for the increase of their own power, control and gain.

While the Corporation Sole may not be right for some here, as it has been presented so far, it is a solution that works for many. If not a Sole, what other solutions are there for God fearing men to engage in the world of commerce without becoming entangled in all the numbers, controls etc? How does one make a living, exchange labor for the neccessities of life without using FRNs, banks, credit, etc? I don't want the theory, but examples of what people are actually doing.

Maybe one day we will move beyond "peaceful withdrawl" and start to overcome and "take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ". It isn't enough to "Exodus Egypt", but we are commanded to overcome the world in faith. Our Father in Heaven has given us all power to act under the Christ, King of kings. So we have a Testament, but how do we put it into force and effect?

Randy Lee stated the problem best:

"There is a maxim of law, "Scire leges, non hoc verba earum tenere, sed vim et potestatem," which in English is "To know the law is, not to observe their mere words, but their force and power." Bouvier's (1914), page 2162. This is the problem that the church (the body of believers) has. They know the words, and many can rattle the verses off of their tongue like silk, but they have no idea how to execute their [God's] Law. A testament is meaningless unless it can be executed. Where Christians lack knowledge is in the area of procedural law. How do we execute The Testament of Jesus Christ?"

For more material by Randy Lee, download his material for free from the MV Spoken Word Hotline Server. Download instructions are here:

Office of the Overseer for the Popular Assembly of Redemptive Dominion Missions, a corporation sole, and his successors.
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Posted - 16 Jul 2002 :  21:44:58  Show Profile  Visit Paraclete45's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Hi all,

While I was reading all of the harsh criticism of corporationsole's posts, I was struck with the thought, "How many of these fine, upstanding, understanding, devout followers of the one and only true way have in their pocket such a thing as a driver's license, social security card, or voter registration card?". If they have such a thing (regardless of their excellent excuse) they are a slave of man's governments, not God. Is it my job to condemn them for their error? Nope. Maybe point it out to them, gently, but not rag on them any more than I would want them to rag on me.

Most of us have a little bit of truth. Some, more than others. Some, less than others. VERY rarely does our experience lead us to exposure to exactly the same amount of the truth as any other person. Why not learn from each other, instead of alienate each other?

In defense of corporationsole, and perhaps to enlighten him a bit, the Nevada corporation sole is created by the Bishop, Overseer, etc., and not by the state. Their statutes specifically state that the articles are made, subscribed, and filed by the Bishop, etc. As we should know, the creature owes his servitude to his creator, therefore, the corporation sole owes its servitude to the organization creating it, NOT TO THE STATE.

For clarification, a "Body Politic" is a self-governing body like a municipal corporation. A Nevada Corporation Sole is recognized by the state as a "non-government - created" self-governing body. When the articles of incorporation stipulate that the law of the organization is the Tanach and Messianic scriptures, then "Expressio unius est exclusio alterus". The expression of the one is the exclusion of all others. Man's law does not goven a corporation sole that has well-written articles.

However, when the articles are not clearly written in such a manner that they exclude man's governments and courts, then the corporation sole form offers no more protection than any other form.

I hope that this helps settle some of the issues, and if the people who are hassling Mr. corporationsole will please offer some advice from their own experience on what it is like living without a social security card or driver's license, then I'll listen with more than half an ear to their criticism of corporationsole, who may not be perfect, but at lease he is doing something besides complaining and pointing fingers.

Blessings on your homes!
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Posted - 23 Jul 2002 :  21:13:20  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Experimenting is all one/many does while in this "legal system." Christs Kingdom is here to separate the sheep from the goats. Those that are "addicted" to their worldly things of this world will suffer and will perish with those things, those which have been circumsized with Christs spirit will not.
Nothing worldly is "safe" with whoremongers, thieves, and extorsionists. They only know how to take and feel warm and fuzzy. We know that we should not be cold nor lukewarm... also understand what the Christ, our King, Jesus meant when He said "the outside of the cup cannot be clean as long as the inside is dirty."
Follow the Word to the "T."

Dios Con Vosotros,
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Posted - 24 Jul 2002 :  00:14:24  Show Profile  Visit DanielJacob's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Our Lord and Saviour Jesus, the Christ, said to a certain man "…go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me."

Well, we know what happened don’t we. The man couldn’t do it. He just couldn’t let go of all the "things" that he had accumulated.

How did that song go "Freedom’s just another word for nothing left to loose."

This is the way to true freedom in Christ. I have read on these pages where others want to know how you are suppose to "live" in this day and age without bank accounts, or licenses, or this thing, or that thing. Well I thought I would give a few of things that you can do to begin to "live, move and have your being" in Christ Jesus. I believe you will get the idea. I will add before some of you decide that I am being "holier than thou" that I am nearly there. It’s not easy, but then we are told that it’s not going to be. "Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it."

Repent of your old life and start to do the things that are right in the eyes of our Lord and Master. These are just a few that I can think of:

Dispose of, give away, or sell off everything that is not useful, or anything of sentimental value. Get rid of all those things you might be able to use "someday". You know the ones that have just been taking up spaces in the garage or closet, such as junk, old spare parts, unfinished projects, and any unnecessary clothes, pots, pans, dishes, books, and furniture. Better yet, take them to some group of people that can distribute them to the poor or give them to the poor yourself. If you think real hard you probably know some or know where to find them.

Do not buy anything you cannot afford. Do not take out any loans. Cut up all of your credit cards. Close out your checking accounts and use cash or postal money orders for all transactions.

Downsize your abode. You can waste your entire life planning, building, cleaning, repairing, and adding on to a house. This not only makes you subject to government controls and hassles but also restricts your movement. Consider buying a tent. There are hundreds of thousands of acres of land that are not being used that you can "camp out" on. Do not go to "camp sites".

Do not work a full-time job. If you presently have a great paying job, after simplifying your life and reducing your expenditures to a minimum’s minimum, you might want to work for a year or two saving every penny you can possibly save and then quit. When you need money, make things to sell for cash or barter; find odd jobs or seasonal work (paint homes, mow lawns, repair homes, &tc.). Keep it simple. After working for a short time, if you have accumulated some money, rest, do not take another job simply because it is available. It’s time for family, fellowship, reflection, prayer and study.

Avoid clocks, radios, telephones and, most of all, television like a plague. Eventually we also have to give up on these computers, although some of us do use them for fellowship and edification.

Do not maintain an address, Private Mail Box, or P.O. Box. Call for you postal matter at the general post office.

If you have a mortgage, pay it off. If you can’t do it in a year or so then sell the house. The same with your car or truck.

Stop giving out the Social Security Number that is assigned to the Fictional Man that you signed for.

Don’t take checks unless they are made out to "Cash" and you know someone who will convert them to FRN’s for you.

Stop trying to conform Caesar’s law to your way of life. (Affidavits, Letters of Expatriation, Pure Trusts, Corporation Soles, &tc.) These are still all fictions, created by man for man. They don’t exist except on paper or in the minds of men. They are vapor. Learn to live by every word of God the Father. We have our instruction manual, the scriptures. Everything is in there that you need to know about how to deal with the world. Study the Christ’s example in dealing with the "authorities". It is our Mandate and our Writ to do what we are ordered to do by our Lord, our King.

If you have a car or truck that you can’t repair yourself, sell it. Get one that you can repair. Junk the title. Make your own identification plates for it. Mine are five and one half inches by 11 and one half inches of twenty-six gauge steel; Pearl white background with Lietourgos in red at the top, vicegerant at the bottom in red, dark blue letters and numerals two and three quarters inches tall that read PS 119-34 ("Give me understanding, and I shall keep thy law; yea, I shall observe it with my whole heart."). They are posted front and back within frames. I have been using these for over three years.

Get rid of your Licenses’ and all memberships.

If you have fruit of your loins, learn to school them yourself. "And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord."

Stop trying to be someone else’s "image" of what a follower of the Christ is suppose to be.

Seek out those of like mind.
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Posted - 24 Jul 2002 :  10:17:58  Show Profile  Visit rdm's Homepage  Send rdm a Yahoo! Message  Reply with Quote
Now that last message was excellent! Some solid advice that everyone can put into practice immediately. (One suggestion about Mortgages, there is a better alternative than paying them off...The debt was never valid and based upon fraud from the beginning. There are methods for satisfying the debt with the same substance that was loaned. But that is a subject for another message)

My only criticism of DanielJacob's excellent message would be that it isn't everyone's calling to completely withdraw from the system. There are still need for "Daniels" to be in the midst of Babylon. Some are called to peacefully withdraw, while others may be called to build houses in the midst of babylon. Many parts of the same body, serving different needs. But whatever the calling there was still something everyone can put into action now.

As stewards of the gifts God has given us we need to best utilitize them for the furtherance of His Kingdom on Earth as it is in heaven. The Corporation Sole is certainly not for everyone but may be an option for those who have a major project to accomplish that requires interaction with the system. The calling may not be your calling, but some may have this need. Until an alternative system exists where we can operate in commerce as representives of the Kingdom of Heaven without interferrence, taxation and harrassment there will be a need for alternative solutions like the Corp Sole. They can provide these protections and preserve the resources entrusted to us for the purpose they were meant for.

Office of the Overseer for the Popular Assembly of Redemptive Dominion Missions, a corporation sole, and his successors.
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